Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
t.r.schmidt  - 07.01.2025 - 15:19
Jawoll, grad mal ein wenig Zeit, da muss ich aufholen
stefl0n  - 07.01.2025 - 15:08
Oha! Machst du dein Jahres-News-Update gerade?
snajper  - 07.01.2025 - 00:51
newest issue of Amiga Addict contains exclusive interviews with Julian Eggebrecht and Holger Schmidt, plus some other Turrican related topics
t.r.schmidt  - 31.12.2024 - 17:30
Also: I hope I find some time to write some news the next days
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Turrican C64 Levelmaps
Selmiak and Andreas Goller mapped some Turrican 1 C64-levels, get them at Selmiaks Homepage .
Katakis Poster
In issue 6/ Winter 2011, the german 8-Bit-retro-magazine RETURN featured a review for Manfred Trenz C64-Game Katakis, including a special designed Artwork-Poster, licenced by Manfred Trenz himself.

Poster and Magazine can be ordered online at return-magazin.de.
Chris Huelsbeck Webradio-Interview
ICO-Radio, a german Webradio about Game-Soundtracks, did an Interview with Chris Huelsbeck, including two Tracks out of the official Turrican Soundtrack.

Listen to it online at:
Amiga Immortal 4 released!
The Amiga Immortal 4 CD can now be ordered and will be shipped 11. April!

Show your support and get your copy at MAZ-Sound:

The tracklist includes new arranged Titles as "Turrican 2 "Desert Rocks", Lemmings, "Jaguar XJ220 "Moody Breeze", Paradroid 90, Wolfchild, Flashback, Final Fight "Lost In Time", First Samurai or Wing Commander, a total of 35 titles.
As always, most titles got rearranged by their original musicians. More (and english) infos at http://www.amiga-immortal.com/.
Jonny Rumble
I´ve got a friendly permission from Orangepixel to host the full versions of Johnny Rumble 1 + 2! Get them at the bonusfiles!

rumblebanner.png, 89kB
SETA Update
Added a new game to the SETA: Gunforce. Also added a trainer for Dex Turrican Funeral, thanks to besevenghi for the tips.
New T2002-Level
Get RuvF´s new T2002-Level "Scrapyard", based on the Turrican 3 scrapyard, at the Levelbase. Or via T-Starter.
Manfred Trenz now owns Turrican word mark
The word mark Turrican was registered to Softgold until 31.12.2010, after it expired, Manfred Trenz registered it at 13.01.2011 (see dpma.de)!

The international trademark is still registered to the now insolvent Factor 5 llc corp. (see TESS). The german branch, Factor 5 GmbH also is closed since 19.01.2011, see handelsregisterbekanntmachungen.de.
Katakis 2 Sound & Screenshot
Markus Siebold uploaded two short samples of the Katakis 2 Soundtrack, get them as long as they are online:

Also, I have spotted a first screenshot at the Retro-Magazins Facebook-page!

Update: two new Screenshots!
Screen 1
Screen 2

Update 2: two new MP3s!

Update 3: a new MP3!

Update 4: a new MP3!

Update 5: a new MP3!

Katakis 2 more information
The music will be done by Markus Siebold, news will be released at www.katakis2.de, also, musical excerpts may be released at www.siebold.org.

Katakis 2 will be financed completely private, so they can need any promotion.

Please spread the word!
Katakis 2 in active development
As Markus Siebold, music artist of the Turrican 2 C64 Soundtrack, just mailed me, Katakis 2 (for PC/Windows) is now in active development!

We could expect some news soon, I guess at Manfred Trenz´ Homepage Denaris Entertainment Software.
Turrican SETA Reconstruction complete!
Since huge parts of this site were about 10 years old, I have rewritten huge parts of the site:

  • The frameset with music got removed, mp3 player as replacement is now available, see under left menu
  • The Menu got changed
  • Added new games to the SETA
  • Turrican Games, Clones and SETA are no longer static HTML-Pages, but database-driven and so easier to maintain. Also added embedded videos for all games, where available
  • Restructured Information and Download-Pages
  • Large parts of the HTML-Structure rewritten
  • Finally fixed the Secret Bonus (it´s hidden on every page, ever noticed it? :) )

If you notice anything which is now broken, please post it in the Forum, thanks!
Ragazzi Video
Thanks to Manfred J. Heinze from textlab.de, I´ve just uploaded a slightly better Version of the RTL/Ragazzi-Video about Rainbow Arts, containing Turrican-Game-testing and Chris Huelsbeck at work.

Sadly he did not have the original material, since he wrote and edited the film, but someone else filmed it. Maybe it still exists in some RTL-Archive.

Get it here.
Turrican & THQ
I once again asked THQ, why they don´t produce a new Turrican. read the answers, discuss.
T-All released
Robert just uploaded RuvF´s finished T2002-Levelpack T-ALL to the Levelbase!

Best use T-Starter to download and play it.
Sound of Games/ Chris Hülsbeck life @ Gamescom 2010
Including a Medley with Turrican, filmed by Radio Parallax!

Manfred Trenz does NOT Saber-Rider Game
A bit confusing: Manfred Trenz wrote on his homepage http://www.denaris.de/:

"Betrifft SABER RIDER!

Denaris arbeitet nicht an dem Projekt Saber Rider und hat bisher auch nicht daran gearbeitet. Diese Falschinformation wurde ohne Rücksprache mit Denaris ins Netz gestellt und trotz Aufforderung nicht berichtigt."
or, translated:
Denaris does not work on the project Saber Rider and does not have worked on it. This false information was put on the net without consultation with Denaris and, despite demand, not corrected.

10 years ot Turrican SETA
The Turrican SETA is now 10 years old! :)

I´ve technically refurbished parts of the site the last days, but there is still a lot of work to do, so stay tuned!
Manfred Trenz does Saber-Rider Game
"Firehazard Studio and World Events Productions, Ltd. are proud to announce an agreement giving Firehazard Studio the rights to produce a Video game based on the widely popular animated series "Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs" for various gaming devices including Nintendo 3DS and Apple iPhone. The Game is expected to release in Q3 2011 and will feature all iconic characters from the classic "Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs" animated series in a brand new Artstyle by Patrick Reinemann / Reinemann Illustrations and the awesome Soundtrack from Dale Schacker. The Programming of the Game will be done by Turrican Creator Manfred Trenz/Denaris Entertainment Software."

More infos at http://www.firehazard-studio.com/!

Thanks to Ultra64 for the tip!
Immortal 4 is coming
Part 4 of the great Amiga Remix Album is coming!

Visit http://www.maz-sound.com/Immortal/ for a preorders and more infos.

Listen to some preview-Tracks here:

List of the included game titles:
Atomino, Benefactor, Big Run, Cannon Fodder, Capital Punishment, Dangerous Streets, F17 Challenge, Fascination, Final Fight, First Samurai, Flashback, Flink, Fury of the Furries, Future Wars, Gauntlet 3: The Final Quest, Jaguar XJ220, LED Storm, Leisure Suit Larry, Lemmings, Liberation: Captive 2, Paradroid 90, Puggsy, T-Zero, Tales from Heaven, TFX, Turrican 2, Ultimate Body Blows, Walker, Wing Commander, Wolfchild, Zarathrusta, Zeewolf, Zeewolf 2

Thanks to Bernd for the tip and to Jan Zottman and MAZ for friendly permission for the audioplayer :)!
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Only the finest Fansites - Linklist
Turrican Forever
Bronko´s Turrican Page
Manfred Trenz Fanpage
Member of Turrican.eu

