Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
IE  - 03.07.2003 - 00:14
I just send a mail to you, read it for a list of my games "We need a c4, then ak-47, and saddam so we can qaunqer the world, mohahaha"
t.r.schmidt  - 02.07.2003 - 23:57
Couldn´t you just mail it to me, I´ll put it somewhere for everyone. Why complicate everything.
IE  - 02.07.2003 - 23:44
THATS right, my xenon is just a clone ok? How can I upload somewhere? do you have msn messenger aky?
MaKo  - 02.07.2003 - 21:25
Xenon 2000 is made by the BitmapBrothers, not by IE.
Aky  - 02.07.2003 - 20:44
Yes...load it up somewhere, it wont work with email for me, much to large for my mailboxes...
Ryudo  - 02.07.2003 - 20:34
IE@) Your Xenon 2 clone, it's not XENON 2000 ?
IE  - 02.07.2003 - 19:38
I send a game for mr. thrshmith(always hard to write) and lets se what he likes?
IE  - 02.07.2003 - 19:35
I don´t know quiet how to send it and load up. What you guys using, text editing or front page? They are huge, we are talking about high quality music!!
MaKo  - 02.07.2003 - 18:45
Just load it up somewhere, else everyone will just ignore it.
IE  - 02.07.2003 - 14:05
yeah, im sure its preet cool game with so cool graphics. Its a bit faster than xenon 2 and very short game, that was made 2002, wanna try?
IE  - 02.07.2003 - 14:04
The name is xeolo:the cybernetic. It features chemical brothers music on it "bomb the bass"
Ryudo  - 02.07.2003 - 12:12
IE@) Yeah ! Xenon 2 Clone !? I'm sure it's a cool clone !
puma  - 01.07.2003 - 23:04
IE  - 01.07.2003 - 22:58
ok, first game is ready, its fixed. A xenon 2 clone, a bit odd but you get deal with
IE  - 01.07.2003 - 21:31
by the way, did you play metal mutant?
ok  - 01.07.2003 - 21:13
you want my games, send your email to me and lets see what we can do
speaker  - 01.07.2003 - 20:55
We (I) want you to show us some of your games...to know what you are able to do with aca.sys!
IE2  - 01.07.2003 - 13:59
lol, if I dont do anything about aca.sys, this is it! I get some whisky, some snacks and a...a bunch of candys and bananas, that will be great whats your suggets guys?
Robert  - 01.07.2003 - 13:56
I am neither a robe nor an Zork "Spam" Esen fan.
IE  - 01.07.2003 - 12:09
damn, tgf dosent work anymore on my computer. Im finished, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
IE  - 01.07.2003 - 12:07
a zork wannabe...but its you robe boy...I occur some problem running knp games. it because microsoft forces me to update my computer so new drives comes and everything will blow.
i e fan  - 01.07.2003 - 11:29
No, we don't.
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 21:24
maybe you wanna test aca.sys...right?
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 21:23
at last, I brought my computer back. No need for webspace, just try it cause its nonthing spectular to add it!
t.r.schmidt  - 30.06.2003 - 18:33
Well, I´d like to have a look at what you´ve got. If you mail me the games, I´ll find some Webspace for it.
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 18:24
yes, i expect the other games first and then, and then we see some aca.sys. wanna play hurrican, ggt hehe
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 18:20
maybe fo you robe
Robert  - 30.06.2003 - 18:15
Cause the shoutbox is more important than your games.
speaker  - 30.06.2003 - 15:54
*grmbl* I want to SEE not to SO...sorry...
speaker  - 30.06.2003 - 15:53
Why not? I want to so one or two of his completed games, to know what we can expect from aca.sys...
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 15:53
there is no webside for that!
Robert  - 30.06.2003 - 14:37
No, we don't.
speaker  - 30.06.2003 - 12:39
Now I am interested: Where can we find your games? We want to look at!
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 09:03
Yeah, one thing i forgot, the games was made by knp but was converted to games factory which is much better that im using and so later on, you do the math.
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:57
That was supposed to be game which was canceled but the true graphics is here, quiet pretty. Now, i decided to change the name of IED only for aca.sys project, label is called AGA system but not sure yet. Now getoff before I stamb you!
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:53
I used some photo shop for some help and editing the pictures in true quality. ACA.sys is not made by that, it was made 100% pixeling every. There is more intresting games I have now so fell free to test it. Few of them are interactive movies
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:51
So yeah, IED is intresting project. I made few more things than that so not only games and movies. However, in 2002 it became improved over graphics section, this was when IED became go trough far to became popular. Not only pixeling the game.
