Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 16:04
@Martin/t.r.schmidt: Then pack it with other suitable packer, and place it on nemmelheim with this packer in one directory.
Martin  - 02.08.2003 - 16:02
RAR isn't good for big ANSI-Animations. I think I've read that on the RAR-homepage.
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 15:55
@t.r.schmidt: Ypu can place it on nemmelheim ftp, packed with RAR
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 15:53
That´s a Problem, it only fits on a CD, because there are some big ANSI-Animations included and it won´t run without.
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 15:48
@t.r.schmidt: Very good! If you have TurricaN 1 PC for Hercules, please send it's copy to my email: c128@wp.pl Thanks. And i will throw all level-rippings away !!!
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 15:47
@martin: klar klappt das nicht, hasen können ja auch garnicht schreiben. Auch nicht mit den grossen Löffeln
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 15:46
@All: TurricaN 1 PC exists! It's Hercules version! If anyone have this game, please send it's copy at: c128@wp.pl
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 15:46
I stole it. I even have the c16-Version of Turrican, haha!
Martin  - 02.08.2003 - 15:45
Mist, das klappt ja gar nicht
:rabbit:  - 02.08.2003 - 15:44
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 15:44
@Martin: Who stolen this game? Smilie don't help me in it's identification. Only I want from him is that he would be copy this game to you and me, he can keep original.
Martin  - 02.08.2003 - 15:41
I had it, but the stole it
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 15:41
@Biguser / Protovision: Thanks alot! And a big welcome! A pity Protovisions Turrican 3 was never finished...
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 15:40
@Martin: Ah, If that, I will abandon all level-ripping projects! Please only give me this game, or web site address from I will download it. Who will have this game?
Martin  - 02.08.2003 - 15:34
There's a Hercules 1 bit graphics Turrican 1 version for PC, but it's very rare.
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 14:52
Are there exists Turrican 1 for PC, even if it's only CGA/EGA game?
McMonac  - 02.08.2003 - 14:47
Tja, R² hätt ich schon gern original Aber von dem Geld könnt ich auch verreisen Naja Kurzurlaub..
Zork  - 02.08.2003 - 13:32
Biguser / Protovision  - 02.08.2003 - 13:23
Hi! Coole Seite Hier steckt verdammt viel Arbeit drin!
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 10:56
bei Ebay gibts mal wieder Rendering Ranger! http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2744559679&category=11248
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 10:00
Na, da bin ich ja mal gespannt!
Martin  - 02.08.2003 - 08:11
Ooch, der Chat ist schon zu Ende? Naja, morgen gibt's ja noch einen Da erzähl ich Euch dann ein paar Sachen über T2, wenn Ihr wollt. Dann kann der TomRudi seine Facts aktualisieren.
Zork  - 02.08.2003 - 00:39
TurricaN:no I can´t help you. I have to laugh now
Robert  - 02.08.2003 - 00:39
Hallo Sam, wie gehts?
Zork  - 02.08.2003 - 00:38
<P>Litet text där <SPAN onmouseover="style.color='green';" onmouseout="style.color='000000';">en bit av texten</SPAN> visas med annan färg när musmarkören pekar på den.</P>
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 00:38
@Zork:If that, if Factor5 repels me, can you help me convert T1/T2 to T2002?
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 00:37
sam beschwert sich, ihr würdet sie ignorieren
Zork  - 02.08.2003 - 00:26
TurricaN:Im laughing my ass, thanks bro!
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 00:24
@Zork:Iwrote mail to Factor5. If they give me editor, I give it for us all, even if they forbid me copy it !!!
Robert  - 02.08.2003 - 00:24
So oft, wie er das gefragt hat, muß er eigentlich irgendeine Wette am laufen haben.
Robert  - 02.08.2003 - 00:23
Rechne mal einer aus, wie oft er das pro Stunde gefragt hat.
Zork  - 02.08.2003 - 00:22
hey jerk, i didn´t work you idiot :brainslug:
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 00:22
@Robert: Mail to me? With level rippings inside? That will be good!
