Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
Retro Pedro  - 07.02.2025 - 13:07
@ t.r. Schmidt: also die Aussage von Andreas Escher ,dass Manfred sich komplett aus der Spielebranche zurückgezogen hat, war mir so nicht bekannt.
Turrican4   - 05.02.2025 - 19:22
Hatte mal wieder Bock verschiedene T2002 Level zu zocken. Leider sind schwarze Quadrate um die Sprites auf meinem Win11 Rechner. Hat das jemand hinbekommen auf Win11?
Retro Pedro  - 05.02.2025 - 11:30
done. I voted for Turrican 1- 3
KorenLesthe  - 04.02.2025 - 22:18
Glad I added both anthologies to the GoG Dreamlist ^^, already got 67 & 74 votes
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13 Years of Turrican SETA
And again one year! :)
GunSlugs featuring Johnny Rumble
OrangePixels new Android/iPhone-Game GunSlugs features the Character Jonny Rumble, known from the Turrican clone of the same name (available here for free) :)

More details at orangepixel.net/gunslugs/.

And sorry for the lack of updates and thanks for the emails, still no free time to publish all the stuff.
Merry Christmas
Another year, another try, once again I wish you merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Gunlord released
Gunlord for Dreamcast was released at Thursday, 21 June 2012 and is now ready for shipping!

Go order at ngdevdirect.com!

And again, the trailer, just to remind you of the awesomness:

Man in the fighting Suit added to Turrican Soundbase
I just added "Man in the fighting Suit" to the Turrican Soundbase, go listen!

AROS Port of Hurrican
There is a AROS Port of Hurrican in development:

Lands of Genesis available for free!
Amiga AGA-Amiga Game (or playable with WinUAE) "Lands of Genesis", which is quite similar to Turrican 2, is now available for free at amigafuture.de as 464MB-ISO! You need to be registered to see the download-Button.

Game Info:

Thanks to Gzegzolka for the tip!
Not enough Turrican-esque to be a clone, but at least the sounds of the cute indie title RobotRiot may seem a bit ...familiar ;).

More info and free demo at http://retromite.com/, buyable for only $2.99.

Webserver changes
Thursday the webserver got moved and the Turrican SETA had some errors with the newer PHP-version and changed database-credentials. Sorry for that.

Everything should work again now, if I missed something, please leve me a mail at webmaster@nemmelheim.de.
Only 53 hours left for Turrican Soundtrack!
Only 53 hours left to join the Turrican Soundtrack Anthology Kickstarter Project and get the Limited 3-CD-Box for $50!

All pledgers can still vote their favourite top-3-Turrican titles in the comments at Kickstarter.

At the end there will be an online party:
"Finally: Our online party on justin.tv is planned to start on Sunday around 2pm California time (23:00 German time) and you can tune in and use the chat option to participate... we're looking forward to the celebration!".

More at kickstarter.com.

PS: Also have a look at Slayers promising new Shmup "Redux: Dark Matters", at kickstarter.com! :)
Browser Turrican Awesomeness
Robert, webmaster of turricanforever and teacher of Mädcheninformatik at a university, startet to implement a Turrican-Game playable in html5-Browsers.

"Hyper Turrican Mega Leet 5 (abbr. HTML5) is a little experiment of mine to run T2002 levels in the browser. It's programmed in haXe using a game engine I originally implemented for teaching university courses in media computer-science (in German Mädcheninformatik, I think there is no real English translation for that). I also cheat a little by looking at some C++ code of an earlier effort to reimplement T2002 which I never finished. It runs in HTML5, Flash and natively in just about anything but right now I'm mainly interested in checking out if pure browser tech can handle the game. Currently have no idea how far and how fast (or slow) this will go. I'll use this thread as a change log. The current version is always available at http://player.robdangero.us.

Playtest here: http://player.robdangero.us
Comment and motivate there: Forum
(and also sneek a peek at http://robdangero.us, turn on sound! )
The Lost Super-Turrican Level
As stated on factor5.com, to fit on the cartridge several features and a whole level were cut from the final game.

Quote from http://www.factor5.de/secrets_super_turrican.shtml:
"On a final note about Super Turrican, if you look at the Enemy Gallery in the game manual that can be brought up by pushing the home button on the Wii-Remote, there are several nasty critters in there that you won't find in this official retail version of Super Turrican due to memory constraints. We were told to deliver the game in 4 Mbit (512 KByte), the smallest size cartridge available at the time, after finishing it as a 6 MBit title. Not only did we have to cut bits of art in several places, but also a full stage and a feature of the new Beam weapon: Not only could it freeze enemies, but also melt frozen ones, something that the player had to discover in the Ice World and that led into a stage set on a Robot Transport hurtling through the clouds. But it wouldn't fit - and thus, somewhere, on a forgotten floppy disk, there still might exist the original Super Turrican - Director's Cut."

Thanks to Robert for the tip and see original discussion/request here:

Also, added to game facts:
Super Turrican
Bitjam Turrican Podcast is out!
"Episode #151 - Turrican Special The classic "Turrican" games brought nonstop action to all gaming systems of the 80's and 90's (including the C64, Amiga, Atari ST and PC, as well as the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo). The beautiful synthesizer soundtracks for the series were created by Chris Huelsbeck, arguably one of today's most popular game music composers in the world. His music certainly played a major role in shaping "Turrican" into a digital legend over the years. Chris has recently announced plans to bring the cosmic warrior back from retirement, with the production of a "Soundtrack Anthology" - an epic limited edition box set of no less than four CDs, which will feature almost every melody from the saga in newly arranged and recorded versions! More information on this box set, which will only be available until June 3rd, 2012, can be found at www.turricansoundtrack.com.

Almost two decades after the last "Turrican" title was released, BitJam pays tribute to these games and their wonderful music with a dedicated podcast episode. Featured tracks include remixes by Chris himself, as well as a selection of fan arrangements, handpicked by Huelsbeck and the co-producers of his "Turrican Soundtrack Anthology". Mixing by Vincenzo, logo #151 by H2O, compiled by Chris Huelsbeck, Jan Zottmann & Thomas Böcker. Thank you to Bobic for his help!

01. Chris Huelsbeck - Turrican Anthology Teaser Demo
02. Chris Huelsbeck - Mega Turrican 'Second Floor' - Level 1
03. Mastertronic - Turrican 1 Amiga Intro Remake
04. Dreamtime - Turrican 2 Main Title (Dosk Mix)
05. Peter W - Turrican II (Concerto For Laser And Enemies Enhanced Mix)
06. Rafael Dyll - Turrican 2 - The Final Challenge
07. Fabian Del Priore and Jan Zottmann - Super Turrican 2 "Submerged' - Level 3
08. Mordi - The Great Bath (of the Seven Seas)
09. duesenberg - Turrican 3 (reloaded)
10. Fabian Del Priore and Jan Zottmann (featuring Henning Nugel) - Super Turrican 'Steam and Pressure' - Level 2
11. Char7ie - Turrican 2 - The Explorer
12. Scaredsim, Wild_Cat - Mega Turrican 'Turrimann' OC ReMix
13. Mastertronic - Super Turrican II Wormland Remix
14. Chris Huelsbeck - Turrican 3 'Freedom' - Credits
Total playtime: 50:30min."

In german:

"In den 1980er und 1990er Jahren brachten die Spiele der Turrican-Reihe pausenlose Action auf alle möglichen Computer- und Videospielsysteme (einschließlich dem C64, Amiga, Atari ST und PC, sowie dem Sega Mega Drive, Super Nintendo und Game Boy). Die herrlichen Synthesizer-Soundtracks dieser Spiele wurden von Chris Hülsbeck komponiert, einem der beliebtesten Spielemusikkomponisten der Welt. Seine Musik hat einen wichtigen Teil dazu beigetragen, damit Turrican über all die Jahre hinweg zu einer digitalen Legende wurde. Erst kürzlich hat Chris angekündigt, den kosmischen Krieger aus dem Winterschlaf zurückholen zu wollen - in Form der "Turrican Soundtrack Anthology", einer umfassenden, limitierten CD-Box mit nicht weniger als vier Silberscheiben! So gut wie jede Melodie aus der Turrican-Saga wird darauf in neu arrangierten, überarbeiteten Versionen zu hören sein. Weitere Informationen zu diesem Box-Set, welches nur noch bis zum 03. Juni 2012 vorbestellbar ist, sind unter www.turricansoundtrack.com zu finden.

Knapp zwei Jahrzehnte, nachdem der letzte Turrican-Titel veröffentlicht wurde, erinnert man sich beim Demoszene-Portal BitFellas an diese Spiele und ihre Musik in Form eines Podcasts. Der BitJam Podcast #151: Turrican Special wurde von Chris Hülsbeck selbst in Zusammenarbeit mit Jan Zottmann (Produzent von Immortal 4) und Thomas Böcker (Initiator der Symphonic-Konzerte) zusammengestellt. Er beinhaltet die beliebtesten Turrican-Remixe der drei Musikspezialisten, darunter auch eine wunderschöne Neuauflage des bekannten "The Great Bath"-Themas aus Turrican 2 im Piraten-Stil, sowie hervorragende Synthie-Covers von Mastertronic und viele andere hochinteressante Klangvarianten. Von Chris Hülsbeck selbst stammt nicht nur der Turrican Anthology Teaser, sondern auch die Musik aus dem Level 1-2 aus Mega Turrican, sowie der Turrican 3 "Freedom" Song vom seinem ersten Turrican-Album. Außerdem richtet der Soundmagier zu Beginn ein paar Worte an die BitJam-Hörer und seine Fans. Jan Zottmann und Fabian del Priore (u.a. Giana Sisters DS, Cultures 2) zeichen sich hingegen für zwei bislang unveröffentlichte Lieder verantwortlich, die in diesem Podcast zum ersten Mal der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert werden.

Der BitJam Podcast #151: Turrican Special ist kostenlos im MP3-Format erhältlich. Ein CUE-Sheet zum Erstellen der passenden Audio-CD existiert ebenfalls."

Link: http://www.bitfellas.org/page.php?100
Turrican Lego Animation
At brickshelf.com someone called "Hoppe" created a Turrican-Sprite animation (!) out of Legos.
Turrican Soundtrack Anthology by Chris Huelsbeck - huge success
1,561 Backers pledged $124,729 of the $75,000 goal and still 21 days to go!

Until 3. of June you can join in and spend $25 for the album as MP3-Download or $50 for a CD-Box. Various other specials (including concert tickets and vinyl-records) at kickstarter.com.
Chris Hülsbecks Turrican Podcast on BitJam
Quote from http://www.bitfellas.org/:
"Am kommenden Sonntag, den 13.05.2012, verwandeln die Jungs von BitFellas.org den Muttertag zum Turrican-Tag. Dann wird der BitJam-Podcast #151 veröffentlicht, der sich voll und ganz der Musik aus der Welt der Turrican-Spiele widmet.

Chris Hülsbeck selbst hat diesen gemeinsam mit Jan Zottmann (Produzent der Turrican Soundtrack Anthology und Immortal 4 CDs) und Thomas Böcker (Initiator der "Symphonic"-Konzerte) zusammengestellt. Die Playlist umfasst dabei nicht nur Remixe der Musik aus den Spielen der Turrican-Reihe von Chris Hülsbeck selbst, sondern auch zwei bislang unveröfffentlichte Titel, die von Jan Zottmann und Fabian del Priore komponiert wurden. Weiterhin haben Chris, Jan und Thomas ihre persönlichen Highlights aus der Remix-Szene ausgewählt, die von BitFellas-Soundspezialist und Demoszene-Musiker Vincenzo zusammengemischt wurden. Chris selbst meldet sich im Mix mit einer persönlichen Grußbotschaft an seine Fans zu Wort.

Der BitJam Podcast #151: Turrican Special wird im Laufe des kommenden Sonntags zum kostenlosen Download im MP3-Format erhältlich sein."

Short in english:
Podcast about Turrican Music and remixes compiled by Chris Hülsbeck, Jan Zottmann (producer of the Turrican Soundtrack Anthology and Immortal CDs) and Thomas Böcker (Initiator of the "Symphonic"-Conzerts). Including two unreleased tracks composed by Jan Zottmann and Fabian del Priore, available for free today at http://www.bitfellas.org/!
Turrican Soundtrack Anthology by Chris Huelsbeck
Chris Huelsbeck wants to produce a new Turrican-Soundtrack-Album and startet a fundraiser on kickstarter.com!

"Almost 20 years have passed since the last game in the series was released, but Chris has big plans to bring »Turrican« back from retirement –at least musically– with the production of the »Turrican Soundtrack Anthology«: The idea behind this is an epic limited edition box set of at least three CDs, which will feature almost every melody from the saga in newly arranged and recorded versions (including titles like »Concerto for Laser and Enemies«, »Metal Stars«, »Hall of Heroes«, as well as full length versions of all main titles and end-credits!). While this box set is bound to please every synthesizer music fan out there, new bonus recordings with the WDR Radio Orchestra are also lined up for the project, to be realised in the context of a new symphonic game music concert in November and supervised by the producers of the acclaimed »Symphonic Shades – Huelsbeck in Concert« event and album.

In order to realize these ambitious plans, a budget of at least 75,000 US-Dollars (about 58,000 Euro) has to be secured. To achieve this, Chris Huelsbeck is now asking his fans to support him in a Kickstarter campaign to make the »Turrican Soundtrack Anthology« become a reality. »My first Turrican album has sold roughly 10.000 units over the years«, Huelsbeck says. »I know that the games still have a following, too. This project is a personal dream of mine and I hope that together with all the fans, we can make this happen!«"

So, if you want this to happen, spend some money at kickstarter.com!

878 people already payed $56,755 of the needed $75,000 goal!

More Information at:


Official beta for Hurrican on MacOS/X
"After releasing the Hurrican Source-Code some weeks ago, several people started porting the game to different platforms. Jens Restemeier works on porting Hurrican to MacOS/X. The port is currently in beta status."
More Info
Gunlord still looking awesome!
Well, watch the second trailer and order it!

More infos and new screenshots at gunlord.com!

New release dates (according to video):
NEO·GEO™ MVS 26th March 2012
Dreamcast™ 14th June 2012

Thanks to Bernd for the tip!
Hurrican Source Code released!
Eiswuxe, the programmer of the successful Turrican clone Hurrican (->see Turrican Clones section), has released the sourcecode!

So, get it at http://www.eiswuxe.de/hurrican-source-code-released/ as long as it´s there and make us a nice Xbox-360-Version of it :)!

Thanks to Robert for the tip, and thanks to Eiswuxe for releasing it!
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Only the finest Fansites - Linklist
Turrican Forever
Bronko´s Turrican Page
Manfred Trenz Fanpage
Member of Turrican.eu

