Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
t.r.schmidt  - 23.01.2004 - 20:04
What the... Kann man die 5 1/4" Disk auch in einen Amiga quetschen, oder was?! http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2782043190&category=8144
Zork  - 23.01.2004 - 19:33
The game runs faster and harder, yet the screen is still same but expect that resolution getting bigger than PAL. Try yourself and see what I mean.
Zork  - 23.01.2004 - 19:31
Robert) Correction: I mean, to play NES version on a US NES would make sense, the game would run faster than regular NES PAL. I tested my Super Turrican (NES) on a Emulator with NO PAL emulation, reslut the game runs slightly diffirent.
Robert  - 23.01.2004 - 18:07
@Zork: Sorry, didn't understand. However, I checked it, NES version was indeed only released in Europe, SNES version worldwide.
Robert  - 23.01.2004 - 18:02
@Mr. Noname: It's called Every Amiga Game Ever _Released_
Zork  - 23.01.2004 - 17:58
Robert) It was only released for Euro, also the nes version however, rumors says that Super turrican for nes still exist on us market, intresting to play this game on US version of nes would make sense.
Mr. Noname  - 23.01.2004 - 17:54
Erhynn Megid@)....mmmm....no AC.SYS? no UNIQUE? now that sucks.
Bronko  - 23.01.2004 - 15:13
And http://www.thelegacy.de/Start/index.php3?start_language=en is also fine...
Robert  - 23.01.2004 - 15:04
@Erhynn: Check http://hol.abime.net/ too.
Robert  - 23.01.2004 - 15:01
@Zork: interesting, didn't know that. NES version by the way, SNES Super Turrican was released in USA and Japan - don't want anybody to get confused
Erhynn Megid  - 23.01.2004 - 14:53
Oops, sorry, no BBCode here ^o^ Here's the adresse : http://eager.back2roots.org/
Erhynn Megid  - 23.01.2004 - 14:53
Do you know EAGER ? Every Amiga Games Ever Released. Check it ! [url]http://eager.back2roots.org/[/url]
Zork  - 23.01.2004 - 13:33
So, Super turrican also released only in europa, not USA " target="_blank">http://home.freeuk.com/markk/Consoles/eurones.html
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 23.01.2004 - 07:11
LOL .. in der Shoutbox jetzt nach copy/paste seh ichs wieder ganz normal
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 23.01.2004 - 07:10
@T.R.S In der letzten ... "Beside the name is has nothing to do with Turrican 3, it´s a complete new game."
The Renamer  - 22.01.2004 - 23:07
I'm sorry too. I'm a bit nervous thoses time and you'rent the causes. Well, don't expect a new "excuse" next time
Erhynn Megid  - 22.01.2004 - 20:47
I'm sorry about busyin' you. ^o^. Thks Aky !
Erhynn Megid  - 22.01.2004 - 20:45
First of all, I want to apologize if I said something wrong two months ago. Secondly, I'm sorry about using the Seta to . And finally,
Zork  - 22.01.2004 - 09:53
Tomorrow is a big day,´its coming
Aky  - 22.01.2004 - 07:36
I love you all!
Zork  - 22.01.2004 - 00:21
Again, There will be some new scenes at Banq-it, hopefully friday. TR) you got mail Aky) you are very nice guy, congratulations
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 23:34
Ich bin auch nice, wie ich in letzter Zeit zu sagen pflege, Provokation ist ein christlicher Akt.
t.r.schmidt  - 21.01.2004 - 22:26
Yep, please be more like aky
Aky  - 21.01.2004 - 22:05
I am very nice...
t.r.schmidt  - 21.01.2004 - 22:00
@PSYcHoDeLiC: mmh, die Shotbox verwendet die Standard-PHP-Codierung für Sonderzeichen, in welcher News ist denn das z.B. drin?
t.r.schmidt  - 21.01.2004 - 21:56
Well, well. The title of this site is "news, facts and RUMOURS" about Turrican, so everybody may post what he wants (as long as it stays interesting), but please be a bit nice, will ya?
