Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
Roberto  - 09.09.2024 - 10:40
@Aky - Das Buch sieht interessant aus. Danke für den Tipp
Roberto  - 09.09.2024 - 10:37
@Dex - Du hast nicht zufällig ein Youtube-Kanals names "Dex"?
Aky  - 06.09.2024 - 17:41
Guckst Du bei Interesse hier: https://www.bitmapbooks.com/products/run-n-gun-a-history-of-on-foot-shooters?srsltid=AfmBOoq7umqZLq5-sgOeWjc5S-qIHzpNWzuNjSDq5fYL5HVE-yhJOCLJ
Aky  - 06.09.2024 - 17:39
Heut mal ein Buchtipp, wers noch nicht kennt: Run n Gun - A History Of On-Foot Shooters feat. T1&2, MT, ST1&2, Rendering Ranger, Universal Soldier, Psycho Nics Oscar, Gunlord (auf 17 v. 500 Seiten bei 3kg) v. Bitmap Books.Seinen Preis wert!
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Turrican Music Disk by Andromeda
If you have WinUAE installed, you may want to have a look at the Turrican Music Disk by Andromeda, which I found at pouet.net.

It features a nice menu and all songs of Turrican 1 + 2 on one disk.

Update: and if you also have a C64-Emulator ready, have a look at 1.67 Years by The Obsessed Maniacs, there are some short and bloody appearances of Turrican, as well as good Turrican-style sid-music. Don´t miss the end!
The Wall mp3 Remake in the Soundbase
Just uploaded another nice remake by Dish to the Turrican Soundbase, The Wall. It even loops fine!
New GGT Demo
Martin Konrad released a new demo level of GGT (Turrican for Sega Gamegear!), get it at www.smspower.org/ggt. He recommends to play it with the Emulator Emukon.

It features a new level, stage 1.1 (the old demo was stage 1.2), new, more detailled grapics and, as usual, a quite hard gameplay.

If I keep in mind, that a Gamegear has only 8 kByte RAM and a Zilog Z80 (8-bit) processor running at 3.58 MHz, I am technically deeply impressed . And the gameplay feels just like Turrican.
New mp3s in the Soundbase
There are 3 new mp3s in the Turrican Soundbase:
T1 Title by dish - Remake of the Turrican 1 title
D353rt!! by dish - the desert rocks Remake
Virtua Orchestra by Sebuko - is thought as a prologue/intro Song for Turrican 4

Thanks a lot!
Time for merry christmas and a happy new year!

Back in Black!
The ultimate device for controlling Turrican ist back:
The Competition Pro Joystick!

It´s now available as Windows-compatible USB-Device for 15€, and features the same look as in 1985 (sadly only the black one...), 4 buttons, 2 axes and auto-fire.

I now ordered one, so expect a review soon ;)

The official Product site can be found at speed-link.com. Funny: the company behind speed-link.com, Jöllenbeck GmbH, produced the Quickjoy-Joysticks back then in the old Amiga-and-C64-times, the imho greatest rival to the Competition Pro ;)

Update for german readers: Ich habe heute Abend bei dem Shop, bei dem ich heute meinen Stick bestellt habe gefragt, ob wir einen Rabatt bekommen können - und jetzt (23.59 Uhr!) habe ich schon eine Antwort.

Jeder der seinen Competition Pro USB bei http://www.fairtronic.de (ArtNr.SL-6602) bestellt, und auf die Bestätigungsmail der Bestellung antwortet, das er von Turrican SETA kam, bekommt den Joystick für nur 12,99€ + Porto. Normalerweise 14,99€ + 4,76 EUR Porto bei Vorkasse. Also ran an die Sticks :)
Turrican Shirt
And the first one to send me a picture of himself wearing the remade Turrican-Shirt is:


Two thumbs up :)
Retro Magazin
The Retro-Magazin 12/04 features an Interview mit Manfred Trenz and includes questions (and answers) like if he has some unfinished Turricans in his drawers, or what he thinks about all the people still asking him about Turrican.

Nothing groundbreaking new, but fun to read.
Turrican Forever Fanpage moved
Roberts Turrican Forever Fanpage now successfully moved from emucamp.com to www.turricanforever.de.

