Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
mamamiah !!  - 10.10.2003 - 14:12
@Ralph) Are ya Ralph Weinert from the WindStille project ?
Rio  - 10.10.2003 - 13:58
..ich mein wenn jemand bock hat mit mir zusammen ein level zu gestalten (graphiken für eis-level ist schon fertig) dann kann er ja mal bescheid sagen im t2002 forum - aber er sollte schon kreativ sein - auf ein 0815-level hab ich kein bock
Ralph  - 08.10.2003 - 18:45
.....Sprite bei einem Sprung landet.Ich werde mir deinen Level trotzdem mal anschauen.
Ralph  - 08.10.2003 - 18:43
Du meinst wahrscheinlich den "flow" Status.Wenn man den aber allen Eis-Tiles geben würde,dann würde man ja nur noch rutschen.Wenn man's nur bei einigen Tiles macht,funktioniert's auch wieder nicht richtig,da man ja nie weiss,wo das
Rio  - 08.10.2003 - 16:26
das hab ich aber im meinem 1.Level mit drin!! musst mal schauen -> RioLevel 1 unten rechts des Levels
Ralph  - 08.10.2003 - 15:26
Mit Eis hätte ich eigentlich auch gerne was gemacht.Mir fehlte aber ein "rutschig"-Status für die Tiles.
Rio  - 08.10.2003 - 09:56
Ich habe ein nächstes Level in aussicht für T2002 (Icewelt..), kann aber noch dauern, weil ich nebenbei noch arbeiten muss
t.r.schmidt  - 07.10.2003 - 22:01
Well, I only said it´s active, not that it´s progressing good, or that a release of anything is in sight
The Renamer  - 06.10.2003 - 23:13
Well, . But I understand is wrath. If T4E is still active, why the site isn't update since the 7 June ? I know you're working on TRS, but...
The Renamer  - 06.10.2003 - 23:03
Argh, give me a gun, BAM. ACA.SYS / ACG is dead ? Why do we happen it NOW ?! We're waiting in the wind... Damn, I'm re-ennoying the world...
Zork  - 06.10.2003 - 19:31
The guy told me: AGC or aca.sys is dead, yes sadly. Dont ask me! Ask him!
mamamiah !!  - 05.10.2003 - 22:51
Well, WHO CAN say WHAT is REALLY new in the SETA's ? (Damn, I'm talking like The Renamer...)
t.r.schmidt  - 05.10.2003 - 22:42
Aww, right. Well, undead, like eber I guess it changed it´s name to often.
mamamiah !!  - 05.10.2003 - 21:09
ACG isn't ACA.SYS ?
Ralph  - 05.10.2003 - 20:28
Frag am besten mal Karsten,der müsste bald wieder da sein.
Ralph  - 05.10.2003 - 20:25
Wie kommst du denn drauf,dass sowas überhaupt möglich ist?
dex  - 05.10.2003 - 18:06
bei t2002, muß man immer neue powerups für das jetpack sammeln, bitte um tips, vielen dank!!
dex  - 05.10.2003 - 18:05
wie kann ich einstellen, daß turri das jetack (j) unendlich hat? will einen reinen fluglevel machen wie in t1_lvl3!!!!
dex  - 05.10.2003 - 18:05
brauche HILFE mit t2002 editor!!
Martin  - 05.10.2003 - 17:04
24. Oktober glaube ich. Und wir haben ein gutes Internetcaffee in der Nähe, wo wir sogar unseren USB-Memorystick benutzen können.
Aky  - 05.10.2003 - 17:00
@Martin: ist denn schon ein Ende Eurer online-losen Zeit abzusehen? Oder seid Ihr jetzt auf der Blacklist aller Provider?
Aky  - 05.10.2003 - 16:59
Hab die letzten Wochen jeden Sonntag abend in den Chat geschaut...aber es war niemand da...nur beim ersten nach der GC...aber auch nur McMonac und noch ein, zwei andere...danach schlief es völlig ein...
Martin  - 05.10.2003 - 16:54
Nicht mal ein einziger in den vielen vergangenen Wochen?
t.r.schmidt  - 05.10.2003 - 16:23
@Martin: ich befürchte es war kein Chat - oder ich hab ihn verpasst
t.r.schmidt  - 05.10.2003 - 16:21
T4e ist still active, long heard nothing from FPS. ACG? I don´t remember ACG?
mamamiah !!  - 05.10.2003 - 15:03
Hey everyone !! What are the dead Seta Projects ? TurricanE For Ever ? TurricaN FPS ? ACG ?
