Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
Roberto  - 09.09.2024 - 10:40
@Aky - Das Buch sieht interessant aus. Danke für den Tipp
Roberto  - 09.09.2024 - 10:37
@Dex - Du hast nicht zufällig ein Youtube-Kanals names "Dex"?
Aky  - 06.09.2024 - 17:41
Guckst Du bei Interesse hier: https://www.bitmapbooks.com/products/run-n-gun-a-history-of-on-foot-shooters?srsltid=AfmBOoq7umqZLq5-sgOeWjc5S-qIHzpNWzuNjSDq5fYL5HVE-yhJOCLJ
Aky  - 06.09.2024 - 17:39
Heut mal ein Buchtipp, wers noch nicht kennt: Run n Gun - A History Of On-Foot Shooters feat. T1&2, MT, ST1&2, Rendering Ranger, Universal Soldier, Psycho Nics Oscar, Gunlord (auf 17 v. 500 Seiten bei 3kg) v. Bitmap Books.Seinen Preis wert!
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If you already haven´t, take a look at Bronko´s Gyroturrican II and navigate Turrican (in wheel-form) through this flash-game. Plays a bit like Marble Madness.
Johnny Rumble
Not officially Turrican, but looks very familiar:
Orange.Pixel developed two Handygames named "Johnny Rumble", that look much like Turrican.

PC-Enginge / TurboGrafx Manual
Available now as PDF, at the bonusfiles. Thanks to Gerald M.B. of the Thalion Source!

Also available now are scans of the Super Turrican NES-Manual, also at the bonusfiles. Thanks to Robert!
Immortal 3 is out!
Who could remake soundtracks of amiga-games better then the original musician? This is what has been done by Jan Zottmann after nearly 3 years of work, on the Amiga Immortal 3 Album. The quality is great, as expected, and it this time it comes on 2 CDs, with 35 Tracks.

And this includes two Turrican tracks, arranged by Chris Huelsbeck himself and an orchestral Version of Apidya (as we know it from the Games Convention!), as well as Katakis.

-cd 1-
Apidya "Suite"
Gods "Into The Wonderful"
Theatre of Death
Ghouls´n Ghosts
Turrican 2
Turrican 3
Fire & Ice
Pinball Dreams
Disposable Hero
The Chaos Engine
Death Mask "Something Evil"
Defender of the Crown "Castlekeep"
Lotus 3: The Ultima Challenge
The Plague
Alien Breed

-cd 2-
Wings of Death
No Second Price
Speedball 2
Shadow of the Beast 2
Uridium 2
Pinball Fantasies
Obsession "Desert Run"
Super Cars 2

The CD was mastered in the same studio as was the original Turrican Soundtrack in 1993.

More Infos at amiga-immortal.com/, or directly buy it at synSONIQ.
The Great Bath
Get a new, classical, remake of the Great Bath at the Soundbase: The Great Bath - Blue Sky from D.A.Wilson. Currently rank 5 in the Amiga-Remix Charts.
New Hurrican Shots
There are new screenshots of Hurrican at the Pokes Homepage, this time of the Ice-Level.
Visit Andre Neuman´s Homepage www.n-trax.de for a funny little Flashgame named Turriball (at the bottom) and while you are already there, have a close look at the left navigation, there is a nice preview Track named 'Turrican - Title Track "Work in progress" Amiga Remix'.
New Turrican 2 Remix
Get a fine new Remix of the Turrican 2 C64-Theme by Bitcrusher at the Turrican Soundbase.
Matthew Browns Turrican 3d
At http://www.turrican3d.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=7 you can find some pictures of Matthew Browns upcoming Turrican 3d, there also is a trailer at http://www.turrican3d.com/.
New T2002 Level: Tower of Morgul
From Lukasz Maniewski comes an inspired remake of the last level of Turrican 1 - the Tower of Morgul! Including Tileset and the original music.

Get it at the T2002-Bonuslevels.

And thanks to Robert, it´s now ready to run with the T2002-Starter!
More Turrican Metal by Baran Yasar
Get 3 Tracks (Scrapyard, Tracks, Turrican Theme) at http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=230719 (requires free registration).

Feedback can be posted at http://revelation.forumup.com (Accounts are activated by hand, lasts a while).
Turrican Almanach
Domy is working on a multi-emulator-GUI with encyclopedic features for Windows. It´ll even have TFMX-backgroundmusic.

When finished, it should contain every Turrican version and fitting emulator, ready to run at the press of a button (excluding DOS, PC-Engine and M65 versions).

It will be about 10 MB in size.

Domy estimates, that it is 40% finished now, but he is also looking for reviews (in german so far, see screenshots) to every Turrican. So, if you are interested in writing one (ore more), mail to webmaster@nemmelheim.de, and I´ll forward to him.
New Hurrican Shots
And another Level gets betatested and finished at Hurrican, see some brand new screenshots oft the Tower Level at www.poke53280.de!
Turrican 1 Title - Metal Version
Finally get the full-lenght-Version of the Turrican 1 Title as a metal version played by Baran Yasar´s Band RevelatioN!

(see Clones -> Turrican FPS for more Info)

As usual at the Turrican Soundbase: Turrican3D - Turrican 1 Metal Theme

I still hope they release the other tracks as well (e.g. Scrapyard).
Duracell plays Turrican
Download a live-music-video of Andrew "Duracell" Dymond playing (or more drumming) Space Harrier and Turrican Level 1.2 live at http://andrediamant.free.fr/duracell.htm.
Machinae Supremacy Turrican 1 Metal-Medley
Download the new mp3 by Machinae Supremacy, which contains an awesome Turrican Metal-Medley at 10.23 at www.hubnester.com!

Thanks to pArker for the tip!
New T2002 Level by Bronko
Just uploaded Bronkos new T2002-Level, complete with new music by Ralph Weinert!

Get it at the T2002-Levelsection!
Turrican 3d & Turrican FPS
Matthew Brown is working on a Turrican 3d-Version, you can watch it progressing at turrican3d.com.

As he wants to produce a trailer for his game, he contacted Baran Yasar, who was working on Turrican FPS (see clones - and voila: theres a new heavy metal sample from Turrican FPS: www.freewebtown.com/icedturk/Turrican.mp3
And after recordings and gigs with his Bands, Baran wants to continue Turrican FPS.
Hurrican News
At The Poke´s Homepage, Eiswuxe announced that 2006 will definitly be the Hurrican-Year, and we won´t have to wait until end of the year.

The next level will be 'the Tower', so stay tuned there for screenshots and a new gameplay-video.
New T2002 Level by Bronko
Get Bronko´s new level for T2002, "Bronkos-Fabrik_Bronko" at the top of the additional T2002 levels.

Or in case you use Roberts´ T2002-Starter - just click it.
  Show entries: 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120 120-140 140-160 160-180 180-200 200-220 220-240 240-260 260-280 280-300 300-320

Only the finest Fansites - Linklist
Turrican Forever
Bronko´s Turrican Page
Manfred Trenz Fanpage
Member of Turrican.eu