Zork  - 02.08.2003 - 00:21
Robert  - 02.08.2003 - 00:20
Da wär ich mir nicht so sicher. Da gibts keine Shoutbox (bzw. Chatbox ), da muß er dann alle 2 Minuten eine Mail schreiben.
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 00:20
@Martin:After you end jokes, please send me your rippings at my email: c128@wp.pl Thanks.
Dr.phil  - 02.08.2003 - 00:20
Zork: I think he needs a help here :
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 00:20

t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 00:19
@zork: huh? @robert: ja. er wird mich umbringen. Aber die dürften sowas gewöhnt sein.
Zork  - 02.08.2003 - 00:17
t.r.schmidt,sam:You guys didn´t even imagine how I did that what a jokers Im not so dumb as you thinks now I have to laugh really hard this timeyou have to be smart to do that
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 00:16
Well. V1.25 is just a modification of Martins v1.24.3 - which he did with help of Chris Huelsbeck of Factor 5.
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 00:16
@all: And I sent mail to factor5. If they repel me, let's Martin really help me. I give you all this editor, even if Factor5 forbids me copying it.
Robert  - 02.08.2003 - 00:15
Guess who gave him 1.2.5 ->
Robert  - 02.08.2003 - 00:14
@Tom: Julian wird sich bei Dir beschweren.
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 00:12
@trschmidt:from where you got uae 1.2.5 ? And I sent mail to factor5. If they repel me, let's Martin really help me. I give you all this editor, even if Factor5 forbids me copying it.
Zork  - 02.08.2003 - 00:12
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 00:11
Isn´t it cute? But it eats HDs... reminds me of Ritter der Kokosnuss
Sam  - 02.08.2003 - 00:11
Ui, Zork ist wieder da!
Zork  - 02.08.2003 - 00:10

t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 00:09
Die habens verdient. Die haben uns den Editor nicht gegeben.
Dr.phil  - 02.08.2003 - 00:09
Martin:I found another site about you. Mostly, you are intressed by amateurs radio, electronics and physics, and interested also computers, especially Linux. In addition to that, he is a member of the astronomical workgroup at your school.
Robert  - 02.08.2003 - 00:08
OK, bin wieder da. Heute nachmittag machen wir dem ein lustiges Programm. Ist aber gar nicht gut, den auf Factor5 loszulassen - was sollen die denn von uns Turrican Fans denken?
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 00:08
Sure? I got v1.25?!?
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 00:06
That's wrong. He is 0.xx, For now doesn't exist v1.00
Dr.phil  - 02.08.2003 - 00:05
t.r.schmidt:Center Pub Life is getting so damn boring, trust me
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 00:05
Next comes WinUAE
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 00:04
@Martin:You last said:OK.Öffne L1-1 in einem Hexeditor und schau bei 0x6400,ändere rum und schau,was passiert.Das sind die Offsets zu den Tiles,immer im 0x200-Abstand(32x32*4/.Die Tiles selbst kommen direkt danach.What's next?
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 00:03
Aww, my fault. Try contact@factor5.com. That will work!
Dr.phil  - 02.08.2003 - 00:01
Martin:I found a picture of you
t.r.schmidt  - 02.08.2003 - 00:01
Mmh. Dr.phil gets boring...
TurricaN  - 02.08.2003 - 00:00
Factor5 mail doesn't work. Only hope in you, Martin.
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:59
Thank you' Martin. Let's level-ripping go forever...
Dr.phil  - 01.08.2003 - 23:59
Martin: Konrad Martin. Bishop of Paderborn; b. 18 May, 1812, at Geismar, Province and extinsensce, hehe
Martin  - 01.08.2003 - 23:56
I've not promised anything and that still has my HD. I'll send you a picture to proof it soon.
Dr.phil  - 01.08.2003 - 23:56
tr.schmidt:So, your the one who wrote Back to Basics with D.L. Atherton,With anomalies longer than the probe, the probe can lie completely within the anomaly zone. This will cause a superposition of these two anomaly measurements. call me if you need help
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:56
Martin is pure evil! <---will punish Martin
Martin  - 01.08.2003 - 23:55
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:54
@Martin: You promised me, that levels will be done. But you lost it. What's now? How even with graphics from levels?
