Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
Robert  - 01.02.2004 - 21:28
Nö, bin drin.
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.02.2004 - 21:09
Kann sein daß der Arcor-IRC Server down ist?
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.02.2004 - 21:07
Donge schön
Robert  - 01.02.2004 - 20:23
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 01.02.2004 - 20:07
@Robert: Wann/Wo?
Robert  - 01.02.2004 - 20:06
Und heute ist wieder Chat
Erhynn Megid  - 01.02.2004 - 12:07
@Zork : Okay I know I can trust ya
Zork  - 01.02.2004 - 00:27
Erhynn Megid) its a lack, don´t worry I´ll fix it soon
Erhynn Megid  - 31.01.2004 - 23:45
@Zork : Hm, by the way, I have really dispeared on the Credits page of your site ?
Erhynn Megid  - 31.01.2004 - 23:42
@Zork : You need Xvid Codecs to read it.
Zork  - 31.01.2004 - 23:15
Well, I have a little problem with Windstille video codec. Can someone help me? T.R: you got a mail.
Zork  - 31.01.2004 - 22:52
Hey guys! Sorry for my lack of the site. The TITLE SCENE IS UP, GO CHECK IT!
Bronko  - 31.01.2004 - 22:49
Hihi, das war ja klar mit dem Zork. Nettes Video von Windstille...
Robert  - 31.01.2004 - 22:45
Mist, dann bekommen wir ja nicht mehr raus, von wo es geklaut war.
t.r.schmidt  - 31.01.2004 - 22:14
Wow, Zork hat sein Bild schon wieder von der Seite gekippt *seufz*
t.r.schmidt  - 31.01.2004 - 22:10
Versprochen ist versprochen - here we are
Robert  - 31.01.2004 - 21:42
Genau, ohne News kann ich heute Nacht nicht einschlafen Zudem brauchen wir das, damit wir morgen was zum chatten haben.
Bronko  - 31.01.2004 - 20:53
Wo bleiben denn die News?
Robert  - 31.01.2004 - 18:08
Jo, der erste Level mit Boss (der war vorher nicht da) und noch ein paar andere Level, allerdings ohne Gegner.
t.r.schmidt  - 31.01.2004 - 18:04
Wie genau ist das? Ist da noch was von T3 drauf, oder wie?
Robert  - 31.01.2004 - 11:10
Mach ein bißchen Werbung für Hockey Mania
t.r.schmidt  - 31.01.2004 - 10:28
Expect some news today
Erhynn Megid  - 29.01.2004 - 23:40
That's the reason I'm deleting my site from cjb.net, too many popups and this prob
Erhynn Megid  - 29.01.2004 - 23:39
@Zora & Elena ) Maybe a error from the site, it happens sometimes, some objects disapears, and came back when you refresh your navigator
Zera & Elena :)  - 29.01.2004 - 21:48
Zork or Zork Essen : Why does Erhynn megid has dispareared of your site ? He gave you the name of your game !
t.r.schmidt  - 28.01.2004 - 20:48
Link recht, wie schon gemailt Tja, das hab ich davon, das ich die Poster nicht mit meiner Url verunstalte..
Rider  - 28.01.2004 - 20:20
ohh, jetzt sehe ich es!! War nichtmal bewusst, habe ne Zeit lang alles mögliche gesammelt von turrican, und da waren die mit bei. Ich kann Deine Seite als Quelle angeben, oder den Download entfernen, wenns stört, Sorry, wollt ich nicht
Rider  - 28.01.2004 - 20:18
huch, bin echt im Retrofieber. Aber klär mich auf, welche scans habe ich benutzt? ich bin mir keiner Schuld bewusst ?!
Zera Innocentius  - 28.01.2004 - 20:15
By the way, my name is from Grandia 2 / Dreamcast, Ps2 & Pc
Zera Innocentius  - 28.01.2004 - 16:56
To Zork : Why does Erhynn Megid has disapeared on your site www.banq-it.cjb.net ?
Bronko  - 28.01.2004 - 14:24
Am besten noch direkt von deinem Server, was?
t.r.schmidt  - 28.01.2004 - 00:57
Wobei ich nicht so toll finde, das er bei den Downloads meine Scans nutzt, ganz ohne Credit, war ne Heidenarbeit
Bronko  - 27.01.2004 - 21:39
Nette Page, da werden deine Bonusfiles mal sinnvoll genutzt.
t.r.schmidt  - 27.01.2004 - 21:33
Na, Rider von der Motu-Fanseite hat jetzt auch das Retro-Fieber gepackt, mmh? http://www.retropoly.de
Robert  - 27.01.2004 - 02:30
Who wants a deadly easy game?
t.r.schmidt  - 27.01.2004 - 00:42
Well. So if I do just one level of a game (even if I do it nice) and talk about it 2 years it gets better by that? Why don´t you spend more time on doing a second level then to change the name for the third time?