Erhynn Megid  - 21.01.2004 - 21:44
I agree with ya Aky... Sadly, it's all my fault, as ever. Next time you want an information, ask Chris himself
Aky  - 21.01.2004 - 20:51
Once upon a time, people here respected each other and talked about interesting things...but now there are childish little wars...I feel saddish...
The Renamer  - 21.01.2004 - 20:38
I've been Jacques Chirac yesterday, now I'm Christophe Colomb. Yeaaah !
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 15:58
One moment, I want to translate the proverb "if you lie once, nobody will trust you anytime anymore, even if you speak the truth."
Erhynn Megid  - 21.01.2004 - 15:55
Oh, the hell with it, stop it right now, it getting boring me a lot. The Seta isn't a site to crying, to scream or laugh on someone. There's another site for this. Just because I've talk about Thornado release's date...
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 15:55
Look in my download section, I got the original midis, the Code Monkey's used for their console conversions. Also have a look at my news history ( http://turrican.emucamp.com ).
The Renamer  - 21.01.2004 - 15:54
Wow ! Thanks a lot, I don't understand german
The Renamer  - 21.01.2004 - 15:53
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 15:52
You do? There is a nice Germen proverb: "Wer einmal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht, auch wenn er dann die Wahrheit spricht"
The Renamer  - 21.01.2004 - 15:51
Let him Erhynn ! He's crying because you says something false about a Turrican ! Hey Rauberk, it's just a game, not the end of your life ! BWA SOB, SIC, I'm dying, a bastard named Ryo has sayed something false, bwoooo....
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 15:51
Reasons this is wrong: 1. Ballistic was just a marketing name of Accolade for their unlicensed Genesis games. 2. I had contact with the Code Monkey's boss, if you don't work for him, I bet I would know such things before you do.
Erhynn Megid  - 21.01.2004 - 15:50
I admit this was ENTIERELY wrong, false, and if you want, a big "connerie".
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 15:46
"THQ are creating a new Turrican for GameBoy Advance and/or Ps2 / GameCube. Most of the team for this Turrican Next Gen are from Ballistic and CodeMonkeys. If I say Universal Soldier, you know who I'm talking about ?"
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 15:45
Same release date worldwide is possible, but only US and UK is _very_ unlikely. And cause you want to argue, here comes a part of Ryo Megid's mail from the 26th of November 2003...
Erhynn Megid  - 21.01.2004 - 15:31
And I'm proud to be with him.
The Renamer  - 21.01.2004 - 15:28
Martin : BWA HAHAHAHA ! Big lier, I've just mailed Chris one minute ago. You're not him ! Oh, by the way, someone's has checked my IP and the IP of Erhynn, it's the same ! Why ? Because he's my mate. Fuck you all
Martin  - 21.01.2004 - 15:17
No, this address belongs to me
Erhynn Megid  - 21.01.2004 - 15:12
chris@huelsbeck.com ? From www.huelsbeck.com ?
Erhynn Megid  - 21.01.2004 - 15:09
after US version. Is there any problem ? And R:Racing Evolution (Namco) will be released in JAP, USA and UK the 4 MARCH 2004 ! You don't trust me ? Bah, think what you want to think
Martin  - 21.01.2004 - 15:09
You must have used the wrong eMail address.
Erhynn Megid  - 21.01.2004 - 15:08
@Mamamiah !! ) Stop it, I don't force people to trust me, we call that a sect ^o^ ! Robert & Martin doesn't trust me, then ? What's the problem ? For information, Rogue Squadron 3 : Rebel Strike (Factor 5) were released in UK two weeks
Erhynn Megid  - 21.01.2004 - 15:07
@Robert & Martin if you want ) I never intented to fool you. I just share any usefull information I got. What do you got than I don't about Thornado ? Chris Hüelsbeck is a human, send him a mail, he answer, he's not a god
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 14:19
@Megid: You once wrote something similar in a mail to Martin - is it intentional, that you always end your last sentence with a statement, that proves, that you just want to fool us?
