T2002 Support Board
This board was exclusive about Pekaros T2002 and only remains as an archive.

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Print view Parent entryForum mainpageWrite an answerRe: t2002 - general praise, comments

thats good to hear - i really love what they have done - can you believe i just did a google search on Turrican the other day just to see what was out there and i never had any idea these clones were going on and had only just been released - great timing

phenomenal work from pekaro anyway - i couldnt see an e-mail link on their site but i wanna congratulate them on their efforts and i look forward to seeing what else they come up with.

Date:06.02.2003 23:46

Print view Parent entryForum mainpageWrite an answer( New entries - max 3 days)
t2002 - general praise, comments by blueski (06.02.2003)
 Re: t2002 - general praise, comments by t.r.schmidt (06.02.2003)
  Re: t2002 - general praise, comments by blueski (06.02.2003)
   Re: t2002 - general praise, comments by Dark (01.11.2005)
   Re: t2002 - general praise, comments by "SunSpire" (09.02.2003)