T2002 Support Board
This board was exclusive about Pekaros T2002 and only remains as an archive.

For posting new questions, please visit the Unitited Turrican Forum!

The board is hosted at the Turrican SETA Turrican-Fanpage, donīt forget to visit ;)

Print view Forum mainpageWrite an answerONE last question: .rar-files

OK, I have finally managed to download turrican 2 from home of the underdogs, but it's a rar-file. : Which programme can be used to open rar-files?
I hope this will be the last challenge for me to play the superb game, and after this, I hope that I won't have to bother with anymore stupid questions.

Thank you all for taking the time

Date:14.05.2004 15:44

Print view Forum mainpageWrite an answer( New entries - max 3 days)
ONE last question: .rar-files by Thor (14.05.2004)
 Re: ONE last question: .rar-files by Zork (14.05.2004)
  Re: ONE last question: .rar-files by Zork (14.05.2004)
   Re: ONE last question: .rar-files by TurricaN (01.04.2005)