Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
Robert  - 12.10.2013 - 15:31
AFAIK they only stated that they have not been approached about it. What is your source?
Elsweyr  - 12.10.2013 - 10:40
Sorry but Black Forest Games stated that Turrican Rebirth is a hoax.
Robert  - 07.10.2013 - 19:04
You care about indiegogo. Don't know why you are offended all the time, I never wrote anything offensive.
PSofosNextGen  - 07.10.2013 - 17:02
i hope that Turrican Rebirth is true like our Turrican Returns project ! I cleared my position thought next update when F5 updated their infos about their official Turrican Bye to all for now and keep the faith !
PSofosNextGen  - 07.10.2013 - 16:59
And enough talking i will not repeat my comments again ! be serious and do not talking negatively for one time at least bye time will speak my friend bye
PSofosNextGen  - 07.10.2013 - 16:58
One is the fact : Turrican Returns will happen if Turrican Rebirth will not but if Turrican Rebirth is not as usual a hoax we all be glad to welcome a next official chapter and then our game Be positive are you a Turrian fan ? let it go
PSofosNextGen  - 07.10.2013 - 16:51
Only you offended me from the start . Factor 5 earned money more or less they didn't create turrican for free correct ? And earned money from him and dessapointed the fans as well . History speaking by itself . Who cares about indiegogo ? ?
Robert  - 07.10.2013 - 16:37
Only you talked negative. I'm your first and last supporter on indiegogo. And F5 didn't earn millions with Turrican.
PSofosNextGen  - 07.10.2013 - 12:46
many people here talked negative for you but i was tryied to calmed down the tones . So please give us a break your comments about funding are irrelevant . We knew from the start the conclusion of this funding but we put it here for fun
PSofosNextGen  - 07.10.2013 - 12:43
factor 5 gained millions from Turrican games and failed the fans at the end we not If i remember well you was the first that assist as to go on indiegogo was you ? with not offence
Robert  - 06.10.2013 - 23:38
F5 does not try to collect any money from the fans, you do.
PSofosNextGen  - 06.10.2013 - 19:48
even with demo no funding will be emerged i believe so this is pointless . but we do not doing this for money so the fans must blame the officials not a team like as that doing it for free
PSofosNextGen  - 06.10.2013 - 19:47
TheFactor 5 dissapointed worldwide Turrican fans 3 times if this bacame 4th surely Turrican Returns will be out one day but even if Turrican Rebirth will be out our game will be out as well but with serious changes and after a long time !
PSofosNextGen  - 06.10.2013 - 19:43
This is not always for the money . Not in that case not this time ! but nothing before something from the officials . It depends on history's facts on how we will proceed and when .
Robert  - 06.10.2013 - 14:59
No demo, no money.
PSofosNextGen  - 06.10.2013 - 13:18
With zero funding i will continue the project in my spare time because i am a true Turrican original fan like all in my one team !
PSofosNextGen  - 06.10.2013 - 13:16
No demo no news nothing until official news by the original Turrican creators fot Turrican Rebirth ! If it is a hoax for the 3rd time Turrican Returns will be happen eventually but without funding as we sadly all see the slowing will be bad
Robert  - 05.10.2013 - 15:08
I would double my pledge if they'd release a demo.
Tarr  - 05.10.2013 - 01:23
please give money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/turrican-returns-the-best-fangame-turrican-project-in-history
Jabba  - 02.10.2013 - 20:52
Musik ist wohl fertig und wird wohl alles gerade produziert. Schätze mal bis Ende des Jahres ist alles fertig und verschickt.
pArker  - 01.10.2013 - 21:10
Gibt's eigentlich was neues von der Turrican Soundtrack Anthology? Sollte die nicht im Sommer verschickt werden?
PSofosNextGen  - 25.09.2013 - 21:57
I know and i agree But i was also heard that at the fall of this year will start the developing We will see Good Night to all
Domy  - 25.09.2013 - 21:17
Und hier noch ein Dev-Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDeNSb2jaOA
Domy  - 25.09.2013 - 21:12
Hier mal alte Neuigkeiten aus 2012 *hust* Wir haben mal kurzzeitig weitergemacht: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0o_21_YR6I
Robert  - 25.09.2013 - 21:00
That is an old article about the same thing.
PSofosNextGen  - 25.09.2013 - 20:14
If we do not see something legit and true until the end of the year funding or not our Turrican will be emerged faster than todays progress . And That's the truth the fans wants a turrican game so we will wait a little longer
PSofosNextGen  - 25.09.2013 - 19:49
If this is also a hoax Turrican Returns will be certainly NOT in the future http://www.destructoid.com/new-turrican-title-in-the-works-248302.phtml .
Robert  - 25.09.2013 - 19:49
At what point will you conclude that? I don't think Rebirth will ever be released. I also don't think it will ever be canceled.
PSofosNextGen  - 25.09.2013 - 19:16
One of 2 certainly will be released because if don't we will continue Turrican Returns on full . At least one Next Gen Turrican must see the light of day at all costs . And this is final .
