Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:34
Ah, Robert hat eben (eine) Gehirn(schnecke)
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:34
also wann nr.3 ?
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 23:34
Wie jetzt, geheim oder Patent, beides geht nicht.
Dr.phil  - 01.08.2003 - 23:34
t.r.schmidt: Hi! may I help you MR.schmidt? Your condition is getting lower of your pysichal extarn strength that may even cause AAS, now give me a big hug and a good smile for everyday now be nice to everyone. Visit my site at drphil.com
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:33
@Robert den Smiley darf nur ich benutzen. Da hab ich Patent drauf.
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:33
Ja, Martin, schick ihm endlich deine Ripper.exe, die seine probleme löst!!!
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 23:32
@TurricaN: (hoffentlich klappts)
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:32
@Dr.phil:Are you programmer? Can you help rip these levels from T1/T2'n'convert to T2002 or T2PC?
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:31
@TurricaN these are only for Insiders.
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:31
I know
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:30
@t.r.schmidt: Additional smilies are not available right to reset button.
Dr.phil  - 01.08.2003 - 23:29
TurricaN:Hi, my name is DR.phil. I came here to help your Pregnant - Dryness Tightness and Intercourse, we are looking a boy who is also intressed by level rippings, if you like me too, give a big good smile and remember, be gentle to everyone.
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:29
@Martin/Robert:Please send at my email: c128@wp.pl all Martin's ripping works'n'tools. I will continue them forever. Your work cannot be wasted!
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:28
Den von Sam verrat ich nicht
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:28
Nochmal ausprobier und dann gleich schämen geh.
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:28
doppelpunkt rotfl doppelpunkt = & doppelpunkt rabbit doppelpunkt =
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 23:26
@TurricaN: Look, that's the rabbit. @Tom: Wie funktioniern die?
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:25
Mal testen muß.
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:24
Zur Feier des tages geb ich ein paar neue Smilies aus &
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:23
Auch nerven will. ... Wann krieg ich das 3. ? *t.r.inSeitestubs* Ich frag das jetzt permanent. Kickste mich dann auch !?
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 23:23
A Popo-Crawler.
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:21
@Martin/Robert: Rabbit,baby'n'HDD throw jokes were stupid. I will know true.
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 23:20
Hey, meine Schnecke beginnt komisch zu schwabbeln.
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 23:18
Das Privileg lassen wir Dir auch
Zork  - 01.08.2003 - 23:17
TurricaN:look at my eyes boy....LOOK at my spiral...you fell very sleep....you thinking about your friends.....litsen to me boy....They are your enemy.....so I will turn you into a murderious rampage freak....kill the all......yes, OH yes...MOHAHAHAHHA!!
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:17
@sam: ich will, ich, ich
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:16
Sure But for that you´ll have to stop this topic @zork: stay friendly
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:16
Mit mir will niemand freund sein !? *heul*
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:14
@Robert,Martin,Zork,T.R.Schmidt,Peter,Karsten,Roy... I will be your friend, not enemy. That will be good.
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:12
Uuuh... Hardcore
Zork  - 01.08.2003 - 23:11
huh?....but Im still best, whooohaaa!!!
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:09
Oweia. Hört bloss auf hier. Mit dem gelache nebenan kann ich gar nicht in Ruhe rumsurfen. (Ist aber auch zu lustisch ihr Schelme.) Nönö...ich kenn den nicht, deswegen weiss ich auch gar "nicht" wo der wohnt. *giggelk
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:08
Robert, Martin, Zork, T.R.Schmidt, and others excuse me for evil XXX stuff and revenge. I'm good now. This was proofed by me under c128 nick.
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 23:08
@Tom Meine Meinung
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 23:08
Uh, I wonder if trschmidt agrees, that this was good
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:07
BOAH! ich lach mir´n Rohr, das ist echt viel zu gut um es zu löschen " I tricked ban" LMAO!
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:06
@t.r.schmidt: As you see, I would show you, that ban isn't needed. I don't write evil for more (under c128 nick,and TurricaN too) I've explained, that i'm good for now.
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 23:03

Zork  - 01.08.2003 - 22:58
see, I told you that it was afake TurricaN cause Im BEST BABY!! YES AND YES, IM BEST
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 22:58
Jippie, aber sein letzter Satz als C128 hatte ihn eh schon sowas von verraten Sollte ich mal so tief sinken, daß ich mich selber als Fake bezeichnen muß, zieht mir bitte die Schnecke vom Kopf.
Zork  - 01.08.2003 - 22:54
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 22:53
Yes, but I will no go back to this site never. I tricked ban, but for this I will no have wasted week. This site is worthless, and I don't back never...
Zork  - 01.08.2003 - 22:52
how? well as you can see, he have a IP changer like me but one of the numbers didn´t change so I guess he living same place as TurricaN, maybe same street as TurricaN MMOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
Zork  - 01.08.2003 - 22:47
I just figured out!! Commoder128 is a fake TurricaN!!
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:44
I'm leavin yer site now... It was helpless. Maybe any hacker/cracker/warezer/gamezer/appzer help me?
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:31
Martin, Robert, is Jack the Ripper was your only tool for fipping graphics and levels? Are you used other tools? Which? Where I can get them?
