T2002 Support Board
This board was exclusive about Pekaros T2002 and only remains as an archive.

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Print view Forum mainpageWrite an answerUnsure how to install editor update.

I just wanted to clairify step by step how to install the update.

I download the update, which is in a zip file. I extract it to get the folder. It has another zip file called "LevelEditor," as well as a setup wizard file that's all in German (which I can't read; sorry). Unpacking the LevelEditor zip reveals a bunch of files, including another setup file.

So do I run the first setup program, extract the LevelEditor zip in my T2002 directory, then run the second setup program?

Any response would be apprieciated. T2002 is a very high-quality game and I'm enjoying it.

Thank you,

Aaron J. M.

Name:Aaron J. M.
Date:19.07.2005 03:26

Print view Forum mainpageWrite an answer( New entries - max 3 days)
Unsure how to install editor update. by Aaron J. M. (19.07.2005)
 Re: Unsure how to install editor update. by Karsten (21.07.2005)
  Re: Unsure how to install editor update. by Aaron J. M. (21.07.2005)