Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
Retro Pedro  - 07.02.2025 - 13:07
@ t.r. Schmidt: also die Aussage von Andreas Escher ,dass Manfred sich komplett aus der Spielebranche zurückgezogen hat, war mir so nicht bekannt.
Turrican4   - 05.02.2025 - 19:22
Hatte mal wieder Bock verschiedene T2002 Level zu zocken. Leider sind schwarze Quadrate um die Sprites auf meinem Win11 Rechner. Hat das jemand hinbekommen auf Win11?
Retro Pedro  - 05.02.2025 - 11:30
done. I voted for Turrican 1- 3
KorenLesthe  - 04.02.2025 - 22:18
Glad I added both anthologies to the GoG Dreamlist ^^, already got 67 & 74 votes
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Die Amiga Story in german Television

ZDF-Info will release a video about our favourite computer (sorry, C64) on 27.04.2017, 10:00 (or live 20:15).

It seems to be a shortened, german version of FROM BEDROOMS TO BILLIONS: THE AMIGA YEARS and includes an interview with Factor 5´s Julian Eggebrecht.


DEFNDRS of the Universe by DEX

Dex, who brought us T4 Funeral, a Turrican-clone with complete new graphics, catchy music and levels (based on the T2002-Engine) in 2004 released his first album on bandcamp. It´s Synthwave/Outrun/Retrowave and retrogaming inspired, so have a look and buy it if you like it!

"I am mainly inspired by music from videogames, the 80s, synthesizers and cyberpunk. Most tracks were intended for unreleased prototype games I made with a friend. "

(ghosh I´d really like to play some of these with this music...)


I just added RSS-Feeds for the Turrican SETA news and (shoutbox-)comments (see left/bottom menu), please let me know if they work well with your newsreader.

Symphonic Selections Video Game Music

The Landesjugendorchester Sachsen will be performing Symphonic Selections in Leipzig and Dresden, with hits from composters like Nobuo Uematsu, Chris Hülsbeck and Jonne Valtonen.

The concert in Leipzig will be at 22.04. at Kunstkraftwerk, in Dresden at 23.04 at the HfM-Konzertsaal / Wettiner Platz. Tickets are available at Reservix.


  • Jonne Valtonen: In a Roundabout Way (Fanfare: Final Symphony II)
  • Martin Schjoler / Arr: Jonne Valtonen: Clash of Clans - Medley
  • Nobuo Uematsu / Arr: Jonne Valtonen: Blue Dragon - Waterside
  • Nobuo Uematsu / Arr: Roger Wanamo: Final Fantasy I-VI - Piano Concerto
  • Pause Chris Huelsbeck / Arr: Jonne Valtonen: Turrican II - Concerto for Laser and Enemies
  • Ari Pulkkinen, Salla Hakkola, Henri Sorvali / Arr: Jonne Valtonen: Angry Birds - Medley
  • Hiroki Kikuta / Arr: Jonne Valtonen: Secret of Mana
  • Nobuo Uematsu / Arr: Jonne Valtonen: Final Symphony - Final Fantasy VII Symphony, 3rd Movement
  • Encore: Chris Huelsbeck / Arr: Jonne Valtonen: The Great Giana Sisters - Suite


Orchestral Selections / Virtual Turrican 4 Soundtrack
Chris Hülsbeck plans another Turrican-Soundtrack-Project, Orchestral Selections.

What indeed excites me much is the announced kickstarter stretch-goal: He would create a virtual Turrican 4 soundtrack on his original Amiga-TFMX-Editor, just as a real Turrican 4 would have sounded back then.

Watch out for it on kickstarter or his homepage, http://www.huelsbeck.com/.