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 22:29
OK, würde sagen, wir sind alle einfach mal still und lassen ihn alleine brüllen. Wir haben ja übermorgen eh unseren...darfs gar nicht hinschreiben, sonst übersetzt er es noch und...
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:27
Kickin' ninjas? JIAAAAAAAAA !!!!! Tengoku te omahishi atari te imasu !!! M4K !!! DONG! KIANG! TSENG! TSANG! TSIONG! KIAA !!!!!
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 22:25
Wem sagst Du das .... wahaha
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:25
Robert/Martin ignored me! please help! Who may help me in ripping ?????????
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 22:24
We are playing EyeToy, kicking ninjas. @PSYcHoDeLiC: Er klebt einem irgendwie am Schuh, oder
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:22
@t.r.schmidt: please lell martin/robert, that I'm not this fake TurricaN. Let's they help me in rippin' !!!
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:20
@Martin/Robert: where you are?
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:19
@psychodelic: please answer!
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 22:18
OK .. my last word about ripping: I DONT KNOW HOW TO RIPP
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:18
my email is:c128@wp.pl
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:17
@Psychodelic: please be good'n'send me these levels, i beg you. And I will no say more about ripping!
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:16
ps: mein english ist fickliche scheisse, my english is fucking shit
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:14
please send me these levels, i beg you. And I will no say more about ripping!
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 22:13
p.s. Mein englisch is gacke -> my english is shit
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 22:12
No .. just joke: Remember T.R: No word again about ripping ... so pls let it be ... thx
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:12
@psychodelic: do you have complete t1/t2 level set? if that, please send them me. My email: c128@wp.pl
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 22:10
No .. i will publish them by myself
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:07
@psychodelic: Can you rip turrican 1/2 levels for me?
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 22:06
Karel Gott
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:05
that's was my joke. You say about Gott, but which Gott? Odin, Thor, Heimdall, Loki, Baldur ???
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 22:03
@C128: When you fake someone´s name, then learn how to type his name ...
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:03
@Psychodelic: You believe Gott Odin and Gott Thor? If so, thst's good!
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 22:02
@Psychodelic: Maybe Gott Odin and Gott Thor helps you...
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 22:01
@T.R Kannst du mal nachchecken wer da grad unter PsYcHoDeLiC gepostet hat? Weil das war nicht ich?!?
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 21:59
So ... jetzt spamm ich mal dazwischen: LOL
PsYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 21:59
Oh Gott Thor... is das anstrengend alles nachzulesen ... Kaum kann sich Zork benehmen, is ein anderer da der die ShoutBox zu spammed
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:57
@Robert: I forgot Amiga keylayout,because I don't use it for years. I uses mainly C128 and PC.
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:55
Robert, instead of Amiga test, please don't think that I'm TurricaN ;(
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:53
Oh, Gott Odin, help me!
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.08.2003 - 21:52
Oh Gott ... is das anstrengend alles nachzulesen ... Kaum kann sich Zork benehmen, is ein anderer da der die ShoutBox zu spammed *grml*
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:51
Robert, please answer, My amiga wasn't used after two years, and I musr unpacked it from my furniture's deep.
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 21:50
Took you 20 minutes to find out and got it wrong first...that's proof enough for me
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:46
i've mistaked. Order is: ALT, AMIGA, SPACE, AMIGA, ALT. Left to leftAlt and right to rightAlt there are no keys. nearest to right alt is 0 key on numpad (7cm distance)
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:35
Right to alt there are no key. Order is: CTRL AMIGA SPACE AMIGA ALT
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 21:24
@c128: test: On the Amiga keyboard, which key is right to the alt key?
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 21:24
Jo aber er hat große Löffel
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:22
And rabbit isn't even as good as monkey. He can't hold HD in hands.
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:20
I have also Amiga. Fake TurricaN has C128 and PC. I had also ZX-Spectrum, but it was sold for expanding C128. Unfortunatelly my Amiga is degenerating slowly.
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 21:20
And apparently you know nothing about German rabbits.
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 21:18
Uh, but I know how you got your nick. I quote TurricaN: "I have only PC and C128."
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:16
And rabbit buying Hard Disk is stupid idea. This disk would be smashed into parts.
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:14
Mistake: Not boy but brother.
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:13
And I'm not his sister or boy. I live in another block on another street and i don't know him.
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:11
@Robert/Martin: Please really help me givin' your ripping-tools. I beg you for it.
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 21:11
You're his little sister, aren't you? The disk was 2^36 Bytes.
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:06
Really, I'm not this fake TurricaN, who throws fucks around on your site. I'm other man and i hate wAREZ (from small letter). My only games are TurricaN games.
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:02
how many megabytes has this hard disk ?
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 21:01
@c128: 3,5'
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 21:01
Erst auf meine Seite, dann den Link reinkopieren, sonst kommt Euch der direkt Link Schutz in die Quere.
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 21:00
how big was this disk?
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 20:59
Kennt Ihr eigentlich schon den -> http://turrican.emucamp.com/bart.jpg
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 20:59
The rabbit in the garden bought it for a good price.
c128  - 01.08.2003 - 20:58
hut he costs more euro! that's wasted your money. How big was this disk?
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 20:56
Sorry, I threw his hard disk out of the window.
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