Martin  - 05.10.2003 - 14:53
@Aky/T.R.: Schickt uns bitte jemand die Chatlogs? eMails kann ich oft genug abholen.
Luke  - 05.10.2003 - 13:19
@Zork, nonono, I am Manfred Trenz. At least Hugi #25 said so ( http://www.hugi.de ) in their DemoScene Forum/The Newscorner. Download and look for yourself!
t.r.schmidt  - 05.10.2003 - 11:37
Do you mean how many Turrican-Fansites? About 6, I think. And no, I never heard a word from Trenz. Sadly.
Zork  - 05.10.2003 - 02:09
When i mean how many site there is, I mean all of them. The whole internet websites that will currently count, someone? Do you know how many sites has been created or published?
Zork  - 05.10.2003 - 02:08
Trs: ok, few things 1.How many site is there currently? 2. Did Trenz visit this site? 3. What will Trenz say about this site?
Zork  - 05.10.2003 - 02:05
A thornado fan or so called "I got the pic" dosen´t mean tob e a friend of Chris Hüelsbeck but thats his problem, not my. So please guys, not another TurricaN jerk.
Zork  - 05.10.2003 - 02:03
The Renamer: Ok enough, just stop annoying..ok? Look, I dont give damn care if he is a friend of Chris Hüelsbeck, yeah right and I am Manfred Trenz.
t.r.schmidt  - 04.10.2003 - 20:16
Mmh. Opera is standalone, but you may allow it to take action if you open any html-stuff. Try it, it´s nice
The Renamer  - 04.10.2003 - 19:49
Zork@) Ok folks, I stop ennoyin' the Seta community. I've talked with Ryo Megid, and YES, I'm a damned fuc##g. Hey Zork, Ryo wasn't lying about Thornado. He's a just friend of Chris Hüelsbeck.
Aky  - 04.10.2003 - 17:01
Made the test with ct-Browsercheck, my Antivirus stopped the script...good to have an analog-modem I will hear a new dial-up...is opera stand-alone or will it integrate itself in the whole system?
t.r.schmidt  - 04.10.2003 - 15:55
It was some ad, I don´t know. Read here: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/data/bo-04.10.03-004/
Zork  - 04.10.2003 - 15:08
A dialer crashed your pc? Lol
Aky  - 04.10.2003 - 11:39
I would think with my old modem and an onlinemeter I should see the dialers work, but who knows...
Aky  - 04.10.2003 - 11:37
@TRS: Which dialer, which site?
name  - 04.10.2003 - 00:32
Well, here is the interview http://www.amigafuture.de/interactive/interview/unique.php ohh and there is a remix of turrican at RKO remix, i think
t.r.schmidt  - 03.10.2003 - 22:53
Oh, and an off-topic warning: today a dialer installed itself and crashed my pc just after visiting a site. No requester, nothing. Now I finally use only Opera.
t.r.schmidt  - 03.10.2003 - 22:49
Well, just post everything here
Zork  - 03.10.2003 - 20:03
btw, I found some intresting interview about Unique the coder of ac.sys. If you want it, i´ll give the site for you.
Zork  - 03.10.2003 - 19:28
but I tell ya, the new gfx looks bad ass!!
Zork  - 03.10.2003 - 18:48
well, I may change the whole gfx but the gameplay, the coding may be same but who knows? No details yet.
t.r.schmidt  - 03.10.2003 - 18:18
I think: don´t start another game that you don´t finish. Or use the gfx you´ve done for the new one.
Zork  - 03.10.2003 - 17:26
trs: did you get my mail? What do you think?
Bronko  - 03.10.2003 - 00:19
Ich glaub, ich hol mir auch dieses SETA für Windows... | Sö, ich verabschiede mich jetzt, bin zwei Wochen im Urlaub!
t.r.schmidt  - 02.10.2003 - 18:33
t.r.schmidt  - 02.10.2003 - 18:32
...PC zu portieren. Das ganze nennt sich dann Turrican SETA. Wen es interessiert, HIER der Link.
t.r.schmidt  - 02.10.2003 - 18:32
http://www.ofenrohr.com hat mir über 2000 hits beschert, quote: Für alle Fans des wahnsinnig genialen Amiga Games Turrican hab ich eine interessante Site gefunden. Was ich so gelesen habe, wird wohl daran gearbeitet das Game auf den
Bronko  - 02.10.2003 - 12:25
@t.r.schmidt:lol, hab grad festgestellt, dass ich unsre Webringstatistiken voll verfälsche, da ich SETA immer über den Klick auf "next" von meiner aufrufe...