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:53
Sure, it absolutly is abondonware now! Write to info@factor5.com, they will send their editor for sure!
Martin  - 01.08.2003 - 23:53
Jaja, und ich hab einen GBZ80 mit 8 Mhz.
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:52
My C128 has also Z80, 4 MHz
Martin  - 01.08.2003 - 23:51
Ich hab doch gar keinen P800. Aber ich hab einen Z80 mit 3.6 Mhz.
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:51
Mir ist schlecht...interessiert das jemanden ? T.R. lässt seine Frau verhungern.
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:51
@martin: ja, sowas in der Art wäre toll!
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:50
Factor5 doesn't want give editor. But it was some years ago. Maybe they made their game abandonware now?
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:50
Mmh. There surely is some deeper sense
Dr.phil  - 01.08.2003 - 23:50
Martin:Martin has actually got his P800 and boy oh boy he is one happy cookie. Now even to the uninitiated this is a spanking phone. I do not claim to comprehend how it works or what exactly it is capable of doing, but I can tell you it looks like martin;
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:48
@Martin: Did you deletet you level-rippings? If yes, your work is wasted.
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:48
@TurricaN Why don´t you get it by yourself ?
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:47
@Martin:If Karsten couldn't help you, T1 levels can be implemented into T2PC. T2 levels are already implemented on pc.
Martin  - 01.08.2003 - 23:47
@Dr.phil: Aky is THE world leading betatester.
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:46
@Martin:T2PC is for DOS, please get editor from Factor5, and it will help me.
Martin  - 01.08.2003 - 23:46
Jaja, auch noch T2PC hacken.
Dr.phil  - 01.08.2003 - 23:46
Aky:I heard that you are a world leader in wireless Electronic Commerce. How do you fell aky?
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:45
@Martin: You can abandon windows and recreate T1/T2 inside T2PC engine.
Martin  - 01.08.2003 - 23:44
DirectXY hat aber nur sinnlos auf der Platte rumgereiert und dämliche Fehlermeldungen ausgegeben.
Martin  - 01.08.2003 - 23:43
Oder ich mach sowas wie früher in der Schule... Da hatte jemand Probleme mit DirectX und wir haben ihm erzählt, er bräuchte dazu noch ein "DirectXY". Das hab ich dann schnell selbst programmiert.
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:43
@Martin: Can you continue your level-ripping project? I'm awaiting news.
Martin  - 01.08.2003 - 23:42
Ja, ich sollte ihm das wirklich schicken. Auch wenn er damit dann nichts machen kann. Aber vorher muß ich das Programm in "Jack the Ripper" umbenennen.
Dr.phil  - 01.08.2003 - 23:42
t.r.schmidt:For as long as I can remember, I have wanted my belly button pierced. My mom has always said that I should get it done because I have a really flat stomach. be good and your injures will be good, a smile wont hurt
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:42
@t.r.schmidt:thank you for help in motivating robert/martin in ripping works. But thet're stopped. Let's they begin for now...
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:41
@robert: bitte Sei kreativ!
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:41
Ja, Martin schick´s ihm zu...tu pöser pursche.
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:40
@Robert: du hast doch auch die speziellen Ripping-Tools, sende ihm doch mal die jack.exe, die du mir gezeigt hast, das hilft ihm bestimmt!
TurricaN  - 01.08.2003 - 23:40
@Martin: If all ends their jokes, please send me your T1/T2 works to my email: c128@wp.pl
Dr.phil  - 01.08.2003 - 23:39
Robert:Mr konrad, I heard that you can't be a designated driver if you were under 21 but your problem seems to be solved, but there is speculation it may be extended, having so far and give ma hug and a good and everydays smile.
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:38
Boah, my belly hurts
t.r.schmidt  - 01.08.2003 - 23:37
Robert  - 01.08.2003 - 23:36
Wer lacht über meine Schnecke, die kecke, der wird verrecke
Sam  - 01.08.2003 - 23:35
@Robert DOCH ALLES MEINE: *grössenwahnsinnigwerd*
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