T2002 Support Board
This board was exclusive about Pekaros T2002 and only remains as an archive.

For posting new questions, please visit the Unitited Turrican Forum!

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Print view Parent entryForum mainpageWrite an answerRe: Just Wanne Say Thank You Pekaro T2002

Hee Its Getting Weird I am Not Making A Turrican Remake I Wast Just Saying How Good T2002 Was Because The Levels Look Different From The Real Turrican 2 So I Told It Looks Like Twilight Zone Turrican I am Just A Fan Maybee I Would Programm A Turrican Remake In The Future But Hee Dont Think Further End

Name:Turrican 2 Fan
Date:12.05.2004 14:34

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Just Wanne Say Thank You Pekaro T2002 by Turrican 2 Fan (12.05.2004)
 Re: Just Wanne Say Thank You Pekaro T2002 by Turrican 2 Fan (12.05.2004)
 Re: Just Wanne Say Thank You Pekaro T2002 by Turrican 2 Fan (12.05.2004)
 Re: Just Wanne Say Thank You Pekaro T2002 by Karsten (12.05.2004)