Thanks @ Bernd!
Video Game Music in Concert

Jonne Valtonen: Fanfare for the Common 8-bit Hero
Chris Huelsbeck: Turrican II - Concerto for Laser and Enemies
Nobuo Uematsu: Blue Dragon - Waterside
Ari Pulkkinen: Angry Birds Medley
Nobuo Uematsu: Final Fantasy VI - Symphonic Poem
Jonne Valtonen: Albion Online - Medley
Ari Pulkkinen: Super Stardust - Medley
Martin Schjøler: Clash of Clans
Chris Huelsbeck: Great Giana Sisters - Suite
Chris Huelsbeck: Turrican II - Freedom

Alternate link: http://www.br.de/mediathek/

thx @ parker

Factor 5 is back in business!
Julian Eggebrecht stated that Factor 5 is in existence again!

Quote (excerpt):
...seit wenigen Tagen ist beim Kölner Amtsgericht die Factor 5 GmbH wieder in Existenz, das heißt wir haben uns endlich mal unsere gesamten Trademark-Rechte und alle Geschichten konsolidiert und sowas. Und wie ich letztes Jahr glaube ich schon mal erwähnt hatte haben wir auch den gesamten... nicht nur unsere eigenen Spiele alle gekauft, praktisch die Rechte uns zurückgekauft, das was noch woanders war, sondern wir haben auch den gesamten Nachlass von Rainbow Arts und Softgold, den deutschen ..?... aus der THQ-Pleite raus gekauft, das heißt alles was mal bei Rainbow Arts gemacht wurde, jedes Fitzelchen Papier, Spiele, Sourcecode, alles ... und der Plan ist schon früher oder später das Ganze zu vermarkten und deswegen sehe ich zumindest mit nem lachenden Auge in Richtung, ja, jetzt könnte man demnächst auch mal was mit Turrican wieder machen, aber ich kann noch nichts Konkretes sagen.

Roughly: Since a few days Factor 5 is in existance again at the local court of Cologne. They bought all Rainbow-Arts/Softgold-rights and are thinking of making a new Turrican, but he cannot say anything concrete yet.

Source: Spieleveteranen Podcast
Thanks to Bernd for the tip! :)
16 Years of Turrican SETA
In two days Turrican SETA has it´s 16th birthday!

Especially if you consider that the last official Turrican game is now 21 years old, it was quite an eventfull year.

We had a new version of T2002, a Kickstarter for an orchestral Turrican album with lots of fine Turrican artwork and the Members of Factor 5 announced they still want to make a new Turrican (see below, "Stay Forever Podcast").

Turrican II – The Orchestral Album was even premiered live, in a concert hall in Bochum and there I finally got to meet some of my personal heroes & Amiga scene legends:
Lutz Osterkorn, Chris Hülsbeck, Willi Bäcker (and think I saw Rudolf Stember in die audience), Jan Zottmann and Fabian del Priore (whom I recognized afterwards, until then it seemed just a nice guy named Fabian).

It was a pleasure to meet them after the concert and to hear they know about my site, sadly there wasn´t much time to ask about some cool stories. But Willi promised they´d verfiy my data on my makers-page and so I received an email from Andreas Escher. Which I´ve still got to anwser (if your´re reading this: Sorry, I´m still considering what the hell I could ask/write, now that I have the opportunity ;).

So, again thanks to you all, especially to everyone who regularly posts in the shoutbox!

Note: sorry, xmas timeout, I´ll write some more tomorrow :)

Some Impressions from the Turrican II – The Orchestral Album premiere

New T2002 Levelpack Beast vs Universal Soldier
Lukasz Maniewski released his new, Shadow of the Beast themed T2002-Levelpack "Beast vs Universal Soldier", see the Turrican levelbase!

More Amiga-Piano music by Kordian Wiecek
Kordian Wiecek released some more videos of his fantastic Amiga-Piano Concert, see his youtube-channel. And he released piano-sheets!
Chris Huelsbeck / Turrican Concert in Bochum
This weekend (12.11.2016) the Turrican II Orchestral album selection is to be premiered live in Bochum!

Turrican, live, in a concert hall. With Chris Huelsbeck! Do I need to say more? Be there, there are still some tickets left!

More Infos:
Stay Forever Podcast / a new Turrican?
Stay Forever, a retro-gaming podcast made a very interesting episode about Turrican some months ago, featuring interviews with Factor 5´s Julian Eggebrecht.

