Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
Chief  - 19.01.2004 - 07:54
Background? I thought the background is that it is a Turrican-inspired/cloned game so Cyclone is a good name than. Remember that Turrican working title was in fact Hurrican...
Robert  - 18.01.2004 - 21:38
Und nicht vergessen: Gleich ist Chat
t.r.schmidt  - 18.01.2004 - 19:55
a little late, mmh? Just post it, or better, upload it to your homepage.
Zork  - 18.01.2004 - 15:47
Cyclone and Turricanator....mmmm, I dont know but at leat I can give you the games background so you can match with a name on it, how about it?
Chief  - 18.01.2004 - 13:04
The song "Mind Traveller" is also cool...
Chief  - 18.01.2004 - 12:50
Great that we can find that song now! @TR Great name, indeed with much meaning. I was thinking about Turricanator, but this is much cooler I think
t.r.schmidt  - 18.01.2004 - 01:03
@zork: that about Cyclone? Simple, related to Hurrican(e) and T(h)ornado - and it´s a clone. I think thats a name with deep sense
t.r.scmidt  - 18.01.2004 - 00:59
Also zu finden unter http://www.modarchive.com/cgi/search.cgi?query=turrican&type=mod&type=s3m&type=xm&type=it&maxhits=20&since= - da gibts auch noch mehr schöne Sachen, thx!
Zork  - 18.01.2004 - 00:20
I cant release the game with a good name on it! Give my something cool, not aca.sys or something.
Zork  - 18.01.2004 - 00:08
Im back with some good information! The song from my aca.sys video can be found at modarchive. Yes sadly about my site, but be sure check back soon cause some updates will come very soon. The song name is mb_trcn2, enjoy!
Ryo Megid  - 17.01.2004 - 20:12
@Zork) There's some problems on your site ! The Video section has disapeared, and all images are dead.
Ryo Megid  - 17.01.2004 - 19:59
Rhaa ! Excellent news !!!! Thanks TRS !
t.r.schmidt  - 17.01.2004 - 18:01
Klaro! Erl.
Martin  - 17.01.2004 - 16:04
T.R., korrigierst Du bitte den GGT-Link?
t.r.schmidt  - 17.01.2004 - 15:59
Ringtones, anyone? http://www.psyria.de/ringtones-downloads.htm
Martin  - 17.01.2004 - 15:42
Hmm, die Keywords hören sich nicht so nach Turrican an.
t.r.schmidt schon wieder  - 17.01.2004 - 15:41
http://www.turrican-live.de/ was das wohl sein soll?!?
t.r.schmidt  - 17.01.2004 - 15:30
Ich nehm dann bitte den Multiple-Paintball-Laser
t.r.schmidt  - 17.01.2004 - 15:30
lol, realistischer kann Turrican nicht sein: http://www.paintball-obernburg.de/turrican.htm
t.r.schmidt  - 17.01.2004 - 15:03
Meine Güte, mit dem lahmen Netzerk und ISDN hält sich der Spass beim News-schreiben in Grenzen *seufz*
t.r.schmidt  - 17.01.2004 - 15:02
So, new news, as promised
The Renamer  - 17.01.2004 - 12:43
Ya wanna a cool name fer ya .SYS ? Why not Turrican.SYS ? Or SA-X.SYS ? (Metroid Fusion inside ^o^). Or MORGUL.SYS ?
Chief  - 17.01.2004 - 12:34
So Zork... release the tune if it is truly your work...or give credit to the one that really made it if that isn't you
Chief  - 17.01.2004 - 12:33
Beginning to wonder yeah... If it is his tune hed would share it but if it is by someone else he would get copyright issues...
Robert  - 17.01.2004 - 12:10
Don't think, he did it himself.
Chief  - 17.01.2004 - 12:07
If I had made something and others like it, like that song, I would be proud to share it with others, not keep it for myself only...
t.r.schmidt  - 17.01.2004 - 12:00
Bin doch gar kein Holländer? Mmh. Und ja, definit Caps-lock kaputt, der arme...
Zork  - 17.01.2004 - 11:32
The Renamer  - 16.01.2004 - 21:05
The Renamer  - 16.01.2004 - 21:04
Hm, I should rename this don't ya think ? Why not StupidName.SYS ?
Bronko  - 16.01.2004 - 21:03
ALso ich wäre für den Namen GaGa.Sys, schließlich passt das zum Gemütszustand des "Programmierers".
Ryo Megid  - 16.01.2004 - 21:03
I'm looking for a mp3 I've lost, who's called : Vesa Norilo - When the Earth Dies. This guy compose only with Mods, and this tune is GREAT, reminds me Windstille musics. Awesome. Vesa Norilo is also named Warder, of the Third Eye group.
