Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
Zork  - 24.07.2003 - 20:57
TurricaN  - 24.07.2003 - 20:51
@Robert/Martin: Please don't stop level ripping because to t.r. schmidt's strange answers! I'm in fear. What's now?
Zork  - 24.07.2003 - 20:42
WMV much better than DIVX/XVID??
TurricaN  - 24.07.2003 - 20:36
DivX is MOST popular than xvid !!!
Zork  - 24.07.2003 - 20:24
For some fun, check wazzat bizarre quotes. It´s so damn funny that you would say (damn, Why didn´t I think about that before"
Zork  - 24.07.2003 - 20:20
TurricaN:only 5mb diffirence, no big deal. Turrican 2 is still under sale, as robert said. especially you won´t find a turrican 2 demo so easily on internet.
TurricaN  - 24.07.2003 - 20:04
How I may place converted Jan Schulze's TurricaN movie from xvid to DivX 5 Pro? I can not make any writing on server (access denied)
TurricaN  - 24.07.2003 - 20:01
What's with converted Jan Schulze's TurricaN movie from xvid (23 MB) to DivX 5 Pro (now 17 MB ???
Robert  - 24.07.2003 - 19:53
Stop it, Turrican 2 PC is still on sale.
TurricaN  - 24.07.2003 - 19:28
I converted a Jan Schulze's TurricaN movie from xvid (23 MB) to DivX 5 Pro (now 17 MB). I want place it onto nemmelheim server, and replace PC TurricaN demo with PC TurricaN full version, too.
Zork  - 24.07.2003 - 13:22
nope...wrong. It have to do something with the game qoutes
Puma  - 24.07.2003 - 10:03
@Aky Junges Gemüse? Als ich die Powerplay gelesen habe, war das noch die Beilage zur "Happy Computer"
Robert  - 24.07.2003 - 02:24
You must be refering to Giana Sisters/Super Mario. Bonuslevels in the pipe.
Zork  - 23.07.2003 - 23:07
oops, sorry...I tought you was talking about agc, Looks like RA passed the pipe again, hehe
t.r.schmidt  - 23.07.2003 - 22:24
@Zork: ah-so, I thought you meant this Air Busters-thing...
Zork  - 23.07.2003 - 21:55
Aky: did you know my game is playable now
Robert  - 23.07.2003 - 21:45
@Aky: Das ist nichtmal ein Jahr vorher gewesen, da bin ich ja gar nicht so schlecht.
Zork  - 23.07.2003 - 21:34
I have to fix few things before I can do that! What are you going to add on facts??
t.r.schmidt  - 23.07.2003 - 21:01
Before I add somthing to the facts, I have to see/play it myself. Patience.
Aky  - 23.07.2003 - 20:47
Junges Gemüse! Hihi...meine erste Spielezeitschriften waren der AJoker und die PP mit den Turrican2 Tests
Robert  - 23.07.2003 - 14:01
War mir neu. Als Turrican 2 rauskam hab ich noch keine Spielezeitschriften gelesen. Fing bei mir erst mit dem Play Time Review von Monkey Island 2 an.
Zork  - 23.07.2003 - 12:29
so, any news t.r.schmidt?
Aky  - 23.07.2003 - 07:10
Das mit T2 und AirBusters/Aeroblasters war Euch neu? Stand doch damals in fast jedem Review von T2, ist vom Feeling her wirklich ähnlich, nur ist der Shooter etwas schwerer würde ich sagen...
Zork  - 23.07.2003 - 01:32
yeah, it should be added to the facts..the patriots
Robert  - 23.07.2003 - 01:23
Main difference is the gameplay (you get warnings about the next curves and you have skies to fly along the walls), but they surely got inspired a bit too much by Air Busters @trschmidt: Should be in the facts
Robert  - 23.07.2003 - 01:21
Uh, that's bad. Just played it - it's not the same level but it's very similar. Level design and look are close. Even the boss fight looks a bit like in T2.
Zork  - 23.07.2003 - 00:56
http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?letter=A&game_id=6825 Check this out! Turrican 2 features air busters speed level!
Zork  - 23.07.2003 - 00:36
www.vgmuseum.com if you can find there something??
Robert  - 23.07.2003 - 00:29
Wie Turicon hatte ich geschrieben...und das mit Absicht Wirst schon sehen...
Aky  - 23.07.2003 - 00:10
Sparkman feuert Elektrizität aus der Hand...klingt wie Turrican...
Aky  - 23.07.2003 - 00:09
Ja ich weiss! Hier nochmal der Info-Link aus dem Chat: http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?letter=S&game_id=9693
t.r.schmidt  - 22.07.2003 - 23:52
Oje, auch eine halbe Stunde Suche brachte nichts. Man findet eher was, wenn man nach Spark Man sucht, auch SunA hat mehrere Schreibweisen.