Bronko  - 02.10.2003 - 12:16
@t.r.schmidt: Du kannst die alten "Bronkos-Levels" löschen, da die im Neuen Ordner mit drin sind! Soll ja 'ne ganze Kampangne werden.
t.r.schmidt  - 01.10.2003 - 23:18
@bronko: added, cool, thx @all: hey, let´s be more friendly!
Luke  - 01.10.2003 - 22:50
Calm down guys, after all, it will not be Turrican. Its Thornado.
Zork  - 01.10.2003 - 22:42
Ryo Megid@ so tell me, why musn´t you show the pic it becuase you don´t have any resample to prove it! See, that´s why I call you a bad liar. Sorry but Im not a dumbass, you see. Big personality person who can psykologi evidence, see.
Bronko  - 01.10.2003 - 21:43
My third T2002-Level is ready for download! http://berg.heim.at/kaprun/431450/Bronkos.zip It has some new textures, not to easy. @t.r.schmidt: Please add it! (I can say you, bigger Level are a lot of work! )
Ryo Megid  - 01.10.2003 - 20:44
Zork@) Sorry, I MUSN'T (yes musn't) show you this pic. The only thing I can say to complete : Factor 5 will show Thornado and PilotWings 3 at e3 2004. Stay Tuned !!!!!
Puma  - 01.10.2003 - 20:07
Endlich mal ne schicke Wallpaper! Super.
Zork  - 01.10.2003 - 14:32
So shut up and change the subject to Turrican. Get real man....?
name  - 01.10.2003 - 14:31
To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kind of scary and remember, Creepy clowns, creepy music...perfect for people who are afraid.
Zork  - 01.10.2003 - 14:28
oh really? you think clowns are funny? If you've ever seen the way a clown acts at the street, i´ll make you laugh hard and then, i´ll tkae you home with me and eat you.
Bronko  - 01.10.2003 - 14:10
Zork: Stop looking so sad, clowns should look happy! (Sorry, einmal wollte ich auch spammen... )
Zork  - 30.09.2003 - 22:50
No, Im not a clown and please end discussion of this clown now! I mean it serious, indeed.
Zork  - 30.09.2003 - 22:48
Trs: A email for you soon
Zork  - 30.09.2003 - 22:44
Yeah right! Thornado was in first place in development before Rouge Squadron 3 did appear, how come RQ3 did take the place off Thornado, strange and weird list factor 5 they got. Ryo, if you think you saw a pic of Thornado, give us a shot.
Ryo Megid  - 30.09.2003 - 17:33
To complete all my knowledge about Thornado, he beautiful as Rogue Squadron 3 : Rebel Strike. Thornado is EXCULSIVE to Nintendo GameCube. Release in November 2004.
Ryo Megid  - 30.09.2003 - 17:32
The two characters will be : Thor (sigh) for the male char, and for the female char, they don't want to say it ! The BIGGEST rumor says : Samus Aran from Metroid. In a mail, Chris says me Thornado & Metroid Prime weren't so different. ARGH
Ryo Megid  - 30.09.2003 - 17:30
@) Luke : Don't even try to ask them any thing you want. I've tried it during two years. I can't say more about Thornado... Oh, I can say : Grapplin Beam is back, Spread Shot too, will feature multiplay, and two main characters.
Ryo Megid  - 30.09.2003 - 10:41
My sources ? Nicolas Fournel & Chris Hüelsbeck.
Aky  - 30.09.2003 - 09:35
@TRS: Bist Du noch da? Moderierst Du noch? Ich glaub hier entstehen wieder ein paar Auswüchse...War eigentlich Chat am Sonntag?
Aky  - 30.09.2003 - 09:33
@Renamer: Stop your Trash-Talk...its irrelevant, mindless and devinitively not funny...by the way I am not in graphics or programming, but did my part on GGT with betatesting and designproposals...
Luke  - 29.09.2003 - 22:33
Ryo Megid, please name the sources for the Thornado-related information.
Ryo Megid  - 29.09.2003 - 21:06
@) Zork, yes you are a pitiful clown. Artworks are from the n64 version (1996), so get a rope, and suicide yourself, poor clown.
Ryo Megid  - 29.09.2003 - 21:05
Can anyone kill Renamer ? Well, @) Zork, I'm a great contact of Factor 5, I've seen Thornado. In november 2004, you'll die. THORNADO's release IS NOVEMBER 2004 TO EUROPE AND USA !!!!!!!!!
The Renamer  - 29.09.2003 - 21:03
Help HIM if you are SO interrested damn fucking bealkejzlmadjqpifjsq !!
