Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
t.r.schmidt  - 07.01.2025 - 15:19
Jawoll, grad mal ein wenig Zeit, da muss ich aufholen
stefl0n  - 07.01.2025 - 15:08
Oha! Machst du dein Jahres-News-Update gerade?
snajper  - 07.01.2025 - 00:51
newest issue of Amiga Addict contains exclusive interviews with Julian Eggebrecht and Holger Schmidt, plus some other Turrican related topics
t.r.schmidt  - 31.12.2024 - 17:30
Also: I hope I find some time to write some news the next days
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Lukasz Maniewskis Turricane 3.5 Final Mission nearly finished
A promising T2002-Levelpack by Lukasz Maniewski, featuring musics by CJoe and Peter W. Soon in the Turrican Levelbase!
Still no Turrican from Manfred Trenz
But he´s done a new licensed Nintendo 3DS-game for RTL-Television: "Alarm für Cobra 11": See on youtube

Source: nexgam.de/forum/
Hurrican Remixes
Not many soundtracks of fangames are so unique, they get their own remixes: Hurrican is one of them!

Eiswuxe send me some fanmade remixes by l33t-Gu1t4R, get them at the Turrican Soundbase, under "Hurrican", everything with "remix".

And happy new year! :)
11 years of Turrican SETA
Rock into the 11th year of Turrican SETA with great hand-played E-Guiter covers of Turrican 2 from Erik "Emberdefender" Antares!

Get them, as usual, at the Turrican Soundbase and don´t forget to visit his Youtube-Channel.
Katakis 2 Update
The new release date for Katakis 2 ist spring/summer 2012, and it will also be released for MAC (source: games4mac).

Meanwhile, you can give some creative feedback at the official Katakis-Facebook-page.
Chris Huelsbeck @ SoundTrack_Cologne
Chris Huelsbeck will speak at the Next Level II/SoundTrack_Cologne, Saturday the 05.11.2011, 12:00 - 13:30.

More details are available at http://www.soundtrackcologne.de/.
Gunlord-Trailer is out!
Well, looks and sounds as close to Turrican as it can get, watch the preview!

Release dates are:
NEO·GEO™ MVS December 2011
Dreamcast™ 2012

There are several versions (including some collectors editions) ready to preorder.
More infos and new screenshots at gunlord.com!

Thanks to Jan for the tip!
Selmiak and Andreas Goller finished mapping all Turrican 1 C64-levels, get them at Selmiaks Homepage !
Original Turrican 2 Crash Magazine Cover-Art for Sale
At http://www.oliverfreyart.com, for 435€ you can buy the original Turrican 2 Crash Magazine Cover art, done by Oliver Frey in 1991!

And if you´ve done so, you can submit a good scan to me for our Wallpapers, thanks ;).

Turrican also appears on Zzap!64 magazine #64, see here!

Thanks to Slayer for the tip!
New Turrican Forever Demo
Brent uploaded a new demo of his Turrican Forever Engine, get it in the Turrican-Forever-Thread (at the bottom) and post feedback and bugreports there.
Brent received enough feedback and thus removed the Demo.
Hurrican Soundtrack

Added the Hurrican Soundtrack in mp3-Format to the Turrican Soundbase, also as Playlist to the SETA-MP3-Player. With friendly permission from Eiswuxe!

Btw., show some support and buy Eiswuxe´s latest game: Bloo Kid for Android phones!

[update] Bloo Kid is free (Ad-Sponsored) for Android and only $1 for iPhones!
Turrican Amiga and C64 Soundtracks as mp3
Thanks to Lukasz, you can now find all songs of Turrican 1-3 Amiga as mp3s at the Soundbase. And thanks to Christian, Turrican 1-2 C64 are also available! So, no more problems with your mp3-Player not knowing about TFMX or SID :).

These new Albums and some other also got added to the SETA-mp3-Player, for listening anywhere, directly in your browser. And now including a shuffle-function.
Duracell plays Turrican 2, live
More at http://andrediamant.free.fr
MP3-Player updated!
The SETA-mp3-Player now plays nearly (the player does not support OGG...) the whole Turrican-Soundbase. So, if you´re not at home, you can now listen to all mp3s directly in your browser, without downloading.

Please notice the Play-Button directly under the left menu :).

Update: Now included four playlists: All Songs, Soundbase, Turrican Evolution and Turrican Evolution 2!
Turricane 3.5 mp3s
Just added two fine mp3s, Introduction and Junk Yard, for Lukasz Turricane 3.5 Final mission to the Soundbase!
Brent´s Turrican Forever
Brent made a video of his newly coded water shader.