Aky  - 22.07.2003 - 23:08
I am searching for screenshots from the old 1989 arcade-game "Sparkman" /SunA Electronics, and hints for emulation...
t.r.schmidt  - 22.07.2003 - 22:53
Ich brauch mal ein paar Tips von euch --> board
Zork  - 21.07.2003 - 20:10
Rainbow arts jumped again over the pipe.......
t.r.schmidt  - 21.07.2003 - 19:59
Eieiei. Nun ist´s nur noch ein Log
t.r.schmidt  - 21.07.2003 - 19:58
@IE-Zork: what? Pipe, where, do? huh?
Zork  - 21.07.2003 - 19:29
Wow...looks like Rainbow arts jumped again over the pipe, where the hell did Sun Project do? arrghhh!
Robert  - 21.07.2003 - 18:48
Yes, it's not not so bad Technically it's nice but I do not like the graphics style at all. Most people at least like the level graphics but IMHO even those are too childish.
Zork  - 21.07.2003 - 18:19
Robert: You have to kidding me right? Sun projects conversion isin´t not so bad..so what, maybe the bosses look so stubid..what ever?
pArker  - 21.07.2003 - 17:17
@TRS guck doch mal ins Chatlog: Da ist der ganze Chat 3x drin Korrigier das mal, dann wird das ganze etwas übersichtlicher
TurricaN  - 21.07.2003 - 16:43
Excuse me, I will not writing more about level ripping, i will not demotivate you, sorry.
Robert  - 21.07.2003 - 16:25
That's about the same thing you wrote before, isn't it? Don't get on our nerves, be patient. That's demotivating. Martin will tell, when he finds more.
TurricaN  - 21.07.2003 - 15:02
@Martin/Robert:When you will have tables with information about how the 16x16 tiles are put together into 32x32 tiles?May you look at sample layout of four small tiles in one larger tile when playing game and search similar pattern in game files?
Robert  - 21.07.2003 - 14:11
Rumors? It's a matter of taste. T2PC looks like a baby game.
Zork  - 21.07.2003 - 12:33
Some rumors says to me that T2 amiga is much better than T2PC...why? I think the color is hilarious beauty
TurricaN  - 21.07.2003 - 12:23
@Martin: Where you will have tables with information about how the 16x16 tiles are put together into 32x32 tiles? May you look at sample layout of four small tiles in one larger tile when playing game and search similar pattern in game files?
Martin  - 21.07.2003 - 12:11
Wow, der Chatlog fängt drei mal von vorne an.
t.r.schmidt  - 21.07.2003 - 07:40
Yep, blitzschnell Nu isser auch komplettiert.
Robert  - 21.07.2003 - 01:37
Heute auf superschnell, hm? Der Log ist aber nicht komplett. Notfalls hab ich ihn auch.
Zork  - 21.07.2003 - 01:28
someone here is awaked?
Zork  - 20.07.2003 - 20:52
I change my name to zork now....welcome back nemesis..whazzzapp!!
t.r.schmidt  - 20.07.2003 - 00:43
Nothing. Just sitting here, and playing Turrican
nemesis  - 20.07.2003 - 00:04
hey guys im back.whasssssssaaaa
TurricaN  - 19.07.2003 - 23:26
@all: Emucamp is up and running
TurricaN  - 19.07.2003 - 11:49
@all: Emucamp ist leider gerade up
Robert  - 19.07.2003 - 02:05
Jup, and guess what...my site is back
TurricaN  - 19.07.2003 - 01:45
Thank you for reply. Good ripping T1 and T2 levels!
Robert  - 19.07.2003 - 01:42
@trschmidt: Keine Ahnung, aber sie scheinen einen neuen Rekord aufzustellen. Najo, sowas passiert, bekomme nur immer Bammel, daß die Datenbank was abbekommt (wie üblich zu lange kein Backup gemacht).
TurricaN  - 19.07.2003 - 01:34
Robert, Martin have email from me.
Robert  - 19.07.2003 - 01:32
@TurricaN: Don't worry, we are interested in the levels, just not as much as you are. Take it easy, we won't abandon it. About WinUAE, use PowerStrip to set up a 720x576 100Hz resolution or try the OpenGL mode.
Robert  - 19.07.2003 - 01:28
@pArker: Diesmal aber keinen Abgang machen bevor ich komme
pArker  - 19.07.2003 - 00:58
"This sunday" is the 20th of july, not the 22nd
TurricaN  - 19.07.2003 - 00:03
I've mistaked. In my last comment I've signed as 'name'. Here may be 'TurricaN' , not 'name'.
name  - 19.07.2003 - 00:01
Robert and Martin, please do not abandon level ripping of T1 and T2, I need your help. I don't know how to rip and convert to T2002 format these levels myself. Nobody of Pekaro doesn't want help me. Please not leave me helpless!