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:40
Not only games, but also movies. We made movies in some 2001 instead for games. There was resident evil 4, The T, The celler. Really funny to watch for my age, I was looking like 45years old gesyer man
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:37
yeah, 2000 was the dull graphics i made, still I have some games from 2000 and 2001 and so on. I made some early ripping from other games like gradius and few other snes games, I made super turrican clone but i wasnt finished so I give up and trying anoth
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:34
5 years old so yeah, quiet long year for a guy working on his ass alone with so many games that you cant even imagine? I decided to send few demos for those who are intressed.
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:32
anyway, IED is now
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:32
IED created quiet intresting game but was sadly newer became so popular as the other knp author like pioupiou creator brainless hahah!!
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:30
still then, i haved contact with core design (tomb raider), I made few help for their game fighting force 2, the idea of FF2 was from me actually in first place. I made nerly 100 games now but i deleted useless game
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:26
so litsen carefully everybody. It begin all in 1999, IED was created then (zork esen design) no big deal yeah but what so over. However, i made a first turrican clone game which was a big hit and was send a demo to factor 5, they where impressed, no joke
IE  - 30.06.2003 - 08:23
Well, I decided to show up all the game i made and ready to run, few demos. Belive or not, I begin create games since 1994 but those are forget so there is actually a bit story about my game company IED.
speaker  - 30.06.2003 - 07:19
Hey IE, a lot of promotion to a game at this state of development, why not waiting until you can show us something new?
IE  - 28.06.2003 - 16:43
still the game is not coded or programmed yet cause this is where i get really hard but the demo will be released of course someday so dont worry about the game if it canceled, im trying my best!
IE  - 28.06.2003 - 16:41
I dont think either that will be fun but anyway, turrican himself are more animated than regular acsys, he havew more frames and the size is bigger so he is nerly finished
IE  - 28.06.2003 - 16:40
those who are intresed for playing aca.sys there will be a beta test that is going on here so no enemies but just discovery the world map.
IE  - 28.06.2003 - 16:39
Nemesis: The released for aca.sys will be unknown date and time. Didn+t work my project for a while because of bad time limits, there are still enemies left, building the map better and few other things so yeah, its a long time for wait
Ryudo  - 28.06.2003 - 15:04
Hurrican, i'm waiting for you ! ^^
Ralph  - 28.06.2003 - 13:49
Jaja,bin wohl nicht der Einzige,dem die Hitze zu schaffen macht
Viid  - 28.06.2003 - 11:05
@nemesis: http://www.nemmelheim.de/turrican/in_development.php <-- check this.
Aky  - 28.06.2003 - 11:00
Nicht grob...Du solltest fast hier vorbeikommen *grins* Viel Spass in der Hitze!
t.r.schmidt  - 28.06.2003 - 08:00
So, bin für 2 Tage off, ich fahre grob in Richtung Aky, nach Pirna. cu!
Robert  - 27.06.2003 - 23:37
Bin grade etwas wirr, das eben war natürlich von mir, tschuldigung
Ralph  - 27.06.2003 - 23:36
Ralph, wenn Du da bist schreib bitte mal an turrican@emucamp.com ... finde nämlich grad nirgends Deine eMail Adresse
t.r.schmidt  - 27.06.2003 - 23:31
Bin derzeit arg im Stress, kommt nächste Woche!
McMonac  - 27.06.2003 - 22:44
@TRS: Wie schauts eigentlich mit meinen Shots aus? Zumindest die vom CPC müssten doch okay sein!
nemesis  - 27.06.2003 - 21:15
man,i cant speak german!
Eiswuxe  - 27.06.2003 - 21:06
Hi, ja 3-4 monate, wenn ihr glück habt nein sorry also das ganze ist ja hobby mässig, und oft kann man nur ein bruchteil von der zeit investieren, die man gerne dafür hätte =(
nemesis  - 27.06.2003 - 20:58
a thousand sorries my friend IE,but like i said,im new here!Your game looks cool!when is it gonna be released?pc version
IE  - 27.06.2003 - 20:18
can some one send me a master cd floopy disk cause i need it!