Chief  - 16.01.2004 - 19:56
I know virtualdub, but thx 4 the tip Thorn. But the sound quality of the music in the video is a bit low... So I want the original
Robert  - 16.01.2004 - 19:48
"Kopie von Acsys.lha"
Thorn  - 16.01.2004 - 19:19
@Chief: Look out for VirtualDub, with this tool you can export the music from video files.
t.r.schmidt  - 16.01.2004 - 18:52
Ja, ist wieder sehr lustig derzeit
Robert  - 16.01.2004 - 17:58
Martin  - 16.01.2004 - 17:51
What about... Aca.Clone?
Zork  - 16.01.2004 - 17:08
Chief  - 16.01.2004 - 16:18
Will you publish the mp3 of the *sys demo video if I come up with a good name?
Zork  - 16.01.2004 - 16:15
Robert  - 16.01.2004 - 16:11
Zork  - 16.01.2004 - 15:28
ok, this is so confused!! I change the hell with the name of aca.sys to something another cool name. If someone give me a name, I´ll give the credits for the one! I need a name for the game now!!
Chief  - 16.01.2004 - 15:23
I kill only in games, not in real life...
Robert  - 16.01.2004 - 13:51
Er nimmt Kritik immer so wohlwollend auf
The Renamer  - 16.01.2004 - 13:07
**One day, my Turrican will come, for this day, I'll wait for your return, Bren Mc Guire**...GGT, TurricanE For Ever, TurricaN FPS, Hurrican, Dex' Turrican, Ultrastorm, AGA.SYS, ACA.SYS, TRS'New Turrican... PHIEW !!!!
Aky  - 16.01.2004 - 12:57
@Robert: So, jetzt hast Du es geschafft...Dein erster Todfeind! Pass bloss auf Dich auf...sonst bist Du plötzlich
Aky  - 16.01.2004 - 12:54
@Zork: Your private war against Robert is pure nonsense. Nobody is interested in...so simply end it!
Zork  - 16.01.2004 - 11:19
Chief: Oh really? You want the tune, Kill Robert and you get the tune for free, deal?
Chief  - 16.01.2004 - 07:56
@Zork: Shame about the tune. Would be a nice gift while we wait for new Turricans...
Aky  - 16.01.2004 - 07:33
To lazy to write down all the cheats in a mail...look at www.gamefaqs.com!
Person  - 16.01.2004 - 06:52
I would like SNES Super Turican cheats aswel email me at melikeoldfords@yahoo.co.nz
Robert  - 15.01.2004 - 22:58
Ich gemein? Nie
Aky  - 15.01.2004 - 22:53
@Matt: There are some cheats for the first SNES-Turrican, try www.gamefaqs.com, but it is possible to see the ending without any cheat...its not so hard
Aky  - 15.01.2004 - 22:51
@Robert: Du warst gemein zu Ihm? Hab ich garnicht gelesen!
Matt  - 15.01.2004 - 22:26
I just got Super Turican for SNES today. Its awesome! Is there any cheats for it? If there is please email them to me at mattyph@hotmail.com
Robert  - 15.01.2004 - 22:15
Nö, ist doch noch alles da - zumindest alles was ich kenne. Zork: adf requests are unfriendly and embarrassing, that's what I mean.
Bronko  - 15.01.2004 - 22:09
Frag mich, warum t.r. ihn net schon längst gebannt hat, wahrscheinlich findet er diese Freakshow einfach zum kugeln, stimmts, t.r.?
Aky  - 15.01.2004 - 21:42
Böser Robert...Platz! Das hier ist nicht Deine Seite...da ist wohl was gelöscht...ich kanns garnicht sehen...*schnüff*
Zork  - 15.01.2004 - 21:03
Chief: emm..no robert: Stop pretending like you own this site, that´s what I mean.
Chief  - 15.01.2004 - 21:00
@Zork: Can you put an mp3 of that tune on your site then?
Bronko  - 15.01.2004 - 19:48
Argh, der heißt hier ja : rotfl : :rotl:
Bronko  - 15.01.2004 - 19:47
You are supposed to ask t.r. for some adf's. :lol2:
Robert  - 15.01.2004 - 19:21
What does that sentence mean?
Zork  - 15.01.2004 - 19:18
Robert: If you ask something about adf request, That question should T.R ask, not you
Martin  - 15.01.2004 - 18:32
No, it was just Zork who said that.
Mamamiah !!  - 15.01.2004 - 18:27
@Zork and/or Martin : It's true that GGT is once again delayed because you want to make it cool to restart ? Hm, any Turrican is good to restart, release GGT now, damn it !