The Video got sadly already removed be Brent.
Turrican - Manfred Trenz Limited Edition Shirt
A while ago, I found a small online shop offering shirts auf Turrican and Katakis in a "Manfred Trenz Limited Edition", which "were developed in cooperation with Manfred Trenz".

I wondered what that meant and asked. Here is the answer of the shops owner and designer "Mr. Nerd":

When having visited the "Symphonic Shades" (Chris Huelsbeck) Orchestra in Cologne I had recognized several people wearing pretty simple but also pretty cool shirts showing lines of code, computer screens or game cites.
This had brought me to the idea of self developing similar shirts for myself which I had kind of forgotten when having been back into daily routine.
Then, in midth of 2010, when flicking through a friend's "Retrogamer" magazines, the idea came back to my mind. I wanted my own shirts. And if somebody likes the designs he should be able to have one, too. My interests were and are none commercial. I simply wanted to offer "Share Wear": shirts for computer and game freaks and not getting rich. :)
So after having ordered books with titles like "The ultimate history of video games", "Spielkonsolen und Heimcomputer" and "Das grosse Lexikon der Computerspiele" the idea became reality. I've noted down some game cites, motives, computer and game pioneers and started to create some raw designs to make my idea more visual. When having visited some arcades, observing two original Nintendo coin ops and flicking through more "Retrogamer" mags I finally was sure what to design.
So the first categories with the appropriate motives had come to live. And while playing some games on my old AMIGA and flicking through "Das grosse Lexikon der Computerspiele" I'd said to myself: "Yes ! Those guys have stolen a lot of my time, because off me having played their damn good games! So not only games and cites are worth their own motives but even more the people behind all that !"
And so I'd reflected which games were and are favorites and the most known and remembered ones. The list became pretty long, but one of the top most titles was: "Turrican". Turrican means among other things: Manfred Trenz.
So for me it was clear: the next design MUST be dedicated to Turrican and to Manfred Trenz. Since my idea was to dedicate designs to the pioneers I thought of making Trenz the first one in the list. And to make the "Manfred Trenz" edition even more special I decided to make it a "Manfred Trenz Limited Edition", showing two well known - or the most known - games of Trenz: Turrican and Katakis. And so I'd contacted Manfred Trenz and told him about my idea. Trenz liked it and gave me his ok. To fully honor him I didn't want to only create the designs and publish them but to let him view them and make proposals concerning design changes.
After having found and finished the final designs of "Turrican" and "Katakis" they went online and are now ready to be printed.
And - naturally - the first shirts were printed for Manfred before the Limited Collection went online.

Thanks to this little cooperation and to Manfred Trenz I'm pleased to offer the shirts to Trenz- and Turrican- as well as to Katakis-Fans.

The shop is located at http://www.nerd-blog.de/.
Turrican forever still in development!

(The Turrican-clone, not to be confused whith Robert´s Turrican Forever-Website ;) )

Some person, back in 2008 under the Nick "Brent McGuire" worked on a promising Turrican Clone, worktitled "Turrican Forever".

Nothing was heard of it until I received an email this week, announcing that it is still in development and there will be a fully playable demo, presumably this june!

Some facts:
  • The engine now runs at 60hz with Direct-3d-Support, large levels would be no problem
  • The resolution is still 512x288 / 16:9 format, he wants to make the viewport not to large to stay true to the original
Since he is quite overloaded with work, he currently seeks help with reworking the graphics out of Amiga-Turrican 1 and a Turrican 3-Logo redone as WMF-vectorgraphic, without the "3".

He also is looking for tiles and sprites from Turrican 3 PC, which was never released.

If you can offer some help, best post in in the Turrican Forever thread!
New Turrican 3d Videos
AllVision, the company which once worked on Turrican 3d with Manfred Trenz until the development got stopped, has now released some videos showing yet unreleased rendered footage at their youtube channel!

Thanks to Marc for the Tip! :)
Katakis 2 Updates
Katakis 2 Trailer:

Katakis 2 Trailer, presented at the Revision 2011 Demoparty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08VCnvq8VlU

Katakis 2 3d-Editor Screenshots:

Btw., also check out Thomas "Turri" Schreiters (who did the great graphics for Hurrican) Homepage for some cool Hurrican-Pictures: http://www.turri3d.de/. And also, Jaques Roque is out, graphics were also done bei him.
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Only the finest Fansites - Linklist
Turrican Forever
Bronko´s Turrican Page
Manfred Trenz Fanpage
Member of Turrican.eu