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 14:14
@Zork: Could it be true, that you don't know, what US means? US = United States = United States of Amerika = USA And 60mHz would be less than our 50Hz m = milli, M = mega
Zork  - 21.01.2004 - 14:04
Really? Anyway, I hopre reading this now, thus I changed my site now http://banq-it.cjb.net/ so you better change it
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 13:15
And a PAL link -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAL
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 13:13
You are so wrong my Zork http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTSC
Zork  - 21.01.2004 - 11:21
USA (US/ U/C) JAP (NTSC J/P) EU (PAL P/L) but sure, USA use ntsc ONLY for translation from JAPAN to english system or else, USA will make their own system.
Zork  - 21.01.2004 - 11:15
Robert: You are so wrong my firend. USA is (US) which make games run at 60mhz (faster) over there. But NTSC (JAP sometimes) is japan country, they use same english system, expect the words are japanese. Europa is PAL of course.
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 02:21
Explanation: The video games world is divided into four terrains: (Japan), (USA), (Europe and Australia) and China. Video games are not released in the USA and the UK at the same time, USA is an NTSC country, UK is PAL.
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 02:18
Spiel Dich mal mit Ansicht->Zeichenkodierung rum.
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 21.01.2004 - 01:58
@TRS Sorry falls doch am Mozilla liegt
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 21.01.2004 - 01:57
OMG .. jetzt ist alles durcheinander gekommen LOL ... also die Apostrophe werden durch Z mit Dacherl ersetzt ... und da in der Shoutbox ... äh .. Ergebnis siehe unten
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 21.01.2004 - 01:56
Hmm ... bin auf Mozilla umgestiegen. Da fällt mir auf daß auf T.R.´s Seite die "´" in den News durch ´ ersetzt werden. Im Internet E. funzt es einwandfrei Muß ich da noch was einstellen oder war TR ein
Mamamiah !!  - 21.01.2004 - 01:27
Robert, go back to delay once again your GGT, and let Erhynn ok ?
Erhynn Megid  - 21.01.2004 - 01:02
I won't cry if you don't trust me We are free to think no ?
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 00:16
US and UK, sure
Erhynn Megid  - 20.01.2004 - 22:48
@TRS : You're right , but when a T-A is delayed, it reminds me Thornado... Sigh. About Thornado, it'll be released in November 2004 in US AND UK. Thanks to thoses who trust me, and thanks to thoses who don't.
t.r.schmidt  - 20.01.2004 - 22:07
Quality takes time
Erhynn Megid  - 20.01.2004 - 21:29
Argh, Ultrastorm tell me that GGT is delayed (once again) to May ! Why ?
The Renamer  - 20.01.2004 - 21:26
Excellent name Ryo. That's not my game, but it sounds cool to my ears. And ''Cypher'', has something to do with wind, I don't remember what...
t.r.schmidt  - 20.01.2004 - 21:26
Brummmmm.. mi 200 auf de Überholspur vorbei... schaut gut aus!
Robert  - 20.01.2004 - 17:23
Eine neue Windstille Version - wer meinte nochmal, Turrican'e' sei weiter?
Zork  - 20.01.2004 - 08:27
Megid) ok, I´ll pick Erhynn Megid, but julien sounds cool too. Chief)) Yes...it sounds like C.S but lets face it. The game will be named to Cypherian Systems and the hero is named to Cyclone, any thoughts?
Chief  - 20.01.2004 - 07:44
Short and deadly sounding, so suitable as the hero of such a game moves through a level clearing everything in it's path like a... well a cyclone...
Chief  - 20.01.2004 - 07:42
And C.S. stands mostly for Counterstrike, so here we have more confusion. My vote is still with Cyclone. If I were to make a Turrican-like game, that's the name I would use...
Chief  - 20.01.2004 - 07:41
Lol, if Zork would spend half the time he spends on this forum on programming we would all be playing Cypherian Systems 3 by now... By the way, u know that if you use the initials of that name Ryo gave you, you end up with C.S.?
Erhynn Megid  - 20.01.2004 - 00:31
Could you chose Erhynn Megid plz ?
Erhynn Megid  - 20.01.2004 - 00:31
My "real" name is Julien, but I prefer Erhynn Megid. Ryo is for french's site, and Erhynn, for my Furry Site -=^o^=-
Zork  - 20.01.2004 - 00:15
Better than nonting, I dont give a shit about your stupid retard comments. Talk something else. And as for Ryo: What is your real name? I need it if you want to be part of Banq-it.