Until now everything is redirected, but it might be a good idea to update your bookmarks.
Turrican Shirt Remake
Since the official Turrican Shirt isn´t for sale anymore, I remade the shirt´s motive. Sounds easy - but it was some hours of work, because the Turrican 1 Cover picture is nearly not to be found completly. So I´ve puzzled it together from 4 different covers and the poster.

Get it here or at the bonusfiles and print it on a shirt at your local copyshop, or e.g. at http://www.spreadshirt.de/.

And: the first one who mails me a picture of himself wearing the (new) shirt gets a picture in the news ;)
Ruff n Tumble T2002 Level
C.Werdehausen just mailed be a new Level for T2002. It features new enemies and a great tileset from Ruff´n´Tumble. Also included are four mp3s, two from Ruff, and two C64 tunes.

Get it, as usual, at the T2002-Levels and write plenty of comments.
New Hurrican Shots!
At poke53280.de, there are some new shots of Hurrican, even one of the new, dark, fleshy Alien-Level.

The water has been completly replaced, it´s now animated and has tiny waves. Also new is the ability to shoot diagonally and up.

And Eiswuxe was quite upset, that some fans said Hurrican would be dead - it is not, not a bit. He explained the lack of new pictures and news with not wanting to spoil every great new feature, and right now it´s beeing worked more then ever on Hurrican.
T2002 GBA
There are some new shots of T2002 for GBA at Pekaro´s Homepage.

Turrican 3d-Modelling Contest Winner
And the winner is: Sven Forstmann!

View the sample pictures or get the archive containing the 3d-files here. A nice Wallpaper is also included, and can also be found at the Bonusfiles.

Feel free to create pictures, animations and games with it, it´s absolute freeware!
Why there are no new official Turricans
While researching the case of trademarks around katakis/denaris, we noticed something that may be the cause why neither Factor 5, nor THQ release a new Turrican:

THQ owns the trademark "Turrican" in germany (where turrican is most known) and Factor 5 owns it for the USA and the rest of Europe. And releasing it only for one part of the world wouldn´t be profitable enough I guess.
This at least explains, why THQ once answered me the question about creating a new Turrican with "Surely this would be a possibility, but since as well economic as license-rightly interests have to be considered, it isn´t quite as easy as you maybe imagine."

Added to the facts.

You can read it yourself at https://dpinfo.dpma.de and http://www.uspto.gov/.
Windstille Forum
Ingo Ruhnke´s Turrican-inspired game Windstille now has an own forum where you can post suggestions and feedback.
Please welcome MySQL :)
The news are now powered by mysql (formerly a plain html include, shame on me ;)

You´ll only notice this by the new navigation at the bottom of the news-page, the new seperation for each newsitem and more news - because it´s easier for me to write them now.

As soon as there are more news in the database (I´m too lazy to convert all old ones) I´ll also include a search form.
New T2002 Levels
Tony Bates heavily expanded his technodungeon and Z-out-Levels for T2002 and also sent me two new ones (demontrain & Mr. Walkers Factory).

I left the old versions online, if someone prefers smaller levels.

Get it at the T2002-Levels as usual.
Amiga Plus
In Issue 11/2004, the german print-mag Amiga Plus, features a 4-site Turrican Article, including quite interesting interviews with Frank Matzke and Chris Hülsbeck. By the way: the article was written by Jan Zottmann, who is working at Synsoniq and brought us the great Immortal 2 CD (including 2 Hülsbeck Tracks).
(and they used screenshots from my site 1:1, without giving a link...well, at least it´s kind of an honor to be present in this mag ;)
Apocalypse 3000
Beside the cruel name, Apocalypse 3000 looks like Mega Turrican - for Handys, in Java!
Rumours say, it at least plays better then the official Turrican for Siemens Handys. I can´t spot the THQ-logo anywhere, but it´s developer, Ojom, already published Denaris at THQ.

I´ll try to test it soon.
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Only the finest Fansites - Linklist
Turrican Forever
Bronko´s Turrican Page
Manfred Trenz Fanpage
Member of Turrican.eu