Aky  - 29.09.2003 - 18:36
@Renamer: Nobody is interested in YOUR motivation, but wa ARE interested in the motivation of Martin, because he is the one and only developer of GGT!
Zork  - 29.09.2003 - 17:03
Killers clown, everywhere is clown, the house is clown, future is clown, the clowns is a piece of art and nonthing more than a flower with water, camera with water and then i shot the clown............nomore clown please.
Zork  - 29.09.2003 - 17:01
Thornado was supposed to be a N64 game but conv. to GC but get over it, the game is cancelled and I really hope that the game wont never show up cause it looks stupid at least but the artwork is bad-ass.
Zork  - 29.09.2003 - 16:58
NOW excuse me, I need to train TRS name carefully.....mmm...smith i think, no wait...Trenz shmicht.
Zork  - 29.09.2003 - 16:55
Aky and Renamer: My chance of ass is still nearly close range, just look at my game aca.sys. It´s over, finished, that´s it, screwed up, totaly deleted 100% but wait, my chances for my ass are waiting for GGT, not cancelled Thornado....WTF!
Ryo Megid  - 29.09.2003 - 12:54
@The Renamer : I understand your frustration, but... wait... look at me ! I'm waiting for Thornado (Factor 5) still 6 years !!!
The Renamer  - 29.09.2003 - 12:53
@Aky: Motivation to release GGT without In/Ex my ass are : 0%. Well, I'm sure we'll get the game in the year 2999. Remember, the 29 November, it's Manfred Trenz birthday. And the 25 it's Chris Hüelsbeck.
Mamamiah !!  - 29.09.2003 - 12:51
Welcome to the land of IT (Stephen King). Clowns everywhere !!!
food9  - 29.09.2003 - 11:36
lol. in that case. Zork is the biggest clown in graphics-programmer
Aky  - 29.09.2003 - 09:28
@Zork: Martin is still offline (technical problems with his provider) so an answer will took some time...I think you have to be patient...by the way...no graphic for intro/extro - no GGT! Its a motivation-problem!
Zork  - 28.09.2003 - 21:30
Clown developer with the ability of graphics evedience, sounds fun! Anyway, whats you Email?
Bronko  - 28.09.2003 - 21:25
He is a graphics-programmer-clown.
Martin  - 28.09.2003 - 19:21
@Zork: If you really want to do something for GGT, you have to contact me directly and proof that you are able to do it. Until then, you're a clown
mr. return  - 28.09.2003 - 19:19
McMonac  - 28.09.2003 - 17:35
@Eiswuxe: Die Version läuft bei mir nur im Vollbild und dort hör ich nach ner Weile keinen Sound mehr Gut, dass du das mit der Bonusrunde gefixt hast! @TR: den vorherigen Post bitte löschen; Sorry
Rio  - 28.09.2003 - 17:29
@Eiswuxe IK+ läuft nun ( bei mir) mit DX9 unter XP mit i830m-GraKa. Beim P3-700 mit einer nvidia Riva Tnt2 unter Win98 kommt immernoch die selbe fehlermeldung: Create Error. Ansonsten schönes Remake - Joystick-Unterstützung wäre gut
Ryo Megid  - 28.09.2003 - 13:55
@Eiswuxe ; Your mail adress on the Pokes is not the good... What is your true mail ? Need it to ask you for an Interview per mail for the site GrosPixels.com
Mamamia !!  - 28.09.2003 - 12:26
It's not Turrican, but Super Turrican, and he's really cool, and have excellent ideas... Sadly, there is loads of bad points too...
Zork  - 28.09.2003 - 11:58
And you are...? Anyway, If you wanna join Seta, your first task is to create a remake of Turrican from nes.
Mamamia !!  - 27.09.2003 - 18:29
Yeah ! The New Circus Chat is Open ! Here comes, on the Seta, the two FAMOUS clowns : Zork & Robert. Please, talk about clowns elsewhere. We need to talk games here... LOL.
Zork  - 27.09.2003 - 17:25
Robert....I ask you one more time, if you act still unfriend or negative or unintressed I still use that clown but remember, when ever you are a good guy, so do I cause I know that you want me to be a nice guy. I be nice robert, of course!!
Zork  - 27.09.2003 - 17:21
Once again martin, If you want graphics artist for some emergency, you know where I am cause I don´t like to push people......Im just here when you nedded buddy...
Zork  - 27.09.2003 - 17:18
Robert: ohh really? You didn´t see my proof yet boy, there has been lot of changes since you make a come back but it will be not necesery since you didn´t get intressed anymore, what should I do? I quiet that clown for long time ago buddy..
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