Zork  - 20.01.2004 - 00:11
Robert) As you can see, nobody seems to be care about our banq-it discussion. So what if that logo looks to similar to uniques one? Who gives an rat ass? Just let it be.
Robert  - 20.01.2004 - 00:00
Hier im Rhein-Main Gebiet sind wir alle rhein gemain.
t.r.schmidt  - 19.01.2004 - 23:35
Martin und Rober können soooo gemain sein....
t.r.schmidt  - 19.01.2004 - 23:35
Mann, ich muss mal eine "Best of Shoutbox" einrichten, hab gerad mal die alten Konversationen mit TurricaN gelesen, hammergeil....
t.r.schmidt  - 19.01.2004 - 21:05
A shame Ram-Brand is not here, maybe he could ask The Master
t.r.schmidt  - 19.01.2004 - 21:04
@Ryo: yes, he also works for similis, but is not involved nor a member of smash design. But I wonder what he thinks about it...
Martin  - 19.01.2004 - 21:04
Das wichtigste ist, daß man den Namen nicht verwechseln kann, und dann kein doofes Magazin drauf kommt, einen Artikel drüber zu schreiben
t.r.schmidt  - 19.01.2004 - 21:02
Was hast du erwartet? Aber gut, wenn er denn wenigstens mal was spielbares draus macht solls mir egal sein. T2002 war ja schliesslich auch cool.
t.r.schmidt  - 19.01.2004 - 21:01
Dennis? Nope, but at http://eab.abime.net they´ll surely help you.
Robert  - 19.01.2004 - 20:58
Schon lustig, daß er sich sogar das Logo bei Unique abschaut. Ich bin dafür, Zork in Clony umzubenennen.
Stephen Porter  - 19.01.2004 - 20:52
Does anyone know where i can download dennis for amiga
t.r.schmidt  - 19.01.2004 - 20:49
Well, yes, after all this releases your old label nearly got boring
Zork  - 19.01.2004 - 20:43
ha, This is my new site! BANQ-IT is the label for the new Turrican game, what do you think about the logo? BTW, sys video is down so you have to ask someone who have it
Erhynn Megid  - 19.01.2004 - 20:19
ex Ryo Megid )) @Zork ) Ok. Oh, by the way, when does your site will came back ? I was about to download ***.Sys video, but... I found this name : Banq'it. What's this ?
Zork  - 19.01.2004 - 20:09
The game is developing from scratch (again) with higher resolution.
Ryo Megid  - 19.01.2004 - 19:50
Thks ^o^ !! But please, finish your games ^o^ ! @TRS : Similis, Manfred Trenz work there no ? So T3 for C64 is in dev with Manfred ?
Zork  - 19.01.2004 - 19:45
Cypherian's System works great, thanks man A credit for your name on my game, good job!
Ryo Megid  - 19.01.2004 - 18:45
Anyway, I'm writing a Turrican Fan Fiction, named Cypherian's Systems, (free !). You can use this name if you want.
Ryo Megid  - 19.01.2004 - 18:43
Why not Cypherian's Systems ? Could be cool (was the name of a project I'll never create, because I'm not a programmer U_U
Zork  - 19.01.2004 - 16:28
Hey, nice story there Ryo, Cyclone seems to fit well but......replace clone (not _CY) something else.
The Renamer  - 19.01.2004 - 14:23
Hm, a scenarii for a Turrican is not necessary. Chief has the best version : Morgul = Bad guy, Bren = Good guy, so fight !
Ryo Megid  - 19.01.2004 - 12:54
After many years of glory, the Machine suddendly came back, and as dangerous as ever (Rick Dangerous rules), Morgul has started destroying the universe. Only one man can save universe : Bren Mc Guire, with the Cyclone assault suit.
Chief  - 19.01.2004 - 08:10
Or do you mean the story of the game...Universe is in danger, hero comes to save the day?
Chief  - 19.01.2004 - 07:54
Background? I thought the background is that it is a Turrican-inspired/cloned game so Cyclone is a good name than. Remember that Turrican working title was in fact Hurrican...
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