Zork  - 27.01.2004 - 00:39
...But hey, there is such a good answer for that (The longer you wait, the better quality you get)..Fast, perfection, simple and deadly easy, im good thanks
t.r.schmidt  - 27.01.2004 - 00:37
...then developing it. It´s now far over a year old and you still expect us to *beg* you to play a demo of it. That´s just not the way it works, sorry.
t.r.schmidt  - 27.01.2004 - 00:35
Of course, my Celeron 800 is a very slow PC, but I fear it´s faster then most Amigas, thats what I wanted to say. And yes, it is hard for me to find such words, since you spend more time on talking about you project and changing names
Zork  - 27.01.2004 - 00:32
It would be nice for expecting good respone but its just a bunch of germans arrogant, nonthing impressing. Good luck, there is a limit on your site, so it will soon die, right? Im lucky that I didn´t waste much time here, pheaaww im done.
Zork  - 27.01.2004 - 00:29
No, Users are Dumb not me. go ahead, enjoy paying your site if you think I used your site but remember that I did project, in case you want to write something to your site but mainly I dont expect some words like (wow, awesome, cool).
t.r.schmidt  - 27.01.2004 - 00:29
Any help with what? And no, I don´t habe the slightest idea how to convert a Klick n Play to Amiga, really. Do you?
Zork  - 27.01.2004 - 00:25
And because of you Celeron 800 can´t handle my games means your C800 sucks, mainly a very slow system, just buy another good one. There is 3700mhz already if you didn´t know it, well i do. Its about technology.
Zork  - 27.01.2004 - 00:22
There is a good chance that knp games can be converted, I suggest MMF but its possible with many featuring to do. First, i´ll finish my game, then contact blackeye software, my buddy and he will fix easy. See, how good I am
Zork  - 27.01.2004 - 00:19
oh really?...Any good ideas? Perhaps this game doesn't belong to amiga-dev but to stupid-not-talk-before-you-dont-know shall help you but I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
t.r.schmidt  - 27.01.2004 - 00:07
Well. Your game brought my Celeron 800 to it´s knees, and you just tell us your friend simply converts it, klick, finish? Oh please. Then be a bit more precise HOW he does this or live with dumb comments.
Zork  - 27.01.2004 - 00:05
......seriously, wtf is wrong with you? No, just tell me...wtf is wrong with you?
t.r.schmidt  - 26.01.2004 - 22:58
Cool! Could he please convert Doom 3 as well? It just is to much for my old PC, maybe my Amiga can handle it better
Zork  - 26.01.2004 - 22:57
Simple, my friend can convert it.
Robert  - 26.01.2004 - 22:11
@Zork: How do you want to port a Klick&Play game to AmigaOS4?
t.r.schmidt  - 26.01.2004 - 21:22
Mann, die Diskussion - vor allem gewisse Missverständnisse - ist wieder echt spassig hier
Robert  - 26.01.2004 - 19:18
What do you think about it?
Bronko  - 26.01.2004 - 18:00
@Zork: Find your Counter with google.com, but beware for the dialer!
Martin  - 26.01.2004 - 17:46
Buler - the finest Swiss sport watch.
Zork  - 26.01.2004 - 17:41
Just ask what do you think about it? its nice, dosen´t it? And where is the news TR Hello!!!!!Where is everybody, damn lamers.
Zork  - 26.01.2004 - 17:40
If someone can make some sound effects for the game, that will be a big plus Anyone? Anyway, let us hope to release this game to april. If not, then it means we didn´t get enough support. Maybe you guys didn´t see my new title screen.
Robert  - 26.01.2004 - 17:38
I responded to maxpayne. You seem to be tizzy. What is a buler by the way?
Zork  - 26.01.2004 - 17:37
Oh yeah, Buler si working for the music of our project (probably, I will change the name of Chyperians system or whatever it is) and he will make 3 songs for it, some great stuff for ya!
Zork  - 26.01.2004 - 17:36
And wtf happned to all of you? Btw, where can I get free web counter, so I can see how many people are visiting to my site...i really need it and free of course.
Zork  - 26.01.2004 - 17:33
No, I dont need to pay it since its free and buler is coming same country as I do so fuck if you are not intressed about our project. A little support wont kill you, right? But that wont work either, just a type you dont care, maybe nobody.
Robert  - 26.01.2004 - 17:16
By giving a serious amount of cash to the developers.
maxpayne  - 26.01.2004 - 03:11
Zork  - 25.01.2004 - 11:17
You got mail T.R, read it!
Zork  - 25.01.2004 - 02:06
omg omg ogm gomgjaiyw589h89w74lo,olo pppooowwneeeddddd ahahahahahahhahahaha, I found my musician artist
Zork  - 25.01.2004 - 02:02
Hey TR and Ryo!!! Guess what, I found a musician artist for my game, hahaha major kick ass!"!"!!!!He is famous, a famous one!!
t.r.schmidt  - 24.01.2004 - 23:35
Zork  - 24.01.2004 - 22:49
Tr) Well then.....show me your news
mike  - 24.01.2004 - 15:49
wow! ein neues turrican auf 5 1/4 zoll, da muss ich den alten brotkasten wieder mal rausholen!
t.r.schmidt  - 23.01.2004 - 21:49
lol!! der ist gut
Bronko  - 23.01.2004 - 21:09
Argh, der Post war übrigens von mir.....
