Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.

Turrican Clones

Here we try to collect all known Clones and Remakes of Turrican. The list is sorted by average votes, games which are still in developement or dead are at the bottom.

If you want to suggest a game, write to t.r.schmidt@nemmelheim.de.

Turrican inspired Freeware (!) game, plays much like it ! Features many things (lighting-, pixel- and shading-effects) you´d expect from a modern game.

Platform: Windows
License: Freeware
Cheat: [show cheat]
Status: Finished
Releasedate: 2007
Homepage: http://www.hurrican-game.de

Votes:83   Average score (1-10):10

Turrican Freeware Clone, uses the original MS-DOS-Gfx, Amiga Sprites and the original Soundtrack. Features new and very huge levels.

Platform: Windows
License: Freeware
Cheat: [show cheat]
Status: Finished
Releasedate: 2003
Homepage: http://www.pekaro.de

Votes:39   Average score (1-10):9

(Video wanted!)
Turrican 3 by Smash design

Long ago, there already was a demo of it, but is was stopped after the Team was hired by Similis. Now (2004) they have finally finished it!

Platform: C64
License: Freeware
Facts: There also is a seperate intro available, look for "Return of Darkness"
Status: Finished
Releasedate: 2004
Homepage: http://www.smash-designs.de/c64demo.html

Votes:20   Average score (1-10):8

Turrican Clone

A small Turrican Clone, done bei "Shezzor" in only 3 days and in Blitz-Basic. Uses gfx from Super Turrican. Only one level, roughly playable.

Platform: Windows
License: Freeware
Status: Finished
Releasedate: 2004
Download: https://ssl.webpack.de/www.nemmelheim.de/turrican/files/blitz_turrican_shezzor.zip

Votes:11   Average score (1-10):7

(Video wanted!)
Dex´ Turrican - T4 Funeral

A Turrican Clone based on T2002, done by Dex all alone (beside voice-effects from his girlfriend ;), with complete new gfx, levels and music.

Platform: Windows
License: Freeware
Cheat: [show cheat]
Status: Finished
Homepage: http://t4f.turricanforever.de

Votes:15   Average score (1-10):6
Johnny Rumble 1 + 2

So similiar to Turrican, that it is a clone without even containing Turrican :)

Offiicially available for free, download here!

Platform: JAVA
License: Commercial
Status: Finished
Releasedate: 2006
Homepage: http://www.orangepixel.net/

Votes:9   Average score (1-10):6


A small Turrican clone for windows, uses only 32kb.

Platform: Windows
License: Freeware
Status: Finished
Releasedate: 2000
Download: https://ssl.webpack.de/www.nemmelheim.de/turrican/files/Turrican32kspeed.zip

Votes:10   Average score (1-10):5

Gun Lord is a Eurostyle Platformer with emphasis on exploring huge worlds and blasting off enemies. This game features 9 stages of exciting 2D game play with over 45 unique enemy types. Blast yourself through giant landscapes, explore caverns and reveal all secrets!!

Platform: Dreamcast
License: Commercial
Facts: Available for Dreamcast and NEO-GEO, created by NG:DEV.Team.

Music composed by Rafel Dyll.

Release: NEO·GEO™ MVS 26th March 2012, Dreamcast™ 14th June 2012, NEO·GEO™ AES 2012
Status: In development
Releasedate: 2012
Homepage: http://www.gun-lord.com/

Votes:17   Average score (1-10):9


Robert, webmaster of turricanforever and teacher of Mädcheninformatik at a university, startet to implement a Turrican-Game playable in html5-Browsers.

"Hyper Turrican Mega Leet 5 (abbr. HTML5) is a little experiment of mine to run T2002 levels in the browser. It's programmed in haXe using a game engine I originally implemented for teaching university courses in media computer-science (in German Mädcheninformatik, I think there is no real English translation for that). I also cheat a little by looking at some C++ code of an earlier effort to reimplement T2002 which I never finished. It runs in HTML5, Flash and natively in just about anything but right now I'm mainly interested in checking out if pure browser tech can handle the game. Currently have no idea how far and how fast (or slow) this will go. I'll use this thread as a change log. The current version is always available at http://player.robdangero.us.

Playtest here: http://player.robdangero.us
Comment and motivate there: Forum
(and also sneek a peek at http://robdangero.us, turn on sound! )

Platform: Various
License: Freeware
Facts: Currently it is using levels and graphics of Dex´ wonderful Turrican - T4 Funeral!
Status: In development
Homepage: http://player.robdangero.us

Votes:27   Average score (1-10):8
GameGear Turrican

Turrican for Gamegear. It plays very smooth, and is a good mixture between Turrican 1 & 2. It features the full Turrican 2 weaponry (Powerline, Wheel, Mines, Bounce, Multiple and Laser). The graphics are quite simple but done with much detail, especially if you compare it to other 8 bit-systems.

Already playable since years but still in development.

Platform: Gamegear
License: Freeware
Status: In development
Homepage: http://www.smspower.org/ggt/

Votes:14   Average score (1-10):8

Brent McGuires Turrican Forever

Looked very promising and and hat a very playable engine-Demo in 2008.

See http://www.turricanforever.de/setaforum?id=489 for reference.

Platform: Windows
License: Freeware
Status: In development

Votes:9   Average score (1-10):7

Turrican - Resurrection

A Remake of Turrican 1-3 for the Atari STE, TT and Falcon.

Platform: Atari
License: Freeware
Status: In development

Votes:11   Average score (1-10):7


A GBA version of the Turrican Clone T2002

Platform: Gameboy
License: Freeware
Status: In development
Homepage: http://www.pekaro.de

Votes:8   Average score (1-10):6

Turrican DS

Turrican for the Nintendo DS

Platform: Gameboy
License: Freeware
Facts: you can switch between Amiga sprite and PC sprite ingame
Status: In development

Votes:11   Average score (1-10):6

Turrican Returns

More details here

Platform: Various
License: Freeware
Status: In development
Homepage: https://www.facebook.com/TurricanReturnsTBF

Votes:7   Average score (1-10):6

Magniforce G

Turrican Clone with new graphics, created with Game Maker Studio by Xiphos2000.

Discuss here.

Download Magniforce G.

Platform: Windows
License: Freeware
Status: In development

Votes:7   Average score (1-10):4

Turricane 4 Ever

Turrican Clone, will feature complete new GFX, Sound and Levels. It will be held old-style, but feature SNES-like effects.

Platform: Windows
License: Freeware
Status: dead, will never be finished
Homepage: http://www.nemmelheim.de/turrican/news/t4e/

Votes:8   Average score (1-10):7

(Video wanted!)
Protovisions Turrican 3

Unoffical C64-Follow-Up by Protovision, was stopped because of copyright reasons. It had some innovative Ideas, e.g. a drone controlled by Turrican which flies around and shoots. Only a demo if left.

Platform: C64
License: Freeware
Status: dead, will never be finished
Homepage: http://www.protovision-online.de
Download: https://ssl.webpack.de/www.nemmelheim.de/turrican/files/Turrican3prv.zip

Votes:8   Average score (1-10):7

Turrican FPS

This is an attempt to convert Turrican to 3d using the Quake 2 engine.
Especially interesting is the ingame music, they use Heavy-Metal-covers of Turrican themes.

Platform: Windows
License: Freeware
Status: dead, will never be finished
Homepage: http://www.nemmelheim.de/turrican/facts/tfps/index.html

Votes:10   Average score (1-10):6
Turrican Forever
Bronko´s Turrican Page
Manfred Trenz Fanpage
Member of Turrican.eu