TurricaN  - 18.07.2003 - 23:56
I don't like UAE because of its screen-shifting to up-left. I need reimplemented T1 and T2 levels for possibility of looking at it secrets in T2002 level editor, and for inspiration in making my new levels, and for playing originals on PC TurricaN engine
TurricaN  - 18.07.2003 - 23:50
I mentioned about MS-DOS 6.2, not its clones
t.r.schmidt  - 18.07.2003 - 23:07
@Robert: ne Ahnung, warum ZTNET down ist? Und wann sie wieder online gehen? Ich bekomme schon dieses leichte Entzugszittern
t.r.schmidt  - 18.07.2003 - 23:03
Hoppala Yo, man, is das schon wieder out? öhm...
McMonac  - 18.07.2003 - 22:41
@TurricaN: I have DOS, for example; And it DOES work on hard-disks with 4GB or more! (at least on mine) @t.r.: Coole News Vor allem der Part mit "YO can connect using..."
Robert  - 18.07.2003 - 22:07
And about the board: I didn't take it down, ZTNET is down for now...which means just about any emu site is currently down.
Robert  - 18.07.2003 - 22:06
Calm down, there are enough emulators to do the job That's what they are for. IMHO reimplementing Turrican is a nice challenge, but not much more.
TurricaN  - 18.07.2003 - 21:31
These level rippings MUST be done, because of T2 PC doesn't work under Windows and there are no T1 for PC !!! Who have DOS today? Nobody. And DOS doesn't work on today hard disks, bigger than 4 GB !!!
t.r.schmidt  - 18.07.2003 - 20:48
Zuviel? Was ausser GGT und T2002 mit den Original-Levels soll man den noch erwarten?!?
Martin  - 18.07.2003 - 20:31
Du darfst aber nicht zuviel erwarten. Ich werd dann mal versuchen, den Karsten zu kontaktieren, damit wir die Levels für T2002 benutzen können. Und für GGT natürlich auch.
t.r.schmidt  - 18.07.2003 - 20:24
Yesssss, please
Martin  - 18.07.2003 - 20:20
I don't know. I'll probably make a little site with everything I found out.
TurricaN  - 18.07.2003 - 20:09
When exactly Board will be available?
t.r.schmidt  - 18.07.2003 - 19:48
Na, da bin ich ja mal gespannt!
IE  - 18.07.2003 - 12:15

WizardT4E  - 18.07.2003 - 11:52
Emucamp ist leider gerade down :-(
WizardT4E  - 18.07.2003 - 11:50
Woah das rockt :-)
Martin  - 18.07.2003 - 10:02
Meine Güte, was ist heute los? Erst finde ich den Copperrainbow, danach die Grafiken und dann auch noch die Karten. Ich will das eigentlich ins Forum posten, aber das geht zur Zeit nicht.
Martin  - 18.07.2003 - 09:30
Juhuu, ich hab den Copperrainbow von T2-Welt1 im T2-CDTV gefunden.
IE  - 18.07.2003 - 09:21
robert: It took for me 1 day to write about ACSYS facts, to write down few things won´t take so long indeed..just wondering what happned to my review there robe!
t.r.schmidt  - 18.07.2003 - 07:41
sorry, I don´t have his new one.
TurricaN  - 17.07.2003 - 23:30
Snood's email snood@hotmail.com doesn't work! Please tell me new Snood's email.
IE  - 17.07.2003 - 23:26
well....I premuse its water..but It´s HOOOTT HERE TOO!!!
Aky  - 17.07.2003 - 23:24
Right...I dont flame anyone...its the HOT-SUMMER-WEATHER_SMILEY
IE  - 17.07.2003 - 23:23
i see....
t.r.schmidt  - 17.07.2003 - 23:13
No, he just was glad, that we´re still alive. He thought the hot summer killed us
IE  - 17.07.2003 - 23:08
ehhh.. did I say something aky?
Aky  - 17.07.2003 - 23:05
Na Gott sei's getrommelt, ist ja doch noch jemand da, dachte Ihr seid alle von der Hitze erschlagen...
IE  - 17.07.2003 - 23:00
Aky: Im Glad that you did say it At the chat: Some people talked about me, if I can do some intro and extro for GGT: well...that´s piece of cake..just contact me so I can get the exact information you want...from now on..adios
t.r.schmidt  - 17.07.2003 - 22:51
Zudem hat er zum Thema Turrican nicht sooo viel zu erzählen...
t.r.schmidt  - 17.07.2003 - 22:50
Wenns denn ein Museum für sowas gäbe Celal ist derzeit leider zu sehr mit Sacred beschäftigt.
Robert  - 17.07.2003 - 22:35
Das gehört in ein Museum! Lad Celal zum Chat ein.
t.r.schmidt  - 17.07.2003 - 22:32
Hab CelalK mal nach den Turrican-Poster-Originalen gefragt: Teil 3 von Softgold gekauft, Teil 2 evtl. bei Celal, Teil 1 wurde GESTOHLEN bei Softgold!
t.r.schmidt  - 17.07.2003 - 21:24
Tja. Kanns ja mal versuchen
name  - 17.07.2003 - 21:22
Soll heißen
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