Robert  - 25.09.2013 - 19:11
I believe both games are true. I also belive both games won't ever be released.
PSofosNextGen  - 25.09.2013 - 13:31
many classics bacome reboots this year . Why not also the best Blast Em Up of all time . We all believe this time both games are true but we want something official soon
PSofosNextGen  - 25.09.2013 - 11:37
That sounds also that Turrican Rebirth is another hoax ? . I believe both this time IS NOT A HOAX but we will see . We all hope the best . Our game is not a hoax but it will be in stasis a little . What about turrican Rebirth ...
Robert  - 24.09.2013 - 22:40
Oh, that sounds like Turrican Returns is frozen forever. But...but...I pledged
PSofosNextGen  - 24.09.2013 - 22:14
Will better afraid of Turrican Rebirth GFXS unless will be like GIANNA SISTERS TWISTED DREAMS . That was pretty awesome job and of course IF Turrican Rebirth will see the light of day one day not like the previous phantom Turrican games
PSofosNextGen  - 24.09.2013 - 21:02
Hi to all....The GFX on Turrican Returns will be great but the game is frozen until we see something from Turrican Rebirth or a single screenshot at least . None cares about our funding thought...
Robert  - 23.09.2013 - 23:25
I cared. Why don't you care, Pollo?
Lukasz  - 23.09.2013 - 21:37
I care, but I am afraid of 3D graphics in Turrican. I have seen the demo of new "Rayman", and this is platformer of 21 century in my opinion.
Pollo  - 23.09.2013 - 21:28
why is this so not cared about? " target="_blank">http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/turrican-returns-the-best-fangame-turrican-project-in-history?c=activity
Lukasz  - 22.09.2013 - 21:13
Yes! Now it is correct Thanks
Robert  - 22.09.2013 - 20:43
Got my mail? Update looks ok to me.
Lukasz  - 22.09.2013 - 19:59
Ok! On its way.
Robert  - 22.09.2013 - 19:16
Drop me a line, I'll get it replaced immediately: http://www.turricanforever.de/contact
Lukasz  - 22.09.2013 - 17:47
correct sprite placement is X:1 Y:129
Lukasz  - 22.09.2013 - 17:42
Catastrophe! I made a mistake, and placed sprite in the middle of the level! I hope that Bronko will add correct version soon. Sorry everyone
Robert  - 22.09.2013 - 16:28
pArker  - 22.09.2013 - 10:39
Does not work The player spawns inside a wall. (on a fresh t2002 installation)
Robert  - 22.09.2013 - 00:50
And I recompressed it so it works with the Starter. The level is difficult. I like that
t.r.schmidt  - 21.09.2013 - 17:35
Just added Lukasz´ new Level to the Levelbase: Morguls Laboratory!
Lukasz  - 09.09.2013 - 18:34
That is nice to see You can count on some new graphics and level improvements. As for gfx, thanx but I have all that i need, and You will soon have chance to test it!
donron  - 09.09.2013 - 13:56
I also have some nice, selfdrawn gfx (no time to finish the whole thing) - if you want you can get it
donron  - 09.09.2013 - 13:55
me too
poutsoklis  - 09.09.2013 - 11:55
countm me in!
Robert  - 08.09.2013 - 22:23
Me want it.
Lukasz  - 08.09.2013 - 21:09
I wonder if I would Release Morgul Returns 2013, remastered and improved like Metroidican 2013 anyone would play it?
Mr. Noname  - 05.09.2013 - 07:38
Two Finger Turrican: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkIH5hsCjlI
Robert  - 29.08.2013 - 00:53
Commercial break, check out our Ludum Dare "10 Seconds" entry: http://10up.robdangero.us
PSofosNextgen  - 15.08.2013 - 18:59
The first real Turrican Returns Update ! http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/turrican-returns-the-best-fangame-turrican-project-in-history/x/4399234?c=activity
PSofosNextgen  - 14.08.2013 - 21:51
Funded Or not Turrican returns will not stop but will slowing down badly
PSofosNextgen  - 14.08.2013 - 21:40
A personal thank you to Robert for all infos !!! http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/turrican-returns-the-best-fangame-turrican-project-in-history/x/4399234
Slayer  - 14.08.2013 - 16:58
Metroidvania für PC http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1192311215/ghost-song-a-journey-of-hope?ref=live
Robert  - 28.07.2013 - 01:08
The sequel to Robert Warrior: https://www.bloc.io/ruby-warrior
pArker  - 20.07.2013 - 12:41
Run&Gun Plattformer?! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/project-giana/project-ravensdale
Elsweyr  - 17.07.2013 - 17:43
Oops take this link : https://soundcloud.com/eiswuxe
Elsweyr  - 17.07.2013 - 17:43
Eiswuxe rocks ! He released all Hurrican tracks (and even the unused and some from the first preview) on Soundcloud ! https://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDEQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsou
ZeroTheEro  - 17.07.2013 - 06:53
Ah, thank you for the info
snajperx  - 16.07.2013 - 17:26
yes, there is info on how to find it at http://nemmelheim.de/turrican/official_turricans/show_turrican_details.php?game=turrican3amiga
ZeroTheEro  - 16.07.2013 - 13:48
I heard that there is a gold armor in Turrican 3. Is this true?
