Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
t.r.schmidt  - 07.01.2025 - 15:19
Jawoll, grad mal ein wenig Zeit, da muss ich aufholen
stefl0n  - 07.01.2025 - 15:08
Oha! Machst du dein Jahres-News-Update gerade?
snajper  - 07.01.2025 - 00:51
newest issue of Amiga Addict contains exclusive interviews with Julian Eggebrecht and Holger Schmidt, plus some other Turrican related topics
t.r.schmidt  - 31.12.2024 - 17:30
Also: I hope I find some time to write some news the next days
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New Hurrican Shots
And another Level gets betatested and finished at Hurrican, see some brand new screenshots oft the Tower Level at www.poke53280.de!
Turrican 1 Title - Metal Version
Finally get the full-lenght-Version of the Turrican 1 Title as a metal version played by Baran Yasar´s Band RevelatioN!

(see Clones -> Turrican FPS for more Info)

As usual at the Turrican Soundbase: Turrican3D - Turrican 1 Metal Theme

I still hope they release the other tracks as well (e.g. Scrapyard).
Duracell plays Turrican
Download a live-music-video of Andrew "Duracell" Dymond playing (or more drumming) Space Harrier and Turrican Level 1.2 live at http://andrediamant.free.fr/duracell.htm.
Machinae Supremacy Turrican 1 Metal-Medley
Download the new mp3 by Machinae Supremacy, which contains an awesome Turrican Metal-Medley at 10.23 at www.hubnester.com!

Thanks to pArker for the tip!
New T2002 Level by Bronko
Just uploaded Bronkos new T2002-Level, complete with new music by Ralph Weinert!

Get it at the T2002-Levelsection!
Turrican 3d & Turrican FPS
Matthew Brown is working on a Turrican 3d-Version, you can watch it progressing at turrican3d.com.

As he wants to produce a trailer for his game, he contacted Baran Yasar, who was working on Turrican FPS (see clones - and voila: theres a new heavy metal sample from Turrican FPS: www.freewebtown.com/icedturk/Turrican.mp3
And after recordings and gigs with his Bands, Baran wants to continue Turrican FPS.
Hurrican News
At The Poke´s Homepage, Eiswuxe announced that 2006 will definitly be the Hurrican-Year, and we won´t have to wait until end of the year.

The next level will be 'the Tower', so stay tuned there for screenshots and a new gameplay-video.
New T2002 Level by Bronko
Get Bronko´s new level for T2002, "Bronkos-Fabrik_Bronko" at the top of the additional T2002 levels.

Or in case you use Roberts´ T2002-Starter - just click it.
Manfred Trenz Fanpage updated!
Ram-Brand´s Manfred Trenz Fanpage got it´s long awaited update, have a look at: http://www.mt-fanpage.de/

For all who didn´t know: Manfred "The Master" Trenz is Turricans creator.
Hurrican for Linux
Hurrican seems to run fine under linux using the windows-emulator "Cedega", after the release the Pokes will also test other emulators.

And there are awesome new screenshots of the spider-factory-level at http://www.poke53280.de.
Tristar Retrodisc
At www.pouet.net you can find a nice Retro-Musicdisc by Tristar, which is actually a windows executeable with a nice Turrican 1-style interface that plays 6 Turrrican 2 music tracks. Thanks to Gajin for the link!
When Dreams come true...
Just if you think it can´t get better anymore:

Download the new Hurrican Surprise Video at www.poke53280.de and be surprised about a new, very special, feature you ever dreamed of!
Cypherians Systems
Unbelievable but true:

Cypherians Systems got released!

I only had time for a quick look, but it seems to feature real good music, nice gfx and parallax-backgrounds.

But keep in mind, it´s still a beta version and has some bugs, e.g. sometimes shots are not visible, and it runs quite a good bit too fast on my 2,4Ghz Celeron.

Download it at http://www.geocities.com/banq_it.
New Eiswuxe Songs
Just uploaded a new Song by Eiswuxe to the Soundbase, "Hurrican Preview" and replaced "Freedom" with the final, longer Version.
Hurrican Video
The promised Preview Video of Hurrican can now be downloaded at www.poke53280.de!
Soundbase News
Thanks to Captain Commando we now have complete recordings of Mega Turrican, Gameboy Turrican, Genesis Turrican and Universal Soldier in the Soundbase , directly recorded from the real console-systems.

Also there are new Songs from Ralph Weinert and Alexander Prievert.
Amiga Immortal 3
As Jan Zottman told me, the new Amiga Immortal 3 CD was now mastered at the Pauler Acoustics Studio, where 1993 the original Turrican Soundtrack got mixed. As on the last two CDs, the tracks got remixed by their original artists.

Here the new Title list:
Agony, Alien Breed, Ambermoon, Amberstar, Apidya, Aquaventura, Brat, Cardiaxx, The Chaos Engine, Death Mask, Defender of the Crown, Denaris, Disposable Hero, Elfmania, Fire & Ice, Ghouls'n Ghosts, Gods, Leander, Lotus 3: Ultimate Challenge, No Second Prize, Obsession, Ork, Overdrive, Pinball Dreams, Pinball Fantasies, The Plague, Shadow of the Beast 2, Speedball 2, Supercars 2, Theatre of Death, Trolls, Turrican 2, Turrican 3, Uridium 2 und Wings of Death.

Visit www.amiga-immortal.com for more infos.

Get a small Video showing two Turrican tracks getting mastered here (wmv-format). Filmed by Chris Huelsbeck himself.

I can´t stand waiting ;)
Upcoming T2002-Levelset by Christian
Christian is working on a new levelset for T2002, and now he released a preview video.

It looks and sounds really great, he used e.g. tileset of Lionheart, Ruff and Tumble or music from Wolfchild.

Just watching his new waterfalls is worth the download.

It is encoded with the Divx-Codec 5.2.
A new Turrican for mobile Phones
While visting the Games Convention 2005 in Leipzig, I was quite surprised to find a new Turrican.

Again it´s a Java application for Cellphones, but this time it´s far more playable then the one on the Siemens-M65.
And it even has got a flight-level.

Get screenshots here!
New mp3 by mAF
mAF contributet a nice remake of "The desert rocks", geht it at the Soundbase.
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Only the finest Fansites - Linklist
Turrican Forever
Bronko´s Turrican Page
Manfred Trenz Fanpage
Member of Turrican.eu

