T2002 Support Board
This board was exclusive about Pekaros T2002 and only remains as an archive.

For posting new questions, please visit the Unitited Turrican Forum!

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Print view Parent entryForum mainpageWrite an answerDate of level editor release

When you will release level editor for T2002? You are announcing GBA version of T2002, but what with level editor?

Date:05.07.2003 01:38

Print view Parent entryForum mainpageWrite an answer( New entries - max 3 days)
T2002 by dernorbi (04.07.2003)
 Re: T2002 by McMonac (12.07.2003)
 Date of level editor release by TurricaN (05.07.2003)
  Re: Date of level editor release by Karsten (05.07.2003)