T2002 Support Board
This board was exclusive about Pekaros T2002 and only remains as an archive.

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Print view Parent entryForum mainpageWrite an answerRe: Problem

This is chipset problem. Best choice is to abandon this MotherBoard and get any one with Award BIOS and Intel chipset, because:

Award BIOS can handle even 360KB/1.2MB floppies (ideal backward compatibility)

Intel chipset doesn't hhang computer as other chipsets.

I have computer as above, (after two former boards) and at once it works great.

Date:01.04.2005 17:46

Print view Parent entryForum mainpageWrite an answer( New entries - max 3 days)
Problem by Bitshaker (24.02.2003)
 Alles schwarz..... by Dennie (12.05.2004)
  Re: Alles schwarz..... by Dennie (12.05.2004)
 Re: Problem by Eskorte (24.02.2003)
  Re: Problem by Kingpin (24.02.2003)
   Re: Problem by TurricaN (01.04.2005)