IE  - 27.06.2003 - 13:45
yeah right? I created hurrican, I would dance on my table then you are funny nemesis
IE  - 27.06.2003 - 13:37
welcome to turrican my friend
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 27.06.2003 - 08:18
No, not Hurrican, but A.G.C
nemesis  - 27.06.2003 - 07:26
You must be the developer of hurrican.Great demo!keep up the good work!i really enjoyed takatis
IE  - 27.06.2003 - 01:59
yep but still under development (check the under development section here!!
Aky  - 27.06.2003 - 00:39
@TRS: Wie lange dauert denn Dein "heute abend" für die Logs?
nemesis  - 26.06.2003 - 23:54
sorry but im new.Are you developing a turrican cloneIE)?
IE  - 26.06.2003 - 23:41
just kidding! I changed my computer so I use a computer with xp so my knp program wont work for a while?
IE  - 26.06.2003 - 23:30
my computer went broken so my project is dead! OMG.......
t.r.schmidt  - 26.06.2003 - 21:56
Nope, only from GGT: it´s only missing Intro and extro (see news from 01.06)
nemesis  - 26.06.2003 - 17:20
Hi again!any news from the various turrican clones?
arnold shwaznigger  - 25.06.2003 - 21:26
thank you my friend and remember, hastala vista baby
t.r.schmidt  - 25.06.2003 - 20:50
Quite commercial site, but ok, done
Arnold shwaznigger  - 25.06.2003 - 18:16
no problemo, you all turrican fans should vote the poll at retro64.com and vote for turrican if it not changed, ya I be back hastala vista baby
nemesis  - 25.06.2003 - 10:17
gooooood mooooorning
nemesis  - 25.06.2003 - 00:03
thanks,as for the other post,i dont speak german!this site is fu...ing GREAT!
Puma  - 24.06.2003 - 23:57
3-4 Monate? das ist ja noch ewig... ich will endlich
IE  - 24.06.2003 - 23:40
t.r.schmidt  - 24.06.2003 - 23:40
I guss it´ll take 3-4 month
nemesis  - 24.06.2003 - 23:33
hi!im really looking forward the release of hurrican.does anyone know when its gonna be finished?
IE  - 24.06.2003 - 23:23
didnt robert fix my review of acsys, he must been drinking alot? or if he slow like a girl!
IE  - 24.06.2003 - 23:21
It was worth a shot! salzburg is really nice, have been there before for 5 years ago, mozart stuffs you know?
IE  - 24.06.2003 - 23:21
It was worth a shot! salzburg is really nice, have been there before for 5 years ago, mozart stuffs you knopw
Ryudo  - 24.06.2003 - 22:25
@IE : Yeaah ! You came back !!
t.r.schmidt  - 24.06.2003 - 20:27
Welcome back Did you like Salzburg?
IE  - 24.06.2003 - 16:12
gigigigiii!!! Im back im back, did you miss me guys
t.r.schmidt  - 24.06.2003 - 07:45
ja, heute abend
Aky  - 24.06.2003 - 00:27
@TRS: Veröffentlichst Du das Log vom Chat?
Executer  - 22.06.2003 - 18:59
So if i understand, we wait for GGT only because of an Intro and an Extro ?! Pfff...too bad
t.r.schmidt  - 22.06.2003 - 15:53
Argh. Und da hat sich noch keiner gemeldet?
Martin  - 22.06.2003 - 13:55
Ich hab schon lange nichts mehr an GGT gemacht und weiß auch noch nicht, wann ich wieder weitermache. Das Spiel selbst ist schon lange fertig, es muß bloß noch Intro und Extro gemacht werden.
Ryudo  - 21.06.2003 - 20:12
What's about TurricaN FPS ? Some news ?
t.r.schmidt  - 21.06.2003 - 19:51
Eigentlich mal was neues zu GGT? Das sollte doch so langsam kommen, oder?
t.r.schmidt  - 21.06.2003 - 16:19
Vergiss es wieder: liegt nur an der Scroll-Position
t.r.schmidt  - 21.06.2003 - 16:09
Was mir gerade auffällt: ist doch beides MT - warum sind meine Shots eigentlich an der gleichen Stelle anders?!?
t.r.schmidt  - 21.06.2003 - 16:06
Du hast Mail - eine Übersicht gibts jetzt hier: http://www.nemmelheim.de/turrican/files/howtoshot/
Robert  - 21.06.2003 - 15:23
JPEG ist ein verlustbehaftetes Format und gerade bei gepixelter Grafik ist das nicht schön. Bei PNGs gibts keine Verluste, ist also egal ob PNG oder BMP. GIF ist auch verlustfrei, speichert aber nur 256 Farben.
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