Desy  - 07.07.2013 - 07:20
sebuko  - 05.07.2013 - 20:16
have some music and vids on youtibe online if you´re interested in some of my music trax http://www.youtube.com/user/SebukoMusic/videos
sebuko  - 05.07.2013 - 20:15
Hi folks, how´s it going. Long time no see :-)
TheFinalFighter  - 27.06.2013 - 23:34
Added my comment on the board, it wouldn't fit here
PSofosNextGen  - 27.06.2013 - 23:09
I don't know . . . Sorry if i am wrong . Have a nice night
Robert  - 27.06.2013 - 23:08
Why would I want that? I'm the only one who promotes your project.
PSofosNextGen  - 27.06.2013 - 22:34
If Turrican SETA promoting games that never will finished or discontinued and ignore games that will keep you happy ton of hours then these men of these sites are not fair at all .
PSofosNextGen  - 27.06.2013 - 22:31
So when the demo is out we were planned to open a whole new Turrican returns site . A question to Robert : May i asking this ? Do you want to stop my project . This will give you happiness ? A simply question
PSofosNextGen  - 27.06.2013 - 22:29
I don't think so this is not a matter of like or dislike . You are in the Turrican forums and if your work is to make a Turrican game others work is to promote you to the community am i wrong ? the only one i believe is you that dislike
Robert  - 27.06.2013 - 18:05
Everyone else? Only the guy from turricanforever.de seems to like you.
PSofosNextGen  - 27.06.2013 - 16:19
This project is more active than some of the existing once on SETA . Many of them are on hold or on ice but our is full active !
PSofosNextGen  - 27.06.2013 - 16:17
I sent an e-mail to turrican SETA http://www.nemmelheim.de/turrican/index.php to include our project to the active once but for the second time with no responce . I wonder why . So everyone else include our project .
PSofosNextGen  - 26.06.2013 - 16:38
also pictures on Imageshack ! http://www.imageshack.com/my/albums/FpvF
PSofosNextGen  - 26.06.2013 - 16:38
Updates of the Turrican statue project by my one team : https://www.facebook.com/TurricanReturnsTBF
PSofosNextGen  - 26.06.2013 - 15:23
Look into my post a big update soon!
PSofosNextGen  - 25.06.2013 - 21:57
team2 teams=2 teams again a typing mistake oh god
PSofosNextGen  - 25.06.2013 - 21:56
The figure made by one of our team2 teams a prototype and a very good one !!!
PSofosNextGen  - 25.06.2013 - 21:52
Breakin Turrican news : A Turrican toy figure the first in history is ready . A prototype . Tomorrow maybe i will post !!! Also Turrican Returns is included in active projects !!!
PSofosNextGen  - 25.06.2013 - 13:29
My comment = Any comment . Again a typing mistake sorry
PSofosNextGen  - 25.06.2013 - 13:13
My comment or suggestions about legal subjects is more than a welcoming move
PSofosNextGen  - 25.06.2013 - 13:10
You are right but please read my answers and my update inside my forum post !
Robert  - 25.06.2013 - 12:24
Rename it, make it a Kickstarter project.
Karsten  - 25.06.2013 - 09:52
I think this will get a legal problem because Turrican is a trademark of Factor 5.
Robert  - 25.06.2013 - 01:52
Make it a Kickstarter project.
PSofosNextGen  - 24.06.2013 - 17:50
I resend the link for Facebook fans : https://www.facebook.com/TurricanReturnsTBF
PSofosNextGen  - 24.06.2013 - 17:46
To make and bring to life a project like this is very very difficult especially if you are not funded . So this will be slowly but all will be rewarded I want to stuck to the legend as far as i can and for that reason will be a slow one
PSofosNextGen  - 24.06.2013 - 16:59
Also the engine took me 6 and a half months until now and has nothing to do with something simiral out there . This was a typing mistake . sorry
Robert  - 24.06.2013 - 16:45
Doesn't help, I still don't understand it.
PSofosNextGen  - 24.06.2013 - 15:32
MAN not men this was a typing mistake Hello Robert i am working now on bubblevators . Special elevators like bubble on Turrican Returns
Robert  - 24.06.2013 - 15:29
It took you 6 and a half men, what does that mean?
PSofosNextGen  - 24.06.2013 - 15:11
and no we are NOT WORKING with Photoshop i am not a fan of Adobe
PSofosNextGen  - 24.06.2013 - 15:10
I am writing fast and many times counted typing errors . Sorry for that
PSofosNextGen  - 24.06.2013 - 15:09
Also the engine took me 6 and a half man until now and is nothing to do with something simiral out there . You see fast GFXs and not the 3D once . The programing cannot be seen and the effort though
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