@Robert:  - 23.01.2004 - 21:08
Das Diskfalten erinnert mich an http://www.german-amiga-emu-board.de/ipb/uploads/post-18-1063682064.jpg
Robert  - 23.01.2004 - 20:34
If it did, it would be 10000 @Zork: OK, understood the NES thingy @trschmidt: Man muß die Disk nur richtig falten
Bronko  - 23.01.2004 - 20:29
Does the 3000 include the deleted Spamposts by TurricaN, or not?
t.r.schmidt  - 23.01.2004 - 20:26
No, not 3000 from you, just Number 3000 of all comments ever postet here
Zork  - 23.01.2004 - 20:25
??WHAT..ME??3000 comments?? no way!! Turrican-Assault-Suit....hihihihi fire up
t.r.schmidt  - 23.01.2004 - 20:16
And the winner is.... Zork! He postet comment #3000 The Turrican-Assault-Suit will be delivered as soon as possible (may take a while till it doesn´t explode all the time... )
t.r.schmidt  - 23.01.2004 - 20:07
@PSYcHoDeLiC: Mmh. Yes, the shoutbox encoded it properly to & acute ; - since the rest is simple html includes, it would be a bit much work. Mmh. but I´m planning to do the news from my Database anyway...somtime... that will solve it
t.r.schmidt  - 23.01.2004 - 20:04
What the... Kann man die 5 1/4" Disk auch in einen Amiga quetschen, oder was?! http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2782043190&category=8144
Zork  - 23.01.2004 - 19:33
The game runs faster and harder, yet the screen is still same but expect that resolution getting bigger than PAL. Try yourself and see what I mean.
Zork  - 23.01.2004 - 19:31
Robert) Correction: I mean, to play NES version on a US NES would make sense, the game would run faster than regular NES PAL. I tested my Super Turrican (NES) on a Emulator with NO PAL emulation, reslut the game runs slightly diffirent.
Robert  - 23.01.2004 - 18:07
@Zork: Sorry, didn't understand. However, I checked it, NES version was indeed only released in Europe, SNES version worldwide.
Robert  - 23.01.2004 - 18:02
@Mr. Noname: It's called Every Amiga Game Ever _Released_
Zork  - 23.01.2004 - 17:58
Robert) It was only released for Euro, also the nes version however, rumors says that Super turrican for nes still exist on us market, intresting to play this game on US version of nes would make sense.
Mr. Noname  - 23.01.2004 - 17:54
Erhynn Megid@)....mmmm....no AC.SYS? no UNIQUE? now that sucks.
Bronko  - 23.01.2004 - 15:13
And http://www.thelegacy.de/Start/index.php3?start_language=en is also fine...
Robert  - 23.01.2004 - 15:04
@Erhynn: Check http://hol.abime.net/ too.
Robert  - 23.01.2004 - 15:01
@Zork: interesting, didn't know that. NES version by the way, SNES Super Turrican was released in USA and Japan - don't want anybody to get confused
Erhynn Megid  - 23.01.2004 - 14:53
Oops, sorry, no BBCode here ^o^ Here's the adresse : http://eager.back2roots.org/
Erhynn Megid  - 23.01.2004 - 14:53
Do you know EAGER ? Every Amiga Games Ever Released. Check it ! [url]http://eager.back2roots.org/[/url]
Zork  - 23.01.2004 - 13:33
So, Super turrican also released only in europa, not USA " target="_blank">http://home.freeuk.com/markk/Consoles/eurones.html
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 23.01.2004 - 07:11
LOL .. in der Shoutbox jetzt nach copy/paste seh ichs wieder ganz normal
PSYcHoDeLiC  - 23.01.2004 - 07:10
@T.R.S In der letzten ... "Beside the name is has nothing to do with Turrican 3, it´s a complete new game."
The Renamer  - 22.01.2004 - 23:07
I'm sorry too. I'm a bit nervous thoses time and you'rent the causes. Well, don't expect a new "excuse" next time
Erhynn Megid  - 22.01.2004 - 20:47
I'm sorry about busyin' you. ^o^. Thks Aky !
Erhynn Megid  - 22.01.2004 - 20:45
First of all, I want to apologize if I said something wrong two months ago. Secondly, I'm sorry about using the Seta to . And finally,
Zork  - 22.01.2004 - 09:53
Tomorrow is a big day,´its coming
Aky  - 22.01.2004 - 07:36
I love you all!
Zork  - 22.01.2004 - 00:21
Again, There will be some new scenes at Banq-it, hopefully friday. TR) you got mail Aky) you are very nice guy, congratulations
Robert  - 21.01.2004 - 23:34
Ich bin auch nice, wie ich in letzter Zeit zu sagen pflege, Provokation ist ein christlicher Akt.
t.r.schmidt  - 21.01.2004 - 22:26
Yep, please be more like aky
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