Besides some historical things Julian stated:

"Als THQ pleite gegangen ist [...] nach langem hin und her haben wir dann mit der deutschen Factor 5 den kompletten Nachlass von Rainbow Arts und Softgold gekauft und die ganzen Trademarks dazu unter anderen natürlich auch Turrican und alles, die gehören heutzugage uns. Und die Intention ist das wir im Prinzip ne neue Rainbow Arts gründen und das wir an die Rainbow-Arts von der Factor 5 Seite auch die Turrican Lizenz geben. Manfrez [Trenz] ist auch an Bord, das heißt wenn wir was Neues machen würden mit Turrican dann hätte man auch wirklich alle miteinander, Chris Hülsbeck bedrängt mich schon [...], ich hoffe mal das wir später dieses Jahr mal endlich dazu kommen, aber wie gesagt, wir müssen es mal einfach auf die Reihe kriegen [...] Es ist nicht so leicht mal einfach nen Kickstartet zu machen und damit Geld einzusammeln [...] das geht leider nicht ganz so simpel."

Roughly translated: The german Factor 5 bought all trademarks from the bankcrupt THQ, including Turrican and they would like to make a new Turrican. Even Manfred Trenz would be on board and Chris Huelsbeck asks him when they´ll start every two weeks. But it wouln´t be as simple as making a kickstarter and collecting the money, the´ll just have find the time.

Personally, I´d surely be glad about a new Turrican but don´t have much hope at the moment. We´ve long waited for Factor 5´s Thornado and didn´t hear anything from Manfred Trenz for years.

And what would be the right way to to a modern Turrican these days anyway, something like Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams/Super Mario Bros?

I´d definitely prefer something more Metroidvania-Style like Axiom Verge, but well, that´s just my taste.

PS: Also listen to the other Stay Forever Episodes, they´re awesome (if you understand german...)
Park Cleaner
A while ago I got an email about a Turrican inspired, not being a clone or remake, game named "Park Cleaner". By now it´s finished, so have a look.

"Groups of BB (buggy bots) and SS (second hand systems) are darken the skies in the eastlands of the old classic park. Only the local gardener can save our culture now!

Park Cleaner is a platform game mockup with retro style. Become part of your ambient and a timeless monument in this by early Commodore Classics inspired metroidvania shooter.

Romans Website
Park Cleaner on itch.io
Mobile SETA
Currently working to make the page more mobile friendly, not yet finished, some things might look a bit odd.

Videos should load only after you click play and if your device is too small, pictures should scale down and the menu should switch to the top.

If anything appears to be broken in your browser, please tell me in the shoutbox ;).
Turrican II Live Orchestra Album by Chris Huelsbeck
Chris Huelsbecks new Soundtrack-Campaign already got successfully financed!

"Turrican II – The Orchestral Album will feature nearly an hour of completely new, never before heard, orchestral arrangements of some of the most popular pieces of music from Turrican II. Tracks planned for the album include The Final Fight, Freedom, The Great Bath, Concerto for Lasers and Enemies and The Desert Rocks. We will be revealing more tracks as the project progresses. Depending on the campaign’s success, all backers will get to hear Turrican II’s orchestral beauty from December this year.

We’re very lucky to have secured the hugely talented FILMharmonic Orchestra Prague to perform the music. They are one of the most sought after recording orchestras in Europe and have previously worked on several video game projects, such as the Final Fantasy Orchestral Album and soundtracks to games such as The Elder Scrolls Online, Civilization: Beyond Earth and Halo Wars.

One other aspect that makes Turrican II – The Orchestral Album special is its artwork. We’re working with a very talented team of illustrators and designers to recapture the beauty of the original game. There will be all brand new pieces of art which recreate key scenes from throughout Turrican II in a distinctive Manga style, as originally intended by the game makers.

We’re currently busy working on these and while we only have a few images ready to share, we can assure you there will be many more beautiful pieces for the finished product. These will all be showcased in the CD booklet, however, those pledging for the Deluxe Collector’s Edition Box will receive them as gorgeous, high quality, glossy Fine Art Prints (31,5 x 31,5 cm each); the perfect way to follow Bren McGuire on his adventures!

To help me produce the album I will be working closely with Thomas Böcker, Roger Wanamo and Jonne Valtonen at Merregnon Studios, the team behind some of the most critically acclaimed orchestral video game albums and concerts in the world (Final Symphony, Symphonic Fantasies). They are world experts in the field and some of you may remember their work on both the Turrican Soundtrack Anthology and my previous orchestral concert and album, Symphonic Shades.

More on kickstarter.com!
Turrican SETA MP3-Player updated
The SETA-MP3-Player (floating under the left menu...) got an update. I replaced the old flash-player with an html5-version, should work in all modern browsers, tested in Firefox, IE, Chrome and an Android-phone.

For the technically interested: This is the third version, the first one was based on a browser-plugin (modplug), playing mods instead of MP3s, back in 2000 we had such things.

And my new player doesn´t need Jquery or other bloated frameworks, just plain javascript.
Axiom Verge added to SETA
Axiom Verge got added to the SETA.
In case you haven´t already heard of it, it´s a quite new (2015) and very well made Metroidvania with a lot of original ideas. Also it features quite captivating and atmospheric music.

The most interesting description I´ve read was "you think you know how it plays, but you don´t", surprisingly right.

Created by only one man, like in the old times, impressive!

(I´m still counting on you, Manfred Trenz!)
T2002X is out!
T2002 is, as you may know, a Windows version of Turrican, which was released in 2003, and now got a huge update.

Changes according to readme:

T2002X is a technical update for T2002. The main purpose is to ensure T2002 running on current Windows versions while maintaining the compatibility to existing level packs.

1. General changes:

- new graphics enginge based on DirectX 9
- uses fps downscaling on slow systems
- supports window and full screen mode
- supports any window and screen size
- can use desktop size as default full screen size
- rendering area can be set to any size and position on screen
- can use overlay and scanline images (for an extra retro feeling)
- better game controller support
- final level of the GBA version included
- modified boss sprites by Lukasz Maniewski

For level makers:
- supports other image formats (e.g. png)
- .psb files will not be coded anymore, you can simply rename your .bmp or .png file
- new graphics and animation for space ship added (check your flight levels)
- music (mp3) files can have the extension .psm or .mp3 now

Download at http://www.pekaro.de/t2002.html.

Thanks to Robert for the hint and big respect to Pekaro for the great work - now for over 13 years!

Also, have a look at our Turrican Levelbase where you can find a lot of levels for T2002.
Preview track for upcoming piano concert
Also, there´s a facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/musikschule.siegburg
(Turrican?) Piano Concert in Siegburg
On February the 13. will be another game-music Piano-Concert in Siegburg at the Engelbert Humperdinck music-school.

What is played will be a surprise, but according to the flyer it seems to include Final Fight (the beat em up, not Turrican! Hopefully the brilliant Amiga "lost in Time" version.) The motto is "A small contemporary history of the computermusic-world from 1985 to the present".

In youtube, Kordian, the arranger and pianist, also stated to play Amiga and PS3 music (see comments).

See what you missed last year on youtube.

Please spread the word, print out the poster and come listen!

Download Flyer
Download Poster
Gunlord to be developed for Retro VGS console
And if we are lucky Gunlord gets released for the interesting new (is "new" even appropriate in this context?) Retro VGS console!
Lost Kid Ikarus by Factor 5, featuring lost Turrican reboot footage
It seems Factor 5 was working on a Kid Icarus game for Wii, which never was finished, as reported by unseen64.net/.

The video includes some very short test footage of a Turrican reboot (only a monster) at 08:37s.

And now I know how Eggebrecht is pronounced in english!
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Only the finest Fansites - Linklist
Turrican Forever
Bronko´s Turrican Page
Manfred Trenz Fanpage
Member of Turrican.eu