Martin  - 15.01.2004 - 14:28
It's Zork, so it's actually nothing. He has a problem with the caps lock key.
Martin  - 15.01.2004 - 14:26
ann ham davin  - 15.01.2004 - 12:57
What What What is it?????
Zork  - 15.01.2004 - 09:51
Chief  - 15.01.2004 - 07:48
Well someone must have made it... So it must be somewhere...
Martin  - 14.01.2004 - 22:49
I don't think it's available anywhere.
Chief  - 14.01.2004 - 20:06
Anyone found an mp3 of the music in de ACsys video yet?
t.r.schmidt  - 14.01.2004 - 19:34
@Zork: not new, just another one And long heard nothing new from T4e
Ryo Megid  - 13.01.2004 - 21:33
@Zork : You're searching for The Oath ? Look at : www.planetemu.net then type in the search box : OATH (not THE OATH). Good download ! Oh, it's a french site !
Ryo Megid  - 13.01.2004 - 21:32
@Everyone : All Turricans are made to be finished and replayed, once and again, it's a curse, once you like it, you can't stop... Rhaa, Factory Action in T3, all the levels of T2, phiew...
Ryo Megid  - 13.01.2004 - 21:30
@TRS : A NEW TURRICAN PROJECT ?! Phiew !! When does the TurricanE For Ever page 'll be updated ^o^ ? Because T4E seems very very cool, and the only thing we know : it's a Turrican Alternative...
Ryo Megid  - 13.01.2004 - 21:27
@Zork : I'm not sure that I'll never play again at GGT after finishing it ! Do you want to know how many times I restarted Turrican 2 & 3 ? Hurrican Preview ? Takatis ? The most we wait, then faster we'll finish it.
Robert  - 13.01.2004 - 20:19
No adf requests please.
Zork  - 13.01.2004 - 20:03
Where can I download THE OATH for amiga?? please I need it, tell me please!!!!!!!!!
t.r.schmidt  - 13.01.2004 - 19:59
Expect some news at Weekend, I´m just tooo busy with another Turrican related project...
Bronko  - 13.01.2004 - 19:54
Der hat doch bloß seine Wunschträume... ...Welche ihn auch nicht gerade sympathischer machen...
Robert  - 13.01.2004 - 17:09
Was phantasiert er denn jetzt zusammen?
Zork  - 13.01.2004 - 17:03
Btw T.R : Do you know where I can download the game "THE OATH" for amiga?
Zork  - 13.01.2004 - 16:55
I think there is a problem with GGT. For ex, if Aky, T.R, renamer, Ryo or someone else plays the game GGT, you´ll will get bored for an week, then you never play the game again. Its so pointless to release GGT now, we´ll just have to wait!!
The Renamer  - 13.01.2004 - 12:50
@Aky : Okay ! @Martin : Could you give more info about GGT please ?
Aky  - 13.01.2004 - 07:29
@Renamer: I would say nearly finished...ask Martin for more info...
Ryo Megid  - 13.01.2004 - 01:43
What's new about Hurrican and GBA's T2002 ?
The Renamer  - 13.01.2004 - 00:23
@Aky : GGT is finally finished ?!
Martin  - 12.01.2004 - 23:29
Ja, und eigentlich muß ich auf Hurrican warten, sonst stimmt die Reihenfolge nicht mehr.
Bronko  - 12.01.2004 - 23:27
Passt scho. GGT muss dann aber vor Ostern fertig sein, wen Smash-Designs hält, was es verspricht!
Martin  - 12.01.2004 - 23:13
Genau Hab noch jemanden in den Chat eingeladen, vielleicht müssen wir auf Englisch umschalten. Ich hoffe, Ihr verkraftet das
Aky  - 12.01.2004 - 23:06
Next Turrican game is coming to GameGear
Martin  - 12.01.2004 - 21:45
Zork  - 12.01.2004 - 20:33
Next Turrican game is coming to Amiga
Aky  - 11.01.2004 - 18:34
The Movements in the video are very slow on my pc - is it original speed? From which Turrican-Remix is the music taken from? Where to download?
Zork  - 11.01.2004 - 18:00
Zork  - 11.01.2004 - 17:59
Martin@It means AGA-SYSTEM and I wont rename my gameRyo:Take your time on my sitet.r:Actually, there was another turrican project going on, at high resolution but its better i´ll finish my game firstMamamiah:Let´s party on!
Mamamiah !!  - 11.01.2004 - 17:49
Welcum to the ACA party ! Here, we have AC.SYS, the first, then ACA.SYS, then AGA.SYS Errr
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