Turrican News, Facts and Rumours ???

Welcome to Turrican SETA! Here you can find the latest news, rumours, downloads and collected facts about Turrican. If you think you know anything that should be mentioned here, please contact me.
Bernd   - 28.11.2024 - 17:16
But only in our memory.
dex  - 28.11.2024 - 16:03
Turrican is eternal
Bernd   - 28.11.2024 - 11:00
Turrican is dead, Strictly Limited buried it!
Roberto  - 27.11.2024 - 09:48
Worms is great, but I want a new Turrican. Why does F5 let th IP die?
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Amiga Remix Update
New tracks released @ amigaremix.com!

This time including a nice cover auf Turrican II (The Final Fight) by Lolo from GP.


The Future of Turrican - 30 years of Turrican
In the german podcast "Spieleveteranen", Chris Hülsbeck, Holger Schmidt, Julian Eggebrecht and Thomas Engel announced, that now that Turrican is having his 30. anniversary, this year at the digital version of the Gamescom, they´ll most probably reveal something related to the future of Turrican!

They won´t tell more at the moment, but Chris stated that it will be something beautiful.

Thanks to Bernd and The Nate for the tips!

Link: http://www.spieleveteranen.de/archives/2836

Jump to 1:38 for the announcement.
Ultracore Release for PS4 and Switch
Ultracore is coming for PS4 and Switch, official release date 23.06.2020!
Turrican Bartop Arcade
pArker has build an impressive good looking Turrican Bartop Arcade, have a look at https://www.datistics.de/tag/bartop/ for a complete tutorial (german only, sorry).

What a wonderful design!
Lukasz T2002-Levelpack updates
And a little older (20.03.2020) but didn´t post as news yet: Lukasz updated most of his T2002-Levelpacks! Best use T-Starter to update all your levelpacks!

  • Small graphical changes sprites and tiles in T2002 moja wersja
  • Beast vs universal soldier more colours
  • Big redesign in Turricane 3.5
  • Big changes in classical Morgul Returns

Amiga Remix Update
New tracks released @ amigaremix.com!

This time including a nice cover auf Turrican3 / Scrapyard by Dr. Future!


Bonus: Check out this cool piano cover of The Great Bath by LightSide:
And finally a real Turrican-like-game: X-Zero, for the Pico-8 virtual console! It´s free, playable in your browser/PC/Raspberry! Lowres pixel-art and a catchy chiptune.

X-Zero: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=70362#p

More info on Pico-8: https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php (also check out Voxatron, also from lexaloffle!)
Daiichi Dash
Somehow Turrican on LSD: Quite unusual twinstick-shooter with handdrawn levels, from germany, available on Steam.

More info: http://daiichidash.com/
Broken Core
Already from 2017 but new to me: The author claims it´s like Turrican or Megaman. With Tits (no, really ;).

"Broken core is a PC Windows indie videogame developed by Oscar Celestini. It's a new game with retrogame taste. Do you loved Turrican or Megaman? Add tits and that's it! Playing the Story mode you'll see lots of illustrations between stages. "

Free demo: here

More info: https://oscarcelestini.itch.io/broken-core
Check out Cryogear, a retro themed Metroidvania with some rough similarities to Turrican. Available for Xbox One, Steam and Nintendo Switch.

More info: https://www.polarityflow.com/cryogear/.
One Man & His Machine (Manfred Trenz Documentary Profile)
Nice overview of Manfred Trenz career.

For those who want to know even more, don´t forget to visit the fabulous Manfred Trenz Fanpage. ;)

thx @ Retro Etro
Some years ago Zarlex started a T2002-based Turrican-Prequel named "Tallon", featuring the Hero Devolon, mentioned in the Turrican 1 backstory.

Sadly, he hasn´t time to finish it anymore, therefore he packed the project together and added a 12-page manual for everyone who wants to finish it.

Get it here!

Edit 30.03.2020: re-uploaded with a corrected readme
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you all!

And if you need a last minute present, have a look at Chris Huelsbecks VIP-Bundle. Quite like Humble Bundle but with a lot of Huelsbeck-Albums!


Amiga Remix Update
New tracks released @ amigaremix.com, including two Turrican Remixes:

Turrican II - The Greath Bath (Christmas Edit) by CZ Tunes
Turrican 2 - The Great Bath - Orchestral by Greg Eaton

Turrican II Tattoo
Marian Rudzynski, Code Sorcerer by profession, has got the most awesome tattoo possible!

large version

Link to his tattoo-artist:
FastLoaders - Amiga Rocks Kickstarter
The Fastloaders "Amiga Rocks" Kickstarter was a success, in case you missed the campaign you can now preorder the triple-cd for £29.99.

Includes quite a few Turrican/Huelsbeck-related tracks.

Also check out a video of fastloaders live with Chris Huelsbeck at Back in Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4085&v=AO5usfpdWak&feature=emb_logo!

And some free tracks at the almighty Amiga Remix:

Links: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fastloaders/fastloaders-amiga-rocks

Thanks to Bernd for the tip!
Retrogamer Magazine with Turrican Soundtrack CD
Issue 200 of the english magazine "Retrogamer" included a full "Turrican Ultimate Collection"-Soundtrack (and a nice non-Turrican-pixelart-poster), as well as a full page interview with Chris about all included songs.

It´s a collection of several Chris Huelbecks Kickstarter Soundtracks, track list is:
  • The Final Fight
  • Outpost
  • Metal Stars
  • Tower of Morgul
  • Concerto for Laser and Enemies
  • Exploring Secret Dungeons
  • Scrap Yard I
  • Credits (Turrican 3)
  • Victory
  • The Elevator
  • Check the Gripper
  • Payment Day (Turrican 3)
  • Shoot or Die
  • The Great Bath

https://www.myfavouritemagazines.co.uk/retro-gamer-print-back-issues/ (edit: definitly sold out, I asked myfavouritemagazines.co.uk: "I am sorry we no longer have this issue in stock and none in our office to send you the only thing I can think of trying will be ebay.")

Thanks to pArker for the tip!
Digital Illusions HARDCORE release after 25 years!
25 years ago, DICE/Digital Illusions developed a Turrican-esque game Sega Megadrive named "Hardcore", which was sadly never released and considered lost forever.

Now, seemingly out of nowhere, it has been finished by "Strictly Limited Games" and will be available for Playstation 4 and Vita!

Get ready for our upcoming adventures in the field of game-archaeology!

Our first quest leads us to a long lost treasure of Swedish gaming history: During the early 1990s, the Swedish video game developer Digital Illusions (also known as DICE) started working on their new game. Developed for Commodore Amiga, Sega Mega Drive / Genesis and Sega Mega-CD, the game was about 99% finished. It already got early previews in many gaming magazines, promoting their “excitement at the fun and guns of Hardcore” (Sega Power, 1994) .

The expectations were high and all the signs were pointing to another hit. But then, out of a sudden, Hardcore was put on hold due to a shift towards the new generation of gaming consoles, most notably the powerful Sony PlayStation with its incedible 3D graphics.

This was a shock for everyone involved, especially for the developers who were commited to their project and working very hard. For the following two decades, the game was considered to be lost forever.

But in 2019, an important piece of video game history will be brought back to the gamers!

More Info here:

Thanks to ScHlAuChi and Arne Döring for the Tip! Also congratulations to ScHlAuChi!
Gunlord X coming to Nintendo Switch
At Factor 5´s Gamescom 2018 booth, NG:DEV.team has shown an early demo of a Gunlord-port for the Nintendo Switch, named "Gunlord X".


Thanks to Bernd & Elsweyr for the tip!
Retro Klub - Turrican
Nice, extensive Turrican History overview by "Retro Klub".

Thanks to Carlo for the tip!
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Only the finest Fansites - Linklist
Turrican Forever
Bronko´s Turrican Page
Manfred Trenz Fanpage
Member